26 August 2024

Update no.1180

 Update from the Sunland


19.8.24 – 25.8.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


The follow-up news items:

-- Former U.S. Representative George Santos of New York pled guilty to multiple federal felony charges [10941138]. Santos is expected to be sentenced on 7.February.2025. He faces a mandatory minimum of two years up to a maximum of 22 years in prison. United States Senior District Judge Joanna Seybert for the Eastern District of New York will determine his sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. As a reported part of the guilty plea, Santos is also expected to pay restitution of US$373, 749.97 and forfeiture of US$205, 002.97. Whatever his sentence is eventually, it will not be enough for the fraud he has committed on the American citizen residents of the 3rd district of New York.


Moments or epochs of history flash back to me on occasion. This week brought another such occasion. During the Dark Ages, the Christian church declared that it was blasphemous for anyone other than anointed clergy to read or write words from the Good Book. Violators faced excommunication or the cruel ravages of the Inquisition. In essence, the church sought to keep believers ignorant and dependent upon the clergy for information, morality . . . for even the policies of State. The Renaissance brought change. Some of that change was a sprouting and blooming of common education and a quest for knowledge enabled in part by the advent of Gutenberg’s printing press [1439]. Art, music, science, and creative thought illuminated and brightened the dark days since the fall of the Roman Empire. The Renaissance age was marked broadly by the quest for knowledge to vanquish ignorance.

Conservatives, not just in the United States, seek ignorance over knowledge. They want to return to some moment in the past when they dominated virtually everything—what we read, what we hear, what we see, what we can do. In Russia, Putin wants to return all of us to the glory days of the Soviet Union when they dominated their neighbors and controlled every aspect of life. Those not under their direct control lived in fear of Soviet wrath and retribution. Our brand of conservatives may be a little more subtle in their desire for regression, but all the elements are still on display, e.g., DeSantis and Florida Republicans.

I have consciously and purposefully chosen knowledge over ignorance. I want to know the truth—good, bad, or ugly—and I condemn those who seek ignorance over knowledge. I will not submit to their efforts to control my life or anyone else’s life. That is precisely why I have been a feminist and humanist all my adult life. 


The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was held this week. Vice President Kamala Harris formally accepted the nomination of the Democratic Party for president of the United States of America. For me, Harris struck resonance with her acceptance of the nomination with her Lincoln-esque moment—". . . .of the people, by the people, and for the people . . .” The broad, general speech was very good, but it was the actual acceptance statement that hit it out of the park. As a prosecutor, she said she did not prosecute criminals for the victims, rather “For the People.” Crime against one is crime against us all. Harris proclaimed, “For the People . . . I accept your nomination for president of the United States of America.”  The full paragraph was, "My entire career, I've only had one client: the people. And so, on behalf of the people, on behalf of every American regardless of party, race, gender or the language your grandmother speaks, on behalf of my mother and everyone who has ever set out on their own unlikely journey, on behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with, people who work hard, chase their dreams, and look out for one another, on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth, I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America."

President Biden passed the torch to a new generation of leadership and said good-bye to the political arena in an emotional, somewhat fiery speech to the convention and the world. Very dignified and elegant! Bravo Zulu, Mister President. You stand relieved.

I was impressed and pleasantly surprised by the number of Republicans who chose and were invited to speak at the Democratic Convention and endorse Kamala Harris. I did not count the Republicans on the stage advocating for Kamala Harris, but there were more than a few; that speaks volumes. I do not recall in my decades of following American politics ever seeing such a crossover, either way. I have never seen such a shift. They openly proclaimed their Republican affiliation and condemned [the person who shall no longer be named] for what he has done to their party. They encouraged everyone to vote for the Harris/Walz ticket and demonstrably rejected the division and negativism that has overtaken the Republican Party. Contrast in tone and demeanor of the two conventions were stark and dramatically different. 

The other guys have been, are, and continue to traffic in division, exclusion, and fear. I will take hope over fear, knowledge over ignorance, progress over regression. I wish to look ahead, not backward.

The talking heads noticed, as did I, the marked different tone and demeanor of the DNC from past conventions. The sought to re-center themselves to appeal to the majority of American citizens—the moderate middle.


