27 May 2024

Update no.1167

 Update from the Sunland


20.5.24 – 26.5.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


The follow-up news items:

-- “The Defense rests.” On Tuesday, the Defense in the criminal fraud case against [the person who shall no longer be named]—People of New York v. Trump [NYSC, Cty of NY Indictment No. 71543/2023] [1107]—concluded their presentation to the jury. The court was adjourned giving the jury a long holiday weekend. Both counsels are in negotiations with the judge on the instructions that will be given to the jury, presumably next week. The talking heads are going wild in their armchair analysis of the state of the jury and the likelihood for conviction, acquittal, or mistrial. We shall soon know one way or another.


On Wednesday, in an unusual and precipitous move, Spain, Norway, and Ireland unilaterally announced they would recognize the Palestinian state in a few weeks. There are many odd and troubling aspects of this move. But first, I have long advocated for a full-fledged Palestinian state to serve the Palestinian people. Where I think this unilateral action is misguided at best and poorly timed is how do you have a Palestinian state with no functional government. How do we recognize Palestine, when the de facto rulers (Hamas) have attacked another sovereign state, killed more than a thousand of their innocent citizens, and kidnapped hundreds of their citizens? Recognition of statehood for the West Bank Palestinians would have been more appropriate. The Palestinian Authority is woefully corrupt and barely functional, but they are functional; they are the government chosen by the West Bank Palestinians. Gaza can be brought up to that qualification level, but not now. Hamas is cheering the actions of Spain, Norway, and Ireland, and rightly so; it is a major win for their policy of terrorism and violence.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1166:

Comment to the Blog:

“We’re still thrashing on the abortion issue here, despite passing a referendum that amended the State Constitution in favor of freedom.

“The NTSB report on the MV Dali collision with the Key Bridge interests me.

“Little Fingers’ distractions continue.

“I accept the verdicts of juries even if I do so skeptically. Little Fingers’ insane troops may not have the mental capacity for that. (See January 6.)

“One point of that article was that the police don’t exist “to protect and to serve” all of us, regardless of sloganeering. The Supreme Court decisions the article cited make that point.

“I made a comment on Robert Reich’s blog that I’ll repeat here. The hazard for Biden and Little Fingers isn’t each other. It’s voter doubt. Most of us don’t believe either of them will serve the masses well, and probably neither will survive the next term healthy enough to try.”

My response to the Blog:

I expect Arizona voters to make a clear statement this coming November. I suspect we shall enter a period of thrashing like Ohio. We must overcome and move to a more enlightened tomorrow.

Interests me as well. They dislodged and moved MV Dali back to the container dock to offload the ship, so they can make repairs to the vessel and return it to service.

Oh my, yes . . . as is his modus operandi. Closing arguments have been moved to next week to accommodate Memorial Day. So we are at least a week or two, maybe longer, before we have a verdict, even longer for a potential sentence.

Perhaps not, but we shall have to deal with the outcome of the trial one way or another. And that is what we shall do piece by piece.

That is not what the cited SCOTUS decisions said. They were about limited immunity or liability. I do agree that we can argue whether those rulings separate and do not support protecting the citizenry, but that was not the object of the Court’s pronouncement.

Yes, there is that doubt. As for me, there is no doubt that Biden is and will be orders of magnitude better than Little Fingers even if he does nothing. I would prefer nothing to the destruction that is sure to come if Little Fingers gets his slimy hands on the instruments of state again.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)


Calvin R said...

Greetings on Memorial Day, Cap,

(I searched for ways to avoid saying “Happy” Memorial Day, which seems inappropriate. No luck there.)

Soon we’ll see what Little Fingers’ jury has to say.

Spain, Norway, and Ireland join much of the world outside Europe in recognizing that Palestine deserves to be a nation. Israel has killed at least 15,000 Palestinian children in just this event.

So in ballot access issues, we have a twist here in Ohio. The Democratic Party nominee must be submitted for the general election ballot by August 7, but the Democrat National Convention, which will nominate Biden (probably), doesn’t occur until later in August. The Republican-dominated legislature likes that, but the not-MAGA Republican Governor has called a special session beginning tomorrow to try to help the hapless Democrats.

Also, here’s a link on one source of firearms recovered from crime scenes: https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/philadelphia-pennsylvania-police-selling-guns-atf/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

Have a good day,


Cap Parlier said...

Good morning to you, Calvin,
Quite so! Memorial Day is not a ‘happy.’ I use the modifier “respectful.” We are remembering those who lost their lives in the defense of liberty for all of us. The loss of loved ones is hardly a happy day.

Yes, indeed, we inch closer to a verdict. Closing arguments today. The judge’s instructions to the jury might occur today, but more likely tomorrow or the day after. Then, the case goes to the jury for their deliberations. I suspect we will not get a verdict until next week.

I have no problem recognizing Palestine as a state like any other. Where I diverge from recognition now is, recognize what? Do the Gaza Palestinians have a government? Do they have a structure of a proper state? I want the Palestinians to enjoy full statehood, but I do not want to legitimize a terrorist organization bent upon the destruction of a neighboring date and true genocide. The tracks do not meet.

I guess we must give the fBICP credit for voter suppression and corrupting the election system in Ohio. Yeah, I heard Governor DeWine’s impassioned plea for fairness. Hopefully, he will be successful. What the fBICP is doing in Ohio is wrong by any measure.

Interesting article. I did not know that, but I am not surprised. I guess the question is, what are law enforcement organizations to do with replaced weapons? Selling a firearm is quite akin to selling a used patrol car.

Have a great day. Take care and enjoy.