03 June 2024

Update no.1168

 Update from the Sunland


27.5.24 – 2.6.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


The follow-up news items:

-- On Thursday, 30.May.2024, [the person who shall no longer be named] was found guilty by a 12-person jury of his peers on all 34 felony counts in the People of New York v. Trump [NYSC, Cty of NY Indictment No. 71543/2023] [1107]. No one, not even a former president, is above the law!

We can now add a new moniker to his long list—convicted felon.

It took the jury less than 10 hours of deliberations to reach their verdict, a surprisingly short time. The jury was unanimous on all 34 counts. 

The Defense will surely appeal the conviction and his sentencing when it comes on 11.July.2024. As Little Fingers has done nearly every day during this trial, he came out and spewed his drivel on the Press. We listened despite our revulsion. He claimed the real verdict will come in November. I suppose so. Let us all give it to him.

While justice has been done, I feel quite saddened that [the person who shall no longer be named] has brought this once grand republic to such a low point in our history. The Founders/Framers never considered we would ever face such a situation, thus there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that precludes him becoming president again. Nonetheless, he will be listed in history and in infamy as a twice impeached, convicted felon, who might still become president again. We must vote and send him a very clear, definitive message in November. 

I must confess I felt the most likely outcome was a hung trial. It would have taken just one juror to stand on his MAGA beliefs to hang the jury. All 12—unanimous—jurors affirmed their decision on each and every count.

Of course, [the person who shall no longer be named] would not be Little Fingers conman extraordinaire without a rant to go along with his conviction. The next day, he held a ‘press conference,’ which had nothing to do with the press other than to convey his bluster and blow. Most of his hogwash was outright lies as is usually the case, but he did say something truthful. Remaining consistent to his character, Little Fingers spewed a stream of false claims and accusations on anyone and everyone other than himself. In all his erroneous twaddle, Tiny did speak one kernel of truth. He said, “Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) and hush money payments are not illegal.” In that statement, [the person who shall no longer be named] is spot on correct. Only one problem for him is, the trial was not about hush money payments. It was completely about his falsification of business records to cover-up those payments as ‘legal fees.’ Even at that, the charges would have been misdemeanors if he had not done them for the purpose of committing election fraud. The prosecution presented hard evidence that convinced the jury unanimously that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One of his other contentions was the judge’s dismissal of their pre-trial motion for a venue change. I imagine if it had been successful, he would have chosen to be tried in South Dakota where he felt sure they could find at least one MAGA snake-oil consumer to hang the jury. Fortunately, Judge Merchan did the correct thing.

So now, we await the sentencing on 11.July.2024.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1167:

“Good day Cap-we soldier on and hope for a government that will please us all. As you know we’re on the brink of our ‘general election’. Both parties are acceptable, aren’t we fortunate that we do not have a ‘he who cannot be mentioned.’ Democracy, that’s the word I’m searching for, does it mean ‘government of the people by the people’? Sometimes I wonder.”

My reply:

Soldier on, indeed! I don’t think any of us will ever have the government we want; nature of the beast. Democracy is compromise. We strive for balance; everyone is equally disappointed.

You and your brethren are most fortunate. I cannot make the same claim for this country. Indeed, Little Fingers and his malignant narcissism have so corrupted and contaminated our practice of governance that recovery will likely take generations. Yet, the Constitution remains our bedrock . . . so far. If Tiny happens to finagle the system as he did in 2016, God only knows what additional damage he will do or try to do. I am a firm believer in President Lincoln’s famous words, “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” We are still striving to achieve that objective and overcome the destruction of that conman who was our former president.

I believe most thinking citizens wonder, like you, whether, like Benjamin Franklin cautioned . . . “A republic, if you can keep it.” I remain committed to keep our republic and resist those forces that seek autocracy, or worse, a dictatorship.


Comment to the Blog:

“(I searched for ways to avoid saying “Happy” Memorial Day, which seems inappropriate. No luck there.)

“Soon we’ll see what Little Fingers’ jury has to say.

“Spain, Norway, and Ireland join much of the world outside Europe in recognizing that Palestine deserves to be a nation. Israel has killed at least 15,000 Palestinian children in just this event.

“So in ballot access issues, we have a twist here in Ohio. The Democratic Party nominee must be submitted for the general election ballot by August 7, but the Democrat National Convention, which will nominate Biden (probably), doesn’t occur until later in August. The Republican-dominated legislature likes that, but the not-MAGA Republican Governor has called a special session beginning tomorrow to try to help the hapless Democrats. 

