15 July 2024

Update no.1174

 Update from the Sunland


8.7.24 – 14.7.24

Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


To all,


Invariably, when I awaken from my late morning nap, I ask the missus, “Did anything happen while I was gone?” Until Saturday, her answer was always, “Nope.” That all change on Saturday. On this particular Saturday, we were blessed to watch our Grandson Judson play double-header AAU basketball games, which meant my daily nap was delayed to late afternoon. When I made my routine query, the answer from her was, “Boy, I have something big to tell you today.”


Early Saturday evening, 13.July.2024, at 18:11 [R] EDT {15:11 [T] MST}, an apparent assassination attempt was made on the presumed Republican candidate for president during a political campaign rally at the Butler Farm Show fairgrounds near Butler, Butler County, Pennsylvania, roughly 40 miles north of Pittsburgh. The shooter was on the roof of a building just outside the venue and the security perimeter at a range of 200-300 meters reportedly using an AR-15 rifle. He was neutralized swiftly by counter-snipers of the protection detail. One of the bullets grazed the upper right ear of the former president, causing him to duck down. The Secret Service detail enveloped him and evacuated the former president. One spectator was killed, and two others were seriously wounded. Numerous investigations were opened immediately by the Secret Service, the FBI, Homeland Security, et al. I suspect it will be some time before we hear the findings of each investigation.

Despite my myriad objections to the man, I roundly condemn this action. I agree completely with President Biden; this is not American society and culture. No matter the shooter’s motives, assassination is the antithesis of American ideals and principals. The vast majority of American citizens are not so consumed with hate to instigate them to take such abhorrent action. We will eventually learn the shooters motives and led him to such a heinous act. The shooter was neutralized, which eliminates him as a source of information, but I have faith the investigators will sort it all out.

I shall refrain from further comments on the circumstances and evolving facts until we have a clearer picture of how and why. 


Continuing contributions from Update no.1172:

“Well we are both going through political alteration, although ours should settle somewhat with a new government at the wheel.

“Yours will soldier on, what will be the final conclusion? We shall have to wait and see. My views are not pertinent are they?”

My reply:

Oh my yes, we soldier on. We are still four months away from our elections. A lot can happen in that amount of time. Both major party conventions are still ahead. Two old men give us plenty of controversy that has nothing to do with governance. I hope and trust that your political situation settles out quickly. It appears France has dodged a bullet as well . . . at least for now. I can only hope our political situation begins to settle down after the election. I would like the election to be the conclusion of this silly season, but as we witnessed in 2020/21, Little Fingers made certain that the chaos he created persists even to this day. He has yet to concede the election as a normal ethical gentleman would have done.

Your views are just as pertinent as mine, my friend. Please continue to comment as you see fit.


Comments and contributions from Update no.1173:

Comment to the Blog:

“Steve Bannon’s big mouth will cause him trouble in prison, even for a four-month sentence.

“Little Fingers’ delay tactics continue. Meanwhile, a judge released a non-redacted version of Epstein’s files. That ought to be fun. I’m already seeing leftist posts about Little Fingers being a frequent flier (literally and otherwise), and at least one claims the papers include specific details about his sexual behaviors. There’s also a revival of accusations by a woman who was 13 at the time. All of that is a huge gift to opposing campaigns.

“Boeing skates again. Such are the dangers of unlimited capitalism.

“You and I are both younger old men than Biden or Little Fingers. Neither of them is in fit mental condition for the high-pressure job of President. I question whether either could be counted on to physically survive another term. We need another choice.

“As many others point out, the political pendulum is returning to the left in France and the UK. In the meantime, we here experience the fruits of the Powell memo.”

My response to the Blog:

That is my impression as well. No matter how cushy that prison may be, it is like nothing he has ever experienced before. He may be in for a big shock.

Yes, they do. I have not seen the Epstein files. I would not be surprised in the least if Little Fingers appears multiple times on the registry. Of course, that will not affect the MAGAts. None of the believers care a twit about ihr Lieber Anführer‘s immoral behavior and conduct.

There is a very rough road ahead for Boeing, along with seriously diminished profits for shareholders.

Yes, we are, but not by much . . . at least in my case. I cannot go as far as you do in declaring President Biden is unfit. As I have stated in multiple fora, I would rather have a tottering, well-intentioned, old man than a malignant narcissistic conman in the Oval Office. To me, the choice is simple. We shall see what the Democrat Convention does next month.

The political pendulum may swing left here as well . . . if everyone votes for the best person on the ballot.

 . . . Round two:

“Probably nothing will change the MAGAts by now, but voters to their left are another matter.

“If everyone votes for the best person on the ballot, the Green Party will win.”

 . . . my response to round two:

Indeed, but everyone must vote to stop Little Fingers & the MAGAts.

Perhaps so, but how will they govern? The president does not create laws and provide funding. Congress does. The Greens are missing a lot of congressional candidates.

 . . . Round three:

“‘Everyone must vote’ is the central problem. Decades of negative campaigns have discouraged many voters, leaving a few partisans to carry the day for one of the parties. Democrats have yet to see that.

“Were the Greens to win some key offices, they’d do what the rest of the world does: form a coalition with the others closest to them.”

 . . . my response to round three:

I cannot argue with that assessment. However, if we do not vote, we cannot affect change. Change is what brought us Little Fingers. How did that work out?

Perhaps so, but it has never been done since the early days of the republic before parties formed practically. From my perspective, to be blunt, voting for the Green candidate is much like buying a pig in a poke, or trust me, you build it, they will come. Nice ideals, but not in the face of an existential threat to democratic governance and the very republic itself.

 . . . Round four:

“Cap, your logic boxes us into a disaster.”

 . . . my response to round four:

Perhaps so, but it is a reflection of reality. We must deal with what is.


My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.


Cap                  :-)


Calvin R said...

Good Monday, Cap,

I’m opposed to killing in general, even if it’s Little Fingers. I noted that he did several fist-pumps as the Secret Service attempted to whisk him away for treatment. Also, from what I could see in several viewings of the appropriate clip, that might not be a bullet wound. It’s a shame Little Fingers gets a chance to play martyr. I’d hoped for a heart attack. Also, in the case of either major-party candidate winning, the Vice President will likely become President before the end of the term.

We are cursed with still more “interesting” times.

Have a good day,


Cap Parlier said...

Good morning to you, Calvin,
We do not know any of those detail facts. However, something made is right ear bleed (fact). A lot of weapons could have done that, but at a reported distance of 130 yards, it had to be a rifle bullet. At that range, it was an easy shot even for a standard, off-the-shelf rifle. As Marines, we trained and qualified at 200, 300, and 500 yards. Whatever it was, it came oh so close to a different outcome. A quarter of an inch to the right and we would be talking about a different outcome. We will eventually learn the wound details & pathology. The conspiracy theories have already begun in earnest.

Yes, absolutely. Little Fingers will probably play the “chosen one” martyr to the hilt—perfect for his grift of the American people.

Yes, indeed. The ancient Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times,” appears quite applicable to the times in which we live. Nonetheless, we must and will endure.

Have a great day. Take care and enjoy.