Update from the Sunland
6.12.21 – 12.12.21
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
I made a dreadful mistake of omission in last week’s Update [1038] that must be remedied. In the paragraph about Judge Parker’s sanctions of the plaintiffs’ lawyers in the King v. Whitmer lawsuit, I omitted perhaps the most important section of her ruling. Prior to the list of plaintiffs’ attorneys and their state(s) of licensure, I should have quoted Judge Parker’s most punitive sanction for the malfeasance of those attorneys. Judge Parker stated, “[T]he Clerk of the Court shall send a copy of this decision to the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission and the appropriate disciplinary authority for the jurisdiction(s) where each attorney is admitted, referring the matter for investigation and possible suspension or disbarment.” Disbarment (the rescission of their license to practice law) is far more punitive than a meager US$20K fine share. I truly regret the omission in my original rendering, and I even left off the period of the prior sentence. I will claim the missing period suggests I intended to insert the above paragraph but forgot. Nonetheless, I think there is a precise but unstated reason Sidney Powell is listed first in that rogues’ gallery. I can find nothing redeeming in her public statements. The others are guilty by association.
At 08:02 [S] CST, Saturday, 11.December.2021, Blue Origins launched New Shepard mission NS-19 into non-orbital space with the latest crew of amateur astronauts, comprised of:
-- Michael Strahan – NFL Hall of Fame defensive end and television personality,
-- Laura Shepard Churchley, eldest daughter of famed NASA astronaut Alan Shepard, and paying passengers:
-- Dylan Taylor,
-- Evan Dick,
-- Lane Bess, father, and
-- Cameron Bess, son.
It was another flawless mission from what I could see and hear.
Later Saturday, the young lads from the Military Academy at West Point and Naval Academy at Annapolis played the 122nd rendition of the annual Army-Navy football game. It was a great game of back & forth; well worth the watching. Navy won 17-13. Go Navy! Beat Army.
Last spring, the Arizona Senate (with a 16-14 Republican controlled majority) to do their part toward perpetuating the BIG LIE initiated an independent Republican-controlled detailed audit of Maricopa County’s (only) 2020 election results. The Senate Republicans engaged and contracted with an unknown Florida novice company (recommended by you know who) known as Cyber Ninjas using state treasury funds to perform the audit. The company reported its results last summer. Since then, Senate President Karen Fann, who represents a similar part of the state as Representative Paul Gosar [1036], if that is a clue, has consistently defied the state superior, appeals and supreme courts, to withhold the audit report from public scrutiny.
“Arizona Senate spending big to keep its audit secrets”
by Laurie Roberts
Arizona Republic
Published: Monday, December 6, 2021
This is precisely why we do not want politicians anywhere near the vote counting process at any level. I am left with the impression that Senator Fann fears her messiah, AKA [the person who shall no longer be named], and her radical constituents far more than she does the judiciary or prison. My guess is, the results did not turn out the way she expected as a proponent of the BIG LIE, and she does not want the shenanigans and malfeasance involved in the process to become public knowledge. Fann will not be able to withhold the documents indefinitely; they will eventually reach the public domain. She is probably hoping to hold off public disclosure until after the 2022 elections or perhaps even the 2024 elections. The stark, cold reality of all this remains, none of it would have happened without the BIG LIE originated and perpetuated by [the person who shall no longer be named]; he is the ultimate perpetrator of all of it. The chief culprit sits back fat, dumb, and happy in the sunshine playing golf while his minions compromise their morals, their values, their integrity, and their reputations at the altar of the Oh So Great Orange One. We can only hope those foolish people believe their sacrifice is worth it.
The following exchange was extracted from a thread in a different forum. The instigating item was a single image of a group of armed men with dark skin pigmentation and the claim of Representative Marjorie Taylor Green of Georgia that “Congress is Going After January 6 Defendants but Not After BLM.” The contributor commented:
“It has always perplexed me as it might you about how often the race card is introduced, and how so many in school/academia/news/Hollywood continuously tell us how bad race relations are. While it is obvious I am not a person of color, let's say African-American (or in my day we said a ‘black’ person), nor have I had any negative encounters with L.E., I was thinking for a decade plus that race relations had improved in America. The former prejudices and blatant racism I saw diminish. I certainly am not suggesting it still does not exist, but I saw progress. When I am walking around Little Italy in San Diego and a black man with a white woman, or black woman with a white man, and they are hugging and holding hands, I really thought we made progress past the stigmatizations we saw for decades. But it seems an incident like George Floyd, set us back a few decades and back to square one (well not as bad as ‘square one,’ but not as good as we perceived the progress of).
“You are always welcome to share any of my comments/retorts/nasty duel, with your group and the weekly Update.”
. . . to which I replied:
I shall take you up on your invitation. Thank