05 December 2016

Update no.781

Update from the Heartland
28.11.16 – 4.12.16
To all,

            Several subscribers reported receiving the distribution message for Update no.780 with no content.  I have no idea how or why it happened . . . it just did.  Everything appeared normal on my end.  Of all the editions that had to screw up, it had to be that particular edition.   Beyond the expanded debate on the Electoral College, the hot topic of these days, Update no.780 also announced the publication of my latest book – To So Few Book IV – The Trial.  I also made a unique offer to Update subscribers.  Rather than taking time and space repeating the notice, I will ask interested readers to visit:
The offer remains valid, as well as any topic for discussion.  All feedback welcome.

            Saturday night, Jeanne and I attended the Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) concert at InTrust Arena in Wichita.  After my poor experience at the Garth Brooks concert a year ago [729], I held some reticence to try another concert.  Recommendations overcame my apprehension.  The music was not particularly to my liking – too heavy metal-ish; however, everything else was magnificent – the video, graphics, story-telling in music and the visuals.  The thought kept coming to me through the entire evening – the computer programming to make everything play not only in synchronization, but also in mood, in tone and in sensation.  The laser light, latticework literally filled the arena.  All taken together as a whole . . . well worth the money and effort.  Thank you, Jeanne . . . for the push and delightful companionship.

            The follow-up news items:
-- The conflict of interest aspect for our soon-to-be, president-elect Donald Trump remains a major concern [778 & sub].  He announced he would be “leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country.”  Trump indicated “legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations.  The Presidency is a far more important task!”  Sadly, it does not appear Trump understands ethics or the purpose of ethics.  Placing his business holdings in the hands of his adult children hardly qualifies as separation.  No reasonable person on the planet would see such a move as eliminating the obvious conflict of interest.  His belief that conflict of interest cannot apply to the president, by definition [780], continues to be a very worrisome mindset.  Trump further said he would give details of how the business change would occur at a New York news conference with his children on the 15th of December, so I will wait to see how he expects to separate himself from the myriad of international conflicts of interest he has.

            Trump continues to use a really odd euphemism: “I didn’t mean it quite that way.”  OK, now that The Donald is soon to be the president-elect, someone must tell me where I can get the decoder ring to translate his actual words into some message of what he really means.  I worry!  Euphemism at the international diplomatic level is capable of starting wars.  Trump’s persistent penchant for loose language is troubling.  Yet, that characteristic is just one of many such disquieting traits possessed by The Donald.

            News from the economic front:
-- The U.S. Labor Department reported nonfarm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 178,000 in November from the prior month.  The unemployment rate dropped to 4.6% from 4.9% in October – the lowest rate since August 2007.  As much as some citizens berated President Obama for not doing well enough on the economy, do you think those individuals can find the courage to give the President credit as they gave him blame?  The employment data will likely more weight for Federal Reserve officials to raise interest rates later this month.

            Comments and contributions from Update no.780:
Comment to the Blog:
“The Electoral College exists because some of the Founders foresaw the United States as a relatively loose confederation of independent nations.  Hence the term ‘States’ in the name rather than ‘provinces’ or something similar.  Such ‘states’ would choose a President in the manner given so that each member of the confederation had an equal say.  However, the notion of self-governing States met with defeat in 1865 by military force.  From then on, I see no clear role for the States in electing the President, who is a Federal official not bound to a given State. We have become far more urban and less agricultural economically since then, and the time has come to choose ‘one voter, one vote’ over the Electoral College.  That gives rural people an equal voice, not their current bullhorn.
“As a Green Party USA member, I will note here that the Clinton campaign has not been invited to ‘participate’ in our request for a recount. They are, of course, free to state their support.  Individual donations would also be welcome in legitimate amounts, but we do not accept money from corporations, SuperPACs or anything similar.
“Thanks to the ACLU, I now have a copy of the Constitution within easy reach.  The Nobility Clause (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8) reads, in full, ‘No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.’ That phrase ‘no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them’ clearly includes President Trump, should he be sworn in. The term ‘under them’ refers clearly to its antecedent, ‘the United States’.
“Your call for unity borders on a call to suppress dissent.  No.  No more than the Republicans have practiced unity under Obama.  I will support him exactly to the degree that I see his actions as beneficial to the U.S.A. and not a bit more.”
My response to the Blog:
            Re: Electoral College.  I think you are being a smidge too cavalier in your rendition of history.  The Founders recognized the failure of the Articles of Confederation in just a few years and led to the constitutional convention just six (6) years after the Confederation was ratified.  The cartoon in last week’s Update is probably the best depiction of what will happen without the Electoral College.  The Founders / Framers recognized the incessant and perpetual struggle between federalism and state’s rights, between government and the individual.  In this, we shall respectfully disagree.
            Re: Green Party.  Noted.  To be clear, the Green Party submitted the recount petition.  The Clinton campaign only intends to monitor the recount with lawyers / observers.
            Re: Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8.  My only point was, the interpretation has not been challenged and determination rendered before the Supreme Court, and I am certain the kind of pervasive entanglement represented by Donald Trump has never been faced by our system of governance.  I do not hold much confidence that he will do the correct ethical action on his own.  So, the sooner the petition for redress is placed before the Supremes the better.  I would much rather have a clear, definitive statement by the Supreme Court rather than face the potential of impeachment, conviction and removal in the future.  I believe The Donald truly believes he is covered by the “divine right of kings” and that there is no requirement for him to do anything, i.e., by definition, the President can have no conflicts of interests, therefore there is no reason for him to do anything . . . just as he so easily violated virtually every presidential precedent.  His clear conflict of interest is no different from everything else – taxes, decorum, dignity, respect, et al.  I cannot argue with your interpretation, but the interpretation has not been tested.
            Re: unity.  Oh wow!  Suppression of dissent . . . surely you do not level that accusation at me.  I see myself as the voice of dissent.  My comment came from the reality that insanity is defined by continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome.  As long as we continue our intransigence, we shall continue on the path to insanity.
 . . . with follow-up comment:
“On one thing we clearly agree. The sooner Mr. Trump's conflicts of interest and other legal issues are resolved, the better. Even though I would not like to see a President Pence, I do not see him as in sanity in nearly the same way as Trump.”
 . . . with my follow-up response:
            Agreed.  Pence is a more stable individual.  However, his socially conservative, moral projectionist tendency remains quite objectionable to me.  Pence would certainly be far less controversial in the global sense than Trump, but I suspect far more injurious to our civil liberties.

            My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap                        :-)

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