30 September 2024

Update no.1185

 Update from the Sunland


23.9.24 – 29.9.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


Well, my friends, it was another barren week for this humble forum. I offer my meager but respectful apologies. This too shall pass. After all, the silly season is not yet over.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1184:

Comment to the Blog:

“The lawsuit over the Key Bridge collision is too small. Why shouldn’t the full costs be recovered? Also, I’m all for criminal charges for those responsible for the container ship.

“I suggest using a name for the villain of your writings. In the Harry Potter series and many other writings, the villagers not naming the scary entity embodies the fear of personal retribution. I’ll stick to nicknames for Little Fingers, at least here.

“I agree with the description of Little Fingers’ operations by Anita Chabria of the Los Angeles Times. I’m amazed I’m not hearing ‘awaiting sentencing’ or ‘convicted of 34 felonies’ in every Democratic Party communication.

“The pager and walkie-talkie bombs are booby traps per Protocol II of the Conventional Weapons Convention, as extended to apply to non-international conflicts https://lieber.westpoint.edu/exploding-pagers-law/, item 4 under “Weapons Law”). The second paragraph of that discusses Israel’s position concerning that.

“Israel’s claim of targeting military people doesn’t excuse its genocide of all Palestinians or the recent shift to terrorist methods.

“Also, the exposed vulnerability of the supply chain poses a threat to the entire world. The whole supply chain as it exists today can’t be secured.”

My response to the Blog:

Agreed, and I hope so as well. Based on the narrowness and focus on the current legal action, I suspect it is only the beginning for those two companies . . . and rightly so. I agree. Criminal charges are definitely warranted for negligent homicide at a minimum.

Thank you for your counsel. I can no longer bring myself to utter or see his name. He is not worthy. Agreed. I thought the Chabria observation was spot on the money. He is a freakin’ conman. I also agree with your advice to the Democrats referring to that man. Perhaps they are holding those shots until closer to the election to have the most effect.

An interesting and thought-provoking article. Well done to Boothby. Like it or not, war is killing. In the last passel of decades, we have striven to minimize collateral damage in the process of war, but war is still war. Unfortunately, our adversaries do not subscribe to the same morality as we do. Time comes on occasion when extraordinary action is required, e.g., Truman’s decision to deploy nuclear fission to end a horrific war. I still believe the pager attack was an ingenious effort to focus their effort on the perpetrators.

You continue to use a word I believe is inaccurate and inappropriate, but emotionally charged. I have and continue to recognize your freedom to do so, but I still believe it is wrong. ‘Nuf said.

Yes, the supply chain is exposed—always has been, always will be. We try to have safeguards and deterrence to avoid compromise of energy supply, food supply, water supply, et al, but where there is a will, there is a way. Semper vigilantis!

 . . . Round two:

“Your discussion of ‘our enemies are evil’ is particularly inappropriate with Netanyahu as the ‘good guy’ (not related to the Jews as a whole or the Israeli people). The Zionists' long-stated goal is to get rid of anyone else in Palestine. And the definition of genocide directly addresses that goal. None of that would change international law.”

 . . . my response to round two:

Ooopsy daisy. I do not believe I have ever tried to portray Netanyahu as a ‘good guy.’ I have long opposed most of his policy positions and actions. In fact, I place him a few small steps shy of Little Fingers status in my book. The radical-right may dominate the Israeli government at present as a consequence of an odd confluence of political forces in Israel, but respectfully, they do not represent the majority of Israelis, e.g., the large popular protests against the government and Netanyahu specifically. The ultra-right in Israel is quite like the ultra-right mindset in other countries including the United States. Little Fingers has given voice to and fed the ultra-right in this country, but they have always been among us at least since the Civil War. The ultra-right genocidal inclinations in Israel do not represent the majority of Israelis any more than white supremacists represent the American people. They are a minority. Netanyahu has done what Little Fingers is trying to do in this country. I am absolutely convinced the majority of Israelis want peace, not genocide; let’s not forget that.

“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”

 . . . Round three:

“I thought I’d addressed the ‘good guys, bad guys’ mentality. My apologies. You referenced ‘our enemies’ in justifying violations of the treaties governing warfare, and I wanted to point out that the ‘good versus evil’ framing doesn’t justify wrongful death and destruction on the part of the ‘good guys.’

“I’ll also note that the specific term ‘extraordinary action’ you used is a favorite of war criminals. I’m a pacifist, Cap. I never approve of war crimes.

“We got a little rain in the past day, but nowhere near enough. We are 7 inches or more in deficit now; it will take months to catch up, but at least the growing season is over. Maybe we’ll have a wet enough winter to help.”

 . . . my response to round three:

You are spot on correct. No argument. I was only pointing out in counterpoint that there are often extenuating circumstances that require very difficult decisions. War is nasty business. I wish war was never necessary, but alas we do not control what bad men choose to do.