In another disgusting action consistent with the degeneration of [the person who shall no longer be named], self-professed presidential candidate and staunch conspiracist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is hocking his candidacy and supporters to the highest bidder. The Harris campaign has rightly ignored him and rejected the gesture. The other guy, however, is discussing the price with the disappointing Kennedy. He is asking for a cabinet position for his endorsement and dropping out of the presidential race. Disgusting!

On Friday, they apparently reached a deal. Kennedy formally suspended his campaign and endorsed Little Fingers. Kennedy also called out the Harris campaign because they did not return his calls. Go figure!


An observation: It is far easier to be a dictator. All you need is a loyal enforcement service to do your wet, dirty work. Being the leader of a democracy requires a bona fide leader who knows how and can inspire people to the common good.


Do you know why the Republican “intelligentsia” are so aggressively advising [the person who shall no longer be named] to move away from his preferred personal ad hominem attack modus operandi and concentrate on the Republican policies? Because they know their candidate will lose if it comes down to personal traits, morality, integrity, compassion, and all the other true leadership traits that make a great leader. They want the People to be bored, confused, and disenfranchised, because they know the MAGA believers will vote no matter what. They want to other side to be apathetic and complacent, to induce ambivalence. The MAGA dominated legislatures have been working in overdrive to suppress voting ostensibly to enhance the voting influence of their political base.


The ill-fated Boeing Starliner capsule launched into low-Earth orbit on 5.June.2024. The Starliner was plagued early on with helium leaks and problematic thrusters on the service module which is intended to be jettisoned prior to re-entry. We have been told that the capsule itself remains fully functional. However, apparently, NASA is not confident enough to get the Starliner from the ISS to the re-entry insertion point without incident, so the astronauts wait an additional six months aboard the ISS for their return. The crew docked with the International Space Station (ISS) the next day (6.June.2024). NASA announced on Saturday, 24.August.2024, that Astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore would not return to Earth on the Starliner. A SpaceX Dragon capsule will be sent up to the ISS to retrieve them. They are currently expected to return to Earth aboard a SpaceX Dragon capsule in February 2025. There is much more to this story than we are being told. This is not good news for Boeing. Yet, I am grateful that there is an abundance of caution at NASA. The Starliner capsule will be returned to Earth without a crew “sometime in September [2024].”


Comments and contributions from Update no.1179:

Comment to the Blog:

“I still have a premonition that Little Fingers will be having a heart attack or stroke this year. Also, I’ve seen an article lately defining ‘evil’ as the lack of empathy. I agree with that.

“Meanwhile, summer continues. I have become something of a prepper over the years. Due to the absence of effective government action, we must each prepare for the increasing weather disasters as they trend in whatever areas we inhabit or visit. Apparently, the government abandoned emergency preparedness at some time in the 1990s. Good luck to everyone; we’ll all need it.”

My response to the Blog:

Your premonition may well come to fruition. In this instance, I hope not. We really need him resoundingly defeated in the proper, constitutional manner to render him to the dustbin of history.

I accept that definition of “evil” as well. Little Fingers is devoid of empathy or compassion; he cares only about himself, which is a key symptom of malignant narcissism.

I have not quite reached the level as a prepper. The rampant hording of the early pandemic days certainly gave me quite an awakening. Keep the faith; we shall overcome.

 . . . Round two:

“When I apply the idea of evil as a lack of empathy, it leads to many places for me, including in social or political issues.

“I’m a ‘little bit’ of a prepper. Based on current events, I keep a week or so of nonperishable food that needs little or no preparation and several gallons of clean water on hand, as well as a battery radio, simple camping gear, and whatever. I don’t believe mobs of looters will materialize because history doesn’t support that in natural disasters.

“I don’t believe ‘we shall overcome’ climate change. It’s already well under way; study any form of natural disaster and also agriculture over the past 50 years. We have the material means available to stop making it worse, but the political will won’t come until a crash comparable to the fall of Rome occurs. I’ve been following this topic for over 30 years, and I’m not optimistic. Humans don’t deal with processes that occur gradually very well at all.”

 . . . my response to round two:

Quite understandable. There are myriad social & political issues to which the definition can be applied. We see a dramatic contrast today.

Looters depend upon chaos; thus the proliferation of looters is dependent upon how widespread chaos is. I delve into that issue in my novel Apocalypse Endeavor.

