17 June 2024

Update no.1170

 Update from the Sunland


10.6.24 – 16.6.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


The follow-up news items:

-- [The person who shall no longer be named] had a mandatory video conference with his probation officer on Monday after he was convicted by a jury of his peers in New York City [1168]. The process will provide a sentencing recommendation to Judge Merchan before the convicted felon is sentenced on the 18th of July. His processing as a convicted felon and his mouthing off against the system continue. We will know in a month how all this turns out.

-- Hunter Biden was convicted on all three felonious counts for making false statements on his firearm application [1169]. His sentencing is not yet scheduled. In Delaware, the pre-sentencing activities in Delaware take three to four months.

-- Alex Jones has been directed by court order to begin liquidating his assets to pay the US$1.5B judgment against him. Of course, he was whining about the “unfairness” of the whole process. My message to Alex is simple: you should not have told all those lies about the Sandy Hook families; you brought this on yourself; shut the f**k up and take your punishment.


The hits keep coming from this rendition of the Supremes. The latest decision is Garland v. Cargill [602 U. S. ____ (2024); No. 22–976] that affirmed a 5th Circuit ruling that 45POTUS era ban on bump stocks for semi-automatic rifles, specifically AR-15 class weapons, was not consistent with the 2nd Amendment. Justice Thomas wrote the majority opinion and the decision of the Court. Generally, I have been with the U.S. Supreme Court through the history on 2ndAmendment related interpretations . . . until now. The Supremes were divided along ideological lines. To be blunt, the strict constructionists turned their backs on their principles to facilitate their “interpretation” of the language in the National Firearms Act of 1934 [PL 73-474; 48 Stat. 1236] to rationalize their opinion. The majority spent pages talking about the inner-workings of the AR-15 trigger mechanism. To be blunt, again, the majority opinion is a ridiculous back-handed justification for validating the 5th Circuit opinion, thus allowing bump stocks to be legal again, which means we will undoubtedly see repetitions of 2017 Las Vegas massacre [822]—59 killed, 527 wounded & injures. The majority did not interpret the law correct; they searched for a means to justify their ideological opinions. The minority got it spot on correct, but theirs is not the decision of the Court.

Simply put, bump stocks are simple devices intended for one purpose only, to make the AR-15 fire like an M-16, an automatic assault rifle. There is no peaceful purpose for such a modified weapon. Bump stocks were not conceived [2002] until well after the restrictions of the 1934 law passed by Congress and signed into law by the president. For those who may wish to know, there are numerous videos available on-line that demonstrate and compare the action of a bump-stock-configured AR-15 rifle.  I offer a reason video with this URL:


It is not the best video I have found, but the better videos have URLs that are far too long for this humble forum. The above URL should be sufficient to convey the action.

At the bottom line, with the Cargill decision, the Supremes have made the United States less safe to satisfy their ideological preferences and predilections. On Cargill, the Supremes have not served the law or the People. This was yet another decision that was dreadfully wrong. Justice Sotomayor got it spot on correct in her dissenting opinion, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1169:

Comment to the Blog:

“I’d like to retain the lessons of World War II. The Zionists would rather not.

“Prosecutors understand only what serves their prosecutions, including the process of addiction. Hunter Biden suffers prosecution only because of his prominent family, which is also predictable.

“The last blog’s comment thread suffered from idealistic definitions of ‘democracy.’ I’ll stand on Merriam-Webster’s meanings.”

My response to the Blog:

. . . as do I, my friend. I cannot accept such a broad accusation. Nonetheless, we certainly have evidence that some Zionists have chosen to ignore history, just as some at all colors of the full political spectrum. At least we will retain the history lessons of the past.

I tend to agree with you. This appears to be an over-zealous prosecution for political purposes. I mean, 11 days . . . really . . . with no other crime involved. That just does not seem right. But the law is the law.

Perhaps so. Your choice entirely.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)


Calvin R said...

Good morning, Cap,

The “long arm of the law” finally has reached a few high places. Bravo!

I agree the Supreme Court decision on bump stocks is ridiculous. I’ve seen a local news video showing one of those in action in a crime, and it shows a function exactly like an automatic weapon regardless of the engineering distinction.

Speaking of law enforcement in high places, hints have come through my feeds that people are working on un-redacting the Epstein Island evidence. Let’s hope that happens.

Have a (relatively) cool day,


Cap Parlier said...

Good morning to you, Calvin,
Bravo, indeed! We can only hope the other cases get prosecuted as well.

Yes, exactly! Like Justice Sotomayor so accurately stated, “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably a duck.” You look at any one of numerous videos about bump stocks, you clearly see what they are intended to do—kill people. The Cargill ruling joins so many other bonehead decisions in recent years.

I have not heard that, but the public deserves to know the accessories to Epstein’s crimes. We shall see.

Have a great day. Take care and enjoy.