“Also, here’s a link on one source of firearms recovered from crime scenes: https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/philadelphia-pennsylvania-police-selling-guns-atf/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.”

My response to the Blog:

Quite so! Memorial Day is not a ‘happy.’ I use the modifier “respectful.” We are remembering those who lost their lives in the defense of liberty for all of us. The loss of loved ones is hardly a happy day.

Yes, indeed, we inch closer to a verdict. Closing arguments today. The judge’s instructions to the jury might occur today, but more likely tomorrow or the day after. Then, the case goes to the jury for their deliberations. I suspect we will not get a verdict until next week.

I have no problem recognizing Palestine as a state like any other. Where I diverge from recognition now is, recognize what? Do the Gaza Palestinians have a government? Do they have a structure of a proper state? I want the Palestinians to enjoy full statehood, but I do not want to legitimize a terrorist organization bent upon the destruction of a neighboring state and true genocide. The tracks do not meet.

I guess we must give the fBICP credit for voter suppression and corrupting the election system in Ohio. Yeah, I heard Governor DeWine’s impassioned plea for fairness. Hopefully, he will be successful. What the fBICP is doing in Ohio is wrong by any measure.

Interesting article. I did not know that, but I am not surprised. I guess the question is, what are law enforcement organizations to do with replaced weapons? Selling a firearm is quite akin to selling a used patrol car.

 . . . Round two:

“I will give Governor DeWine credit where credit is due for trying to get Biden on the ballot. It's worth noting that the Republicans are trying to add some details about voting to the bill. The responsibility for the screwup goes to people working for the Democratic Party who have the responsibility for following election rules and assuring ballot access. Loveable losers are still losers.

“Business policies call for sales of used equipment. Should that apply to police weapons that will be used to commit crimes?”

 . . . my response to round two:

Just an irrelevant note: I would have worded your first sentence differently, i.e., “give Governor DeWine credit where credit is due for trying to stop a blatant example of Jim Crow v.2.0 voter suppression in Ohio.” Indeed, lovable losers are still losers. I am truly disappointed that Ohio Democrats have not been making more noise about what the fBICP is doing and trying to do. At least, Governor DeWine is speaking publicly, clearly, and succinctly calling out his party colleagues in Ohio.

Is there a difference between a ‘police weapon’ and a non-police weapon?

Working on research for my next book. Always fun.

 . . . Round three:

“I wouldn't word my sentence differently. This is a repeating situation that the Democrats are capable of handling; they just didn't do so in this instance until now. The DNC has announced they will make Biden the official nominee without the usual bother. They have previously asserted in cases over the Sanders candidacy that they can simply choose the nominee, and they will use that ‘right.’ The Republicans would have legitimized the DNC mistake but with strings attached about citizen initiatives, which have been costing them in policy issues.

“The difference between a police weapon and a non-police weapon is responsibility. Miners and others don't dispose of dangerous ordnance by selling it to the public. Perhaps the police should follow that example.”

 . . . my response to round three:

So be it. Is there any clue why the Ohio Democrats did not respond more aggressively to the passage of Jim Crow v.2.0? I doubt such preemptive action is a ‘right.’ I am not an expert in DNC charter and rules. If so, this instance would not be the first occurrence. I am reminded of the 1944 action of the DNC replacement of Wallace with Truman as the VP candidate.

Destruction of surplus material is always an option. I do believe city councils and state legislatures must provide enabling legislation.

 . . . Round four:

“The Ohio Democratic Party is at the mercy of a Republican Party ‘super majority’ and a Republican Governor. Gerrymandering continues. The election law currently in question has not been passed as of this morning.

“I'm not sure what level of government would mandate safe disposal of dangerous equipment, but that would chip away at the massive over-supply of firearms on our streets.”

 . . . my response to round four:

As it is in more than a few states. Aside from challenging obviously illegal and unconstitutional voter suppression actions in court, they must connect with people in each state and inspire them to vote.

Perhaps so. I have no objection to destruction of surplus law enforcement weapons. The practice of selling them has an element of absurdity.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)

1 comment:

Calvin R said...

Good Monday, Cap,

I just posted to Facebook Robert Reich’s debunking of all the MAGAt objections to Little Fingers’ conviction. You probably already know all of that, but others might not. Again, justice delayed is justice denied.

Someone mentioned the meaning of “democracy”:

: government by the people
especially: rule of the majority (per Merriam Webster)

We’re not doing that right now. What we have is properly called an oligarchy.

Enjoy your day,