Perhaps not. I agree, climate change is well underway; the physical evidence is clear and undeniable. It is a complex issue, and like you, I fret about our will to amend our behavior to help mitigate the causal factors. By the time it floods Miami, it will be too late for millions of people, putting far more stress on maritime nations.

 . . . Round three:

“Someone studied the history of looting. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters don’t seem to bring much looting; I suspect civil unrest would result in more looting. I prepare for natural disasters.

“Study timelines of climate change. Even if we did everything right, climate change would continue for a few decades. No proposed means of mitigation shows promise. Even more important, the human response to the changes is too little, too late. The predictions have tended to be too cautious, but we can expect to lose Miami, New Orleans, and probably New York as well as Hong Kong and various other population centers.”

 . . . my response to round three:

I agree with you. We are not as prepared as you.

Perhaps so. Climate change is undeniable by any metric. What the salient issue is why? What is causing climate change? Is it just the natural cycle of the planet? After all, we have had hot periods and cold periods. The last ice age began receding 11,000 years ago. One thing for certain (for any reason), we must wean ourselves off of fossil fuels. It is a convenient source of energy, but it is a dead-end road and a costly one.

 . . . Round four:

“No past cycle of climate change has been anywhere near as rapid as this one. There must be a new variable. That has been shown to be human activity. Nitpicking the science excuses human unwillingness to change.”

 . . . my response to round four:

I will not quibble with your statement. You may well be correct. Speaking only for myself, I remain skeptical. The evidence presented is not convincing. I find it difficult to make the jump that human beings are the root cause. We may well be, but I have not seen that linkage. Our ancestors have only walked on this planet for 50,000 of the 4,900,000,000 years of Earth existence. I struggle with that ratio. Lastly, whether it is human caused or not, we must change; we cannot continue to consume fossil fuels. I accept that you may well be correct; human activity is the root cause of climate change. Regardless, we must change, period, full stop, drop the mic.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)

19 August 2024

Update no.1179

 Update from the Sunland


12.8.24 – 18.8.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


Well, this is the sparsest one yet. We have two and a half more months of the silly season to endure. [The person who shall no longer be named] continues to do what his malignant narcissism compels him to do. He is just incapable of being a decent human being. Further, simply put, I refuse to waste any more of my precious time on him.

All American citizens must vote in November. This election is too bloody important for myriad reasons too numerous to count or articulate.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1178:

Comment to the Blog:

“I wish you well with anything involving radiation treatment.

“As I understand it, Senator Kelly has had some friction with labor, which is an important part of the Democrats’ base. And Tim Walz is easily the most likable political candidate I’ve seen in a long time. That counts.

“I re-posted a Robert Reich article to Facebook this morning about Little Fingers losing what’s left of his mind over losing the spotlight.

“I lost interest in sports somewhere along my road. Sad to say, I live in Columbus, Ohio, where Ohio State football is unavoidable.

“If I read or watch financial market analysis, it appears that it runs almost entirely on investors’ feelings.”

My response to the Blog:

Yes, all of that counts. So far, Walz seems to be delivering on the compassion factor. It still comes down to votes.

I have not read the Reich article as yet, but just from his public statements, there is a strong argument for that conclusion.

We still enjoy sports and consume more than we should. I can only imagine what Columbus is like on game day, especially when the Buckeyes win.

There are quite a few technical parameters by which to judge a company’s productive and financial health. Those parameters contribute to the “assessment” of the company’s “future,” which is what drives the emotion. Add to that numerous extra-corporate factors, we get an occasional volatile stew. One of my biggest criticisms of contemporary corporate activities is Wall Street & the financial overseers drive them to the myopia of the next quarterly statement. That syndrome is exactly what trapped Boeing (and others).

 . . . a follow-up comment:

“One subject that fascinates me is social psychology. I see the Harris/Walz ticket doing a very good job at using that psychology, especially Walz. US politics has been producing mass depression at least since 2016. Along comes Harris with real vigor. She’s still using negative statements, but she’s doing it with style, unlike any Republican. Also, she’s making a comedy of Little Fingers. That’s an approach no authoritarian can deal with. Add to that Walz, who has a beautiful back story that plays to Middle America and beyond. I’ve seen several comments on social media about him as a great dad figure. Both of them speak clearly in simple terms to the stresses of the middle class. Whether or not I support them (think Gaza and a few other things), their momentum rocks.