I am a pacifist as well. I never want war. I condemn war crimes in all forms. Just as with a burglar who chooses to enter my house for nefarious purposes, none of us can control what criminal minds seek to do. Our choices is to succumb or defend our loved ones & property.

A little rain is better than none. I hope Helene does not bring too much too quickly for many areas of the nation. We both could use a wet winter.

 . . . Round four:

“None of us control what ‘bad men’ (supported by their countries) choose to do, but there are courts for that. Nuremberg, for example. We need much more of that.

“Our rain here is predicted to be 2 inches at most, and maybe enough in Southern Ohio to make the drought level drop from ‘exceptional’ to ‘extreme’ or merely ‘severe.’ I'll be checking in with family in Tennessee, though.”

 . . . my response to round four:

I don’t think ‘supported’ is the correct word. ‘Dominated and oppressed by’ might be more appropriate. The Russians I knew once upon a time wanted nothing to do with dominating others. It is the far-right-wing that seeks to dominate, to restore the dominance of the former Soviet Union. Yes, you are correct. Unfortunately, Nuremberg tribunals happened after 20 million people died. We cannot prevent atrocity; we can only punish it.

Good luck with the rain. I do not like the track of Helene. Stay safe, my friend.

 . . . Round five:

“‘Supported’ versus ‘dominated’ is a question of spin. If the populace didn't rebel, they supported the Establishment of their place and time.

“We're getting a little rain here and a little more in Southern and Southeastern Ohio, where it's needed the most.”

 . . . my response to round five:

The radar suggests you are getting significant rain from the remnants of Helene. I hope it is not too fast and too much, which leads to runoff. Stay warm and dry.

We shall respectfully disagree. The two words are vastly different. Rebellion is quite like war, the choice of last resort. But I give you point taken. It is up to the Russians to banish their far-right to the shadows of the fringes, just like it is our responsibility to do the same here.

 . . . Round six:

“We got just over 1" of rain here yesterday, with light rain or showers ahead for most of the week. Part of southern Ohio got too much, as much as 4". The forecast for October offers lower than average rainfall. Flooding or no flooding, the drought will continue. 

“It matters in any authoritarian regime whether there's active resistance. Israel parallels Nazi Germany, and Israel has an active resistance. Netanyahu is a war criminal.”

 . . . my response to round six:

Droughts do not end with one rain. Hopefully, this rain will dampen and put a dent in your drought.

Oh my! Way too far! Netanyahu may be a war criminal, although I think that is a stretch, but Israel parallel to Nazi Germany? Surely you jest.

 . . . Round seven:

“Seen through the lens of authoritarianism, the comparison is valid. Netanyahu overrides the will of his people at every turn. He is also on trial for crimes somewhat similar to some of the Orange Menace's convictions. Authoritarians use different words, but the processes closely resemble one another.”

 . . . my response to round seven:

Perhaps so. I simply cannot go that far. Netanyahu is not Israel. He is the leader of a right-wing coalition. He is not the choice of the people. If we are not careful with our vote in November, the “Orange Menace” as you call him, may well win the Electoral College in December for a far worse déjà vu in January.


Another contribution:

“Good day Cap, trust you both are well. Thanks for the update.

“Reading, I expect like myself it’s like the incoming tide it’s always there. I’m on the second of your books ‘To So Few’ he’s now in the RAF waiting to complete his flying training. I can’t wait to get him on operations-that must be coming. 

“Well we’re in the thunderstorm season so I had better go outside and secure the garden! It’s getting rather black…”

My reply:

Yes, indeed, the tide is constant. But, this silly season will end eventually. In the past, I would have said the silly season would end on election day. Unfortunately, as long as that conman felon is involved in any way, I now say it will end someday.

Oh my, yes, Brian & Jonathan get deep into operations . . . coming up. I felt obligated to present the Phony War. Enjoy your reading.

Our monsoon (thunderstorm) season is over—very dry this year.

 . . . follow-up comment:

“Good day Cap-yes, just like the tides seasons come and go.

“Indeed your silly season will prevail for a while yet but surely sense and good planning will win the day. Personally, I’ll be 100% pleased to see that day and I will join you in a toast of a good plonk! Of which I have a cubby-hole full! Keep smiling over there, the sun will rise!”

 . . . my follow-up reply:

I would like to think saner minds will prevail, but I must acknowledge that the crazies could obtain control of the instruments of state. We just never know until it’s done. My generation has really screwed things up, and unfortunately, the next generation has been infected. We have a long, bumpy road to travel toward recovery. I remain guardedly optimistic. We have overcome many previous societal traumas. I still expect we will ultimately overcome this one. We will get our first big clue in a few weeks.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)

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