Update from the Sunland
28.2.22 – 6.3.22
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
The follow-up news items:
-- Putin’s war [1050] grinds on with Russian casualties mounting and a terrible toll of death and destruction in the peaceful, non-threatening, sovereign nation of Ukraine. Putin has subsequently made many more Nazi references with respect to the Ukrainian government to justify his criminal action. I would have thought Putin was intelligent enough and knowledgeable of history sufficiently to recognize reality. Now, not so much! He now seems hell bent to punish Ukraine for their embrace of the Germans as liberators during World War II, 80 years ago. I keep coming back to the paramount salient question: why do ALL of Russia’s European neighbors (except Belarus) seek protection from Europe and NATO rather than from Russia? If Putin would answer that one question, he might realize the pure foolishness of his despicable endeavor. Why did Russia’s neighbors join the Germans in fighting against the Soviet Red Army, the NKGB, and the NKVD? Putin claims the duly elected Ukrainian government are a passel of corrupt, addicted, neo-Nazis oppressing the people. If that was so, why are Ukrainians of all ages fighting so hard to defeat the invaders of their country instead of embracing the Russian invaders as liberators? I think the answers are obvious to everyone except Putin and his cronies.
The dictator Putin has claimed Ukrainian membership in NATO was unacceptable to Russia because NATO on Russia’s doorstep was very threatening. That is his public protest but that argument is vacuous. He wants big chunks of Ukraine, if not the whole country. And if he can't have it, he intends to burn it to the ground. History will record him for what he is. Hey Vlad, if you had paid attention to anything other than the regurgitation of your own drivel, you would have known that NATO has been on the Russian border for years--the Baltics & Poland since 29.March.2004. Further, NATO has never been aggressive toward Russia and never posed a threat to Russia, and never imposed on its sovereignty. Such accusations are a figment of Putin’s fevered imagination. If anything, NATO has demonstrated excessive deference toward the paranoid peculiarities of historic Russian leadership.
My inclinations as a warrior are diverging from President Biden’s actions, at least those that are publicly and generally known, which is why he is president and I am not, I suppose. While the Russians have met serious resistance from the Ukrainians, the Russians continue to dictate events. As a warrior, if someone strikes, my instincts are to strike back even harder in his house, not mine. I am surprised by the Ukrainian restraint as their attackers persist in ravaging their sovereign nation. President Biden and his government have chosen sanctions over armed force. So, sanctions it is. The Allies must cut off all oil & gas exports and imports. Yes, it will be most painful for Europe. The U.S. and OPEC (less Russia) must sacrifice to make up the loss for Europe. As long as we consume Russian petroleum export products, we are paying the Russians to subjugate Ukraine. I would rather pay the Allied oil corporations than the Russians for the petroleum products we consume. The Allies are currently funding the invasion of a sovereign nation; it cannot continue.
The dictator Putin may yet force the world into another world war. The best sign the Western Allies could send to Putin is general mobilization. It would be expensive, but a lot less expensive than another world war. Plus, Putin has no allies that I can detect, not even the PRC or DPRK. The dictator Putin does not care whether he starts World War III; he wants what he wants. The rest of the world does not want World War III. We have not mobilized for war. We are not prepared for large-scale war. Therefore, Putin has the advantage, and we have given him the advantage. He cannot have Ukraine.
I am warming to the imposition of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, and if that means direct combat between Russian and American pilots, then so be it. Putin has no right, no legal basis, to do anything the Russian armed forces are doing in Ukraine, and so far, he is getting away with his war crimes and criminal endeavor. And if it means war with Russia, then so be it. Russia has made it quite clear they are not stopping. Mobilization cannot wait. Better to be prepared than allow Putin to dictate events. The line of tolerance has been crossed. President Biden had better start preparing the American People for the potential of what lays ahead. Convincing the people is an essential part of mobilization. Previous presidents failed to accomplish that essential aspect. Mobilization does not mean combat, but it does mean we are prepared for combat. We must convince Putin that we are not afraid of him, not fearful of his military, and not intimidated by his nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. If we let war come to us, it will be too late.
On Tuesday, 1.March.2022, President Biden’s first State of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress seemed about average to me—a little bit of this and a little bit of that. His message was adequately delivered—not great and not bad. However, I must judge the president’s speech in the foul light of the reality noted above. In that context, the president’s speech was woefully inadequate. He had the opportunity to begin preparing the American People and the free world for the potential of yet another global war; he failed in that responsibility.