“Meanwhile, I’ve seen mainstream media (New York Times, CBS) reject some of Little Fingers’ wilder claims. The times are changing.

“Columbus has had drunken rioting based on Ohio State football games. Yuck.

“I know about some of those technical parameters. In the end, major investment decisions are still made on feelings, and often relevant information is concealed.”

 . . . my follow-up response:

I agree with your assessment of the Harris/Walz ticket. She seems to have trimmed and steadied the ship. We have two and a half months to the election. The other guys seem to be getting progressively more desperate.

Wilder, FALSE accusations and claims are part of their desperation. The actions of one MS-13 gang member have become all immigrants, legal and illegal. Make citizens afraid--xenophobic.

I understand and concur with your revulsion of drunken football game rioting, and I will extend that revulsion to any rioting for any reason.

Investing in the future performance of corporations is glorified gambling. No one can know the future just as no one can know the next fall of the dice or the next number on the roulette wheel. It is still gambling.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)

12 August 2024

Update no.1178

 Update from the Sunland


5.8.24 – 11.8.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


Democrat presumptive nominee Vice President Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Timothy James ‘Tim’ Walz as her vice-presidential running mate. Of the choices on her short list, I preferred Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, if it had been my choice, although on the flipside, I would hate to lose him as one of our state’s senators. The Harris-Walz ticket hit the ground running, campaigning heavily in battleground states and expanding their public appearances.

As an interesting footnote, the campaign of the other old guy spend millions on campaign adds against President Biden. Those advertisements are all now worthless. They must develop a whole new set of ads against the Harris-Walz ticket. 


My excuse this week is more sports of the 33rd Olympiad and the side-effects of my recent radiation treatment. I will not bore you with Too Much Information (TMI). Let it suffice to say, these temporary physical effects make simple necessary things difficult. ‘Nuf said. This too shall pass.

Wow! What a finish to the Women’s basketball gold medal game. The U.S. women won by one point and a couple of inches . . . literally. The French shot in the last few seconds. Her foot was just few inches inside the three-point arc. A couple of inches back would have tied the game and sent it to overtime. As they say, close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and nukes.

I will note here that there are several Olympic “sports” that simply do not make sense to me. Examples: breaking, hand ball, and skateboarding. There are discussions about making chess an Olympic sport. Hey, while we are at it, how about tiddlywinks or parcheesi. Let us not carry this sport definition too far.


For me, especially in this silly season, I prefer a candidate with integrity, reason, and compassion far more than one who daily spews insults, accusations, and falsities. To me the choice is crystal clear. Each citizen will have his or her rationale for voting and for voting for each particular candidate, up and down ballot, but the important element is, vote!. We will deal with what comes.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1177:

Comment to the Blog:

“I see privacy as necessary to the ‘Blessings of Liberty’ in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

“I’ll bring up a very current topic. The New York Stock Exchange opens at 9:30 Eastern Time; as of 9:44 AM Monday 8/5/2024, the Dow is down 2.91%, the S&P 500, down 3.56%, and the NASDAQ down 4.50%, per MarketWatch. Markets worldwide are dropping on the same scale. That is largely blamed, by DealBook and others, on fears about the U.S. economy. I’ve seen an allegation by the left that the Fed has delayed rate relief to improve King Baby’s chance of winning the election.

“DealBook this morning also points out that Kamala Harris has an official unpaid advisor in her brother-in-law, Tony West, who is a corporate lawyer who has worked in government. Among his tasks in government was negotiating settlements with banks that were too easy on the banks. He currently works for Uber.”

My response to the Blog:

Yes, there are several indirect references that can be interpreted as reflections of privacy. I will also argue that there is no freedom without privacy. But, I must also remind everyone that Associate Justice Thomas tells us privacy as a word or concept is not explicitly stated in the U.S. Constitution, thus did does not exist under the law, according to him. Yes, absolutely, privacy is essential to securing the “Blessings of Liberty,” which is why privacy is so bloody important and why I harp upon privacy as the vital struggle of our time.

The current market volatility is caused by many things, not least of which is emotion. I say it is not rational given the strength of the economy. I am reminded by the old adage in part, “If you see things as bad, they will be bad.” I also say, this too shall pass. I will not subscribe to the conspiracy theory. No matter what the Fed does with rates, someone will complain.

