Update from the Sunland
11.4.22 – 17.4.22
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
Well, sports fans, the day has finally come to Mudville. I succumbed to familial encouragement and was fitted for hearing aids. I am not sure why I resisted, after all I gave into glasses years ago. I know it was not vanity. Perhaps, it was the simple male weakness of machismo. Regardless, I finally have them. Contemporary technology has offered impressive capability. After my appointment, Jeanne and I went to a restaurant to test the directional mode. It worked! I selected a narrow zone directly in front of me (Jeanne). The restaurant noise was dimmed, still noticeable, but low in volume, which made Jeanne’s voice crisp and easily understood. So far, I am glad I finally agreed to get them. They are not cheap, but as of now, I would definitely say they are worth it. Too many years around turbine engines have taken their toll. Now, I hear sounds that were always present but beyond my hearing. Some of those new sounds are annoying, but I believe I will adapt to hearing better.
The follow-up news items:
-- We had a couple of more criminal convictions this week stemming from the insurrection [991]. First this week was former Rocky Mount, Virginia, police sergeant Thomas ‘T.J.’ Robertson—United States of America v. Thomas Robertson [USDC DC Case 1:21-cr-00034-CRC (2021)]. The jury found him guilty of all six felony charges. His one-time codefendant and fellow officer, Jacob Fracker, pleaded guilty to multiple charges and testified against Robertson during his trial. U.S. District Judge Christopher Reid ‘Casey’ Cooper of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia was sympathetic to Robertson’s Army and law enforcement service, but ultimately, Judge Cooper noted the convict’s expressed remorselessness and endorsement of future political violence in his order continuing Robertson’s confinement without bail pending sentencing.
--The second insurrection conviction this week was the case of Dustin Bryron Thompson of Columbus, Ohio—United States of America v. Dustin Bryron Thompson and Robert Anthony Lyon [USDC DC Case 1:21-cr-00161-RBW (2021)]. Thompson’s codefendant Robert Anthony Lyon of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, pleaded guilty earlier. After Thompson’s conviction on all five of his charges, U.S. District Judge Reggie Barnett Walton of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, said, “You know, I think our democracy is in trouble, because unfortunately, we have charlatans like our former president, who doesn't in my view really care about democracy, but only about power. And as a result of that, it's tearing this country apart.” I would say Judge Walton is spot on the money. Judge Walton set Thompson’s sentencing for 20.July.2022. As these cases work their way through the judicial system, we see more and more judges speaking out against the man who caused all of this. I continue to believe we are working our way toward holding the perpetrator of the insurrection and other criminal conduct accountable. Charlatan indeed, and that is being excessively kind and generous to [the person who shall no longer be named].
There have been numerous reports, unfortunately conflicting, that the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol [1020] {HSCJ6} is working on a criminal referral to the Justice Department for [the person who shall no longer be named]. There are others who declare a former president has never been criminally charged set aside tried in court before a jury, and the Justice Department is reticent to do so now. I think the HSCJ6 has ample physical evidence for criminal charges, but until we see the House resolution and better the charging document, we will not know. But, there is always hope.
In the category of really rich international actions, Russia sanctioned 398 Members of Congress in a tit-for-tat retaliation for Allied sanctions on Russian Members of the Duma. I eventually found a list of the sanctioned Members of Congress, more to see who was not on the list than who was. I could not find any senators. The list also included prominent fBICP House members. Some House leaders had already been sanctioned previously so there was no need to add them to the list.
If anyone would like to understand the dictator Putin better, I strongly recommend the Michael Kirk documentary “Putin’s Road to War” broadcast on PBS. Here is the relevant citation information:
PBS Frontline: Putin’s Road to War
Broadcast: March 15, 2022
Season 2022: Episode 18
The documentary is sobering and chilling that Russia has turned to and allowed a ruthless dictator to gain control of the instruments of state. There are many differences but more similarities between Putin and his predecessors Stalin and Hitler. But, Putin must deal with a far different world than Stalin and Hitler did—number 1 is instant communications of the Internet and World Wide Web. I truly believe the Russian people will eventually reach their threshold of tolerance and rise up against the dictator, just as the Ukrainians did in 2014. There is always hope.
On Wednesday, 13.April.2022, the Russian Navy cruiser Moskva, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, was hit by two Ukrainian Neptune R-360 anti-ship cruise missiles. The Russians claimed the warship experienced an onboard fire, while other media sources reported that the cruiser sank while being towed in inclement weather. It is good for the Russians to feel the bite of Ukrainian offensive operations. Renowned aviation video Blog’er Commander Ward "Mooch" Carroll, USN (Ret.) [USNA 1982] issued a short report titled: “Russia's Black Sea Flagship SUNK!” on 15.April.2022:
URL: https://youtu.be/M0rl5uZi7mw
While I am convinced the facts are accurate, i.e., the sinking of the Moskva, I question the validity of the images and video clips of the attack on the Moskva. They are not consistent in numerous ways. They may represent what happened, but they do not show what happened. The result is still the same.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1055:
Comment to the Blog:
“.. as for dark money you might look at Mark Zuckerberg who funded something like 400 plus million to all the counties of the swing states that Biden ultimately stole . This includes as you know the once lovely state of AZ to which Zuckerbucks were the most abundant. I’m going to KS where it’s still red and I’ll pray for AZ to lose its fraudulent politicians.
“By the way ... where is this pandemic you say is not over ???
“God Bless America .. may he protect us
“Take Care and Enjoy,
“Your favorite TRUMP minion, May God Bless and Protect Him too”
My reply to the Blog:
The evil and corruption of dark money applies to our entire political system regardless of the level (municipal to federal), or political party, or individual. The problem I have with your statement is, dark money means we have no idea who gave how much to which side or which purpose . . . thus the adjective ‘dark.’ For all we know, rich folks give lots of dark money to both sides to play both sides no matter who wins. Further, as is the nature of all politicians (and their supporters), they point to the other guy to mask their own nefarious malfeasance. I respectfully suggest you pray for KS politicians as well, or all politicians. They are all just as corrupt; they are politicians, and dark money is simply too bloody tempting.
The John Hopkins’ statistics show that we had 80.5M reported infection cases, 986K fatalities. We had 57.5K new cases last week alone. There were 2,716 COVID-19 fatalities last week. Several new variants have been detected. To think the pandemic is over is patently wrong. If we are not careful, we may face another resurgence this fall.
I shall respectfully refuse to take the bait offered up. You are still a friend, regardless of your politics.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1056:
Comment to the Blog:
“The GOP is finding it necessary to shore up whatever support they still have among the more radical Christians. Hence, the hearings for Justice Brown became a spectacle.
“Ukraine has approximately 5% of the Earth’s mineral resources in only 0.4% of its land surface, per https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-are-the-major-natural-resources-of-ukraine.html, along with a major port or two. Consider that Putin might be motivated by something other than insanity. There’s no morality in him, but there might be a rational motivation. Also, let’s remember that the conflict with the Communist USSR is over because the Communist USSR is long gone.
“The UN is a clumsy operation at best. Perhaps any organization that attempts world unity must be.”
My response to the Blog:
Yes, I would agree with that one aspect, but there are many other contributing factors as well. It was indeed a spectacle, but it is over now. She is confirmed and will take her oath of office in July. The elements that led to the Jackson spectacle remain present in the Senate. Imagine what we will witness if President Biden gets another nomination for say Thomas or Alito? Jackson replacing Breyer is one thing; Jackson replacing Thomas would be an order of magnitude more brutal.
There are likely many motivating factors for Putin’s War. Here is another interesting perspective:
Yet, at the root, it seems Putin and his supporters in the Duma and oligarchy are driven by one underlying motivator—fear. They grew up a system based on fear, and they want to return Russia to a position of relevance by fear. The United States does not have many strategic ties to Ukraine, and yet, they are showing us the way and displaying how the administration and the West should confront Putin’s use of violence to induce fear and intimidate an important neighbor. The motivation of resources can never be ignored, just like money can never be ignored. But in this instance, I think it is more than money or resources; they are collateral at best.
I cannot disagree with your observation about the UN. I have not given up on them just yet. As always, time shall tell the tale. Clearly, Russia has forfeited its place as a permanent member of the Security Council. We must isolate the Russian government and encourage the Russian people to make a change to be . . . more neighborly.
. . . Round two:
“I have considered the potential of replacing Mr. Justice Thomas. His wife’s conduct could lead to his retirement or impeachment. The long shadow of January 6, 2021, would affect the next nominee, but the specific effect is hard to predict.
“I watched that entire video with Peter Ziehan. He seems more concerned with Russian ethnicity than anything else. Let’s remember that racism and ethnic prejudice are tools of dictators, but they may not actually feel that way themselves. The education and leadership points are more salient if the arguments are supported by fact. And the weakness of the Russian military seems to be showing. The only real motivational factor he discussed was territorial integrity. That makes sense, but so does seeking additional resources. I could not find whether this person has a degree or experience working in the field or not either on Wikipedia or on his own site.
“I would always have preferred the Security Council to operate differently due to the concentration of power in a few hands. Russia has brought that issue to the fore.”
. . . my response to round two:
Perhaps. Thomas has always struck me as a rather obstinate man. I doubt anything other than death will remove him from the bench. Alito is younger and less vulnerable. In today’s political landscape, I cannot imagine impeachment advancing beyond the accusation stage. I gave up long ago trying to predict the conduct or performance of the Supremes.
I agree. The weakness of the Russian military is on graphic display. The Russian military is acting like a wounded and cornered lion. There wonton destruction of cities and populations are intended for one purpose only—instill fear in the Ukrainians. Their tactics worked in Chechnya, Georgia, and Syria; so far, they are not working in Ukraine. In fact, I think Putin’s War is doing exactly the opposite from the dictator’s desires—unifying the West and the World against him. Sweden and Finland’s gestures toward NATO membership should be far more alarming to Putin. The Russian military appears incapable of coherent general conventional warfare against determined defenders. Further, just like the Americans in Iraq, they have insufficient forces to occupy the country even if they eventually take it. I suspect Putin has scaled back his objectives. It appears he is now going to try to take Eastern Ukraine to the Dnipro River. Failing that, he might try to carve off the Donbass and southern coastal territory to Crimea or perhaps to Kherson and the mouth of the Dnipro. I would not encourage Ukraine to negotiate away any territory for peace. Frankly, I think NATO should call his bluff.
You are not alone in your concerns for the validity of the UN or Security Council. As I have written, the General Assembly should permanently remove Russia as a permanent member of the Security Council. Putin has forfeited Russia’s traditional status—non-negotiable. I think they should retain their membership in the General Assembly, but that status should be conditional or probationary.
. . . Round three:
“We shall see the eventual fate of Mr. Justice Thomas. The local evening news featured them--and this is a Fox station.
“The only obvious thing about the Russian offensive is they're no longer on Plan A. The whole fiasco has also exposed the problem with the structure of the UN Security Council.”
. . . my response to round three:
Yep, time shall tell the tale. Yet, unlikely fast enough. It makes the 2022 election all the more important. If the fBICP regains control of the Senate, McConnell will claim no action until after the 2024 presidential election, i.e., “let the people decide.” This could get very ugly, and yes, we shall see.
Indeed! Plan A is out the window . . . at least for now. We cannot know what is in Putin’s mind. There continues to bloom myriad speculations about Plan B, but it will take some time to see what Plan B is exactly.
Yes, agreed. Putin’s War has exposed the vulnerability of the current Security Council structure. The basic construct was established in 1945 in the euphoria of defeating the fascist regimes. It was based on good will and an underlying desire for peace. Yet, we saw the vulnerability in Stalin’s actions in Eastern Europe, Korea, and elsewhere. Now is the time to correct that vulnerability. Failure to do so will likely render the UN worthless.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
Hearing aids have been a major boon to my family. We have a hearing loss that’s apparently genetic.
I’ll note that Mr. Thompson, of Columbus, used the “just following orders” defense in his January 6 trial and got convicted.
The nation needs a criminal referral and subsequent conviction for King Baby.
I agree with you about money in politics. We don’t know the sources of dark money, but the money that’s reported comes from many sources, mostly corporate by volume, and goes to all levels of both major parties.
The rain is apparently about to stop for several hours. I’ll find something to do away from here. You enjoy your day, too,
Good morning to you, Calvin,
I am glad your family has found relief with the technology of hearing aids. It took me a long time to get to that point, but I am also glad I finally got there. I must give full credit to Jeanne for her persistence and patience (sort of).
Yes, indeedie! “Just following orders” did not work for Wilhelm Keitel. I am not sure why Thompson thought it would work for him. It will not work for any of Thompson’s compatriots either.
Oh my, yes! That man deserves to spend the rest of his contemptible life in the solitude of prison to consider the error of this ways. I can think of no man who has done as much damage to the fabric of this once grand republic as that man. And, the more we learn, the worse it gets.
Agreed all the way around. Dark money must go, and corporations must be returned to what they are—constructs of convenience for business; they are NOT citizens.
Have a great day. Take care and enjoy.
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