19 August 2024

Update no.1179

 Update from the Sunland


12.8.24 – 18.8.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


Well, this is the sparsest one yet. We have two and a half more months of the silly season to endure. [The person who shall no longer be named] continues to do what his malignant narcissism compels him to do. He is just incapable of being a decent human being. Further, simply put, I refuse to waste any more of my precious time on him.

All American citizens must vote in November. This election is too bloody important for myriad reasons too numerous to count or articulate.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1178:

Comment to the Blog:

“I wish you well with anything involving radiation treatment.

“As I understand it, Senator Kelly has had some friction with labor, which is an important part of the Democrats’ base. And Tim Walz is easily the most likable political candidate I’ve seen in a long time. That counts.

“I re-posted a Robert Reich article to Facebook this morning about Little Fingers losing what’s left of his mind over losing the spotlight.

“I lost interest in sports somewhere along my road. Sad to say, I live in Columbus, Ohio, where Ohio State football is unavoidable.

“If I read or watch financial market analysis, it appears that it runs almost entirely on investors’ feelings.”

My response to the Blog:

Yes, all of that counts. So far, Walz seems to be delivering on the compassion factor. It still comes down to votes.

I have not read the Reich article as yet, but just from his public statements, there is a strong argument for that conclusion.

We still enjoy sports and consume more than we should. I can only imagine what Columbus is like on game day, especially when the Buckeyes win.

There are quite a few technical parameters by which to judge a company’s productive and financial health. Those parameters contribute to the “assessment” of the company’s “future,” which is what drives the emotion. Add to that numerous extra-corporate factors, we get an occasional volatile stew. One of my biggest criticisms of contemporary corporate activities is Wall Street & the financial overseers drive them to the myopia of the next quarterly statement. That syndrome is exactly what trapped Boeing (and others).

 . . . a follow-up comment:

“One subject that fascinates me is social psychology. I see the Harris/Walz ticket doing a very good job at using that psychology, especially Walz. US politics has been producing mass depression at least since 2016. Along comes Harris with real vigor. She’s still using negative statements, but she’s doing it with style, unlike any Republican. Also, she’s making a comedy of Little Fingers. That’s an approach no authoritarian can deal with. Add to that Walz, who has a beautiful back story that plays to Middle America and beyond. I’ve seen several comments on social media about him as a great dad figure. Both of them speak clearly in simple terms to the stresses of the middle class. Whether or not I support them (think Gaza and a few other things), their momentum rocks.

“Meanwhile, I’ve seen mainstream media (New York Times, CBS) reject some of Little Fingers’ wilder claims. The times are changing.

“Columbus has had drunken rioting based on Ohio State football games. Yuck.

“I know about some of those technical parameters. In the end, major investment decisions are still made on feelings, and often relevant information is concealed.”

 . . . my follow-up response:

I agree with your assessment of the Harris/Walz ticket. She seems to have trimmed and steadied the ship. We have two and a half months to the election. The other guys seem to be getting progressively more desperate.

Wilder, FALSE accusations and claims are part of their desperation. The actions of one MS-13 gang member have become all immigrants, legal and illegal. Make citizens afraid--xenophobic.

I understand and concur with your revulsion of drunken football game rioting, and I will extend that revulsion to any rioting for any reason.

Investing in the future performance of corporations is glorified gambling. No one can know the future just as no one can know the next fall of the dice or the next number on the roulette wheel. It is still gambling.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)


Anonymous said...

Good Monday, Cap,

I still have a premonition that Little Fingers will be having a heart attack or stroke this year. Also, I’ve seen an article lately defining “evil” as the lack of empathy. I agree with that.

Meanwhile, summer continues. I have become something of a prepper over the years. Due to the absence of effective government action, we must each prepare for the increasing weather disasters as they trend in whatever areas we inhabit or visit. Apparently, the government abandoned emergency preparedness at some time in the 1990s. Good luck to everyone; we’ll all need it.

Have a good day, Cap,


Cap Parlier said...

Good morning to you, Calvin,
Your premonition may well come to fruition. In this instance, I hope not. We really need him resoundingly defeated in the proper, constitutional manner to render him to the dustbin of history.

I accept that definition of “evil” as well. Little Fingers is devoid of empathy or compassion; he cares only about himself, which is a key symptom of malignant narcissism.

I have not quite reached the level as a prepper. The rampant hording of the early pandemic days certainly gave me quite an awakening. Keep the faith; we shall overcome.

Have a great day. Take care and enjoy.