OK. I did not know that.

Oh so true, as a retired person, every day is just ‘day.’ Monday, Tuesday, et cetera, are no longer relevant. They are all just days, now. I opened my eyes and got out of bed—another day upright.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)

05 August 2024

Update no.1177

 Update from the Sunland


29.7.24 – 4.8.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


With the effort to satisfy my publisher’s instructions for my 24th book and the seductive attraction of Olympic sports, no topics breached the capacity threshold of my works this week. And so it goes.

On the positive side, I got to watch sports I do not usually get to observe—archery, field hockey, water polo, cycling, volleyball, and such. Watching the best in the world perform is fascinating to me.


I will repeat myself. The societal issue before us is not about abortion or any other reproductive activity. It is absolutely about every citizen’s fundamental right to privacy regardless of any single or combination of the social factors. As Associate Justice Thomas loves to point out to all of us at every opportunity he can find, the word or even concept of privacy is not mentioned anywhere in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution in toto. If we look beyond the socio-political right’s moral projectionist focus on abortion, the choice is simple and easy. I stand for freedom and for privacy to exercise that freedom.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1176:

Comment to the Blog:

“Certainly, someone at the Secret Service failed in their responsibilities at the assassination attempt on Little Fingers. Two outstanding flaws are that (1) they allowed him to go onstage knowing a shooter was about to act and (2) they let him raise his head and arm for several seconds after already being hit (if that’s authentic).

“Many of us feel the moral indignation you expressed at the attempt to take over our nation. The feelings by themselves have no effect. Call for specific actions.”

My response to the Blog:

I will argue that the blameworthy for the assassination attempt on Little Fingers goes much farther than singular. For example, that USSS sniper team on the building roof behind the stage knew better, or should have known better, that the perimeter had been drawn too close, and that that rooftop was an unacceptable vulnerability. You listed a couple of flaws. There are many more. The paucity of some common communications network seems the most prominent. The principal detail should have been informed of a suspicious person and held the principal in a secure location until that suspicion had been cleared or removed. Open air pollical campaign sites are particularly difficult to secure, but a bunch of USSS professionals failed in their primary task.

Quite so, and our primary tool is our vote.

 . . . Round two:

“The planning failures you mentioned appear accurate, and communication seems to have failed too. I’ve seen reports that the Secret Service knew the shooter was there but didn’t stop Little Fingers from going onstage. It’s too soon for that to be verified. Also, I’m not aware of any available medical reports on the ear wound, if any. Little Fingers will be interviewed by the FBI, which ought to be interesting given his habit of lying about everything all the time.”

 . . . my response to round two:

The acting director of the USSS testified yesterday before a couple of congressional committees and adamantly rejected supposition that the protection detail knew about the shooter. The communications between local law enforcement and the USSS was poor to non-existent, a recipe for disaster. And, disaster struck. I cannot believe the protection detail would have allowed him on stage if they had known a unlocalized suspicious person was in the area; but hey, I could be wrong.

First, whether he was grazed in the right ear is irrelevant. Eight shots were fired at or in the vicinity of the former president. That fact alone makes it a viable assassination attempt. Second, where did the blood come from? Please do not tell me Hollywood magic. Third, the USSS protection detail believed their principal was in danger and took appropriate action.

We shall see how the various investigations turn out.

 . . . Round three:

“The obvious thing about the assassination attempt is that the Secret Service failed badly. Real public knowledge of the details won’t come unless there’s something like a Warren Commission investigation. The failure of the attempt makes that unlikely.

“As far as the blood on his ear, you won’t learn if you already know.”

 . . . my response to round three:

I am not quite so cynical about the investigative process, but you may well be correct. We shall see. That event was a failure to protect the principal no matter how we look at it. No matter how vile that man is, he deserved better protection.

The point is, I do not know. I just question. I continue to look for evidence as I do in most incidents I study. I want to know exactly what happened and why.


Another contribution:


“He’s at it again-this person is unfit for political employment.”

My reply:

Indeed! That is just one of many. He simply cannot help himself. It is often what happens when malignant narcissism combines with a paucity of any moral values.

We shall ensure. I can only hope he will be embarrassingly defeated in November. We shall see.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)