Governor Kimberly Kay ‘Kim’ Reynolds née Strawn of Iowa delivered the Republican response to the president’s State of the Union speech. As much as I malign the fBICP for divisive, corrosive, un-American words, speeches, conduct and actions, Governor Reynolds gave us a better than average delivery and an uncharacteristic message given her party’s recent offerings.
On Sunday, 27.February.2022, a number of fBICP members spoke at the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) convention in Orlando, Florida. Nick Fuentes, a white nationalist political commentator, founded the AFPAC in 2020. Among the speakers at this year’s convention were:
-- Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
-- Representative Paul Anthony Gosar of Arizona
-- Lieutenant Governor Janice K. McGeachin of Idaho
-- State Senator Wendy Rogers of Arizona
None of the words spoken at the convention was worthy of reiteration.
The very next day, criticism from a few remaining Republicans came hot and heavy.
“‘Morons’: Romney, Cheney, Kinzinger condemn fellow Republicans for speaking at white nationalist event”
by Mike Murphy
Published: 28.February.2022; 04:46 {T} MST
The criticism from the few remaining Republicans is not only appropriate it was spot on correct. These are the times in which we live. Instead of moving away from white supremacy and [the person who shall no longer be named], many, like those noted above, are moving farther to the right and doubling down, like committed SS fanatic loyalists to the end. My point in illuminating the abhorrent rogues above is only so that we can keep on eye on them. They are not worthy of more than our condemnation.
The Republican criticism of the fBICP ne'er-do-wells continues at Senator Willard Mitt Romney of Utah, who is standing up as the leading Republican voice against fBICP malcontents.
“'Almost treasonous': Romney condemns GOP voices backing Putin”
by Colin Campbell
Yahoo News – Managing Editor
Published: Sun, February 27, 2022, 10:15 AM
Romney is spot-on correct. If we were in a war, a congressionally declared war, the conduct of many fBICP members would be treasonous—aiding and abetting the enemy. What has turned the fBICP into such radical extremists? From my perspective, the answer is [the person who shall no longer be named], not so much by his direct action, but rather because he has enabled that radical fringe to come into the light and given them voice. The radical element that is the fBICP today have always been present since before the Civil War, but they were condemned in modern society until [the person who shall no longer be named] gave them voice, embraced the dictators [Putin, Xi, and Kim], and sought autocratic governance in this once grand republic. I understand why the white supremacy faction is so desperate to hang onto power, but we must render them to the scrapheap and dustbin of history—the sooner the better.
Of course, we have our fair share of fBICP members in Arizona.
“Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey says a GOP senator with ties to white nationalists 'is still better' than a Democrat in office”
by John L. Dorman
Published: Sun, February 27, 2022, 8:10 AM
The “Republican” that Governor Ducey was referring to is State Senator Wendy Rogers of Arizona (as noted above). In other words, Ducey is saying he would rather have a white supremacist than a Democrat in any state office. In essence, Ducey’s statement makes him a white supremacist as well. This is the insanity we must deal with in Arizona.
Just a related FYI: Wendy Rogers is a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel and a member of the Oath Keepers.
In an interview with JPMorgan Chase Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer James ‘Jamie’ Dimon, he talked about numerous workarounds to SWIFT [Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)].
Bankers have a long history of wanting unfettered international money actions. There are numerous facts about the banking structure doing business with Nazi Germany as late as 1945. Most bankers see and have seen the international money system as neutral and go to extraordinary lengths to keep it that way. The bankers of the 30s & 40s kept Germany going longer than they should have, once the war began. Switzerland's move is very telling. I say to Jamie Dimon, if the SWIFT moves are not sufficient to isolate Russia, then help the damn president do the job.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed House resolution H.Res.956 - Supporting the people of Ukraine [House: 426-3-0-4(2)]. A familiar name appears among the three ‘no’ votes—Representative Gosar. What a surprise! Even Greene of Georgia voted ‘yes,’ which perhaps exemplifies how far right Gosar is.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1050:
Comment to the Blog:
“Sad to say, the Cold War didn’t end with the fall of Soviet Communism. Ukraine is one more geopolitical football. It would be nice if the Ukraine and Crimea weren’t captives, but there wasn’t much chance of that lasting. Either NATO or Russia was going to take over. The Cold War, or some ‘war,’ is necessary to support the military-industrial establishment.
“I don’t think Putin would have to be suicidal in a clinical sense to use nukes. As with many others, he believes he can get away with almost anything.
“King Baby rambles on and the followers follow. However, some of the GOP establishment are finding it too embarrassing to repeat this round.”
My response to the Blog:
Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, has a long history of being a geopolitical football going back millennia. The time to change that paradigm is long overdue.
There are monumental myriad differences between NATO and Russia; paramount among those differences is the fact that NATO does not subjugate members as Russia does—never has, never will. The history of the Warsaw Pact countries after WW2 is stark testament to Russia’s conduct. The image is coalescing in my mind that this war in Ukraine is exhibit no.1 in the justification for Ukraine’s membership in NATO. For 10-15 years, the singular purpose of NATO appeared to evaporate as Russia took a more peaceful and cooperative stance. The dictator Putin was not satisfied with peace and making billions from oil/gas revenues. So be it. I say give him exactly what he does not want—NATO protection for Ukraine and restore the 2014 borders.
I do not agree that the Ukraine-Russia war is a military-industrial establishment construct.
I do not think the dictator Putin will get away with using nukes however small they might be. The West is standing up to him despite his nukes. I can see the dictator Putin taking a very vindictive position if he is denied Ukraine; I can see him burning down the house he cannot have and therein lies the potential use of tactical nukes.
Quite so. The voices of reason and true patriotism in the former GOP ranks are increasingly visible. I suspect we should get a good measure of how far gone the fBICP is when the HSCJ6 [1020] preliminary & final reports are publicly released. I am still writing about the participation of the fBICP in the America First Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, last weekend—very telling. I suspect we shall see the divisions within the former GOP as time goes on.
Another contribution:
“Good day Cap-phew! What a bloody mess and it goes on. As one of our elderly friends was heard to say, ‘There will be no peace on this planet while humans live here’. Was he right?”
My reply:
Yes, indeed, and I suspect it is going to get worse before we begin to see a brighter day. I think the Ukraine-Russia War is exhibit no.1 for Ukraine’s membership in NATO and the EU.
History is on the side of your elderly friend. As long as humans have walked upright, there have been bad men bent upon domination of others around them . . . sort of like lions consuming a buffalo. The optimistic element of me believes that one day we will mature and respect others around us, probably long after I am gone.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
The war in Ukraine has a simpler explanation than history. There are minerals under Ukraine (500,000 tons of lithium oxide, among others) that are used in making modern batteries. In addition, Black Sea ports beckon. Whether Putin tells himself all this tripe about history is not relevant. Follow the money.
In a traditional military context, Ukraine has no chance of defending herself. The heroism of her citizens wouldn’t do this much to deter Russia. I see indications that a cyber-warfare unit is in action, but I wouldn’t expect public announcements of that.
Let’s note that Halliburton has not changed its operations in Russia. Your mention of Liz Cheney reminded me that Halliburton is her father’s company.
Bankers having loyalty to money over the country is no surprise.
On a personal note, we’re having heavy rain at the moment, with a flood warning for one of the rivers. There’s no part of the country that has the right amount of water.
Have a nice day anyhow,
Good morning to you, Calvin,
I can offer no argument. “Follow the money” is always wise counsel. However, one question bothers me about the money hypothesis. If the motivation for Putin and his war was simply money and the mineral wealth of Ukraine, it is coming at a very high cost. The cost may soon exceed any possible benefit. Yet, at the end of the day, what Putin is doing remains wrong and criminal conduct—state robbery for whatever reason.
You may well be correct. I do not know. However, I suspect Putin grossly underestimated the resistance the army would face. Yes, the Ukrainian Army is no match for the Russian Army, and we watch the demonstration every day. Yet, the Ukrainians continue to fight for the preservation of their sovereignty and freedom. Putin’s War is also graphically displaying the weakness of Russia. Like the ill-advised U.S. War in Iraq, Putin has insufficient forces to occupy Ukraine, and he is seeking mercenaries to supplement the army in just the initial assault.
I’m not sure the point of your Halliburton comment. Every corporation must make its own choices.
Nope. You are quite correct. The involvement of international banks in the support of Nazi Germany was not generally illuminated in history books and was frankly rather shocking to me when I learned the extent of that involvement. According to Jamie Dimon, it is no different today.
We could use the rain, but heavy does not do well in the desert. I hope the damage is minimal in your area. Water is a constant need.
Stay warm and safe. Take care and enjoy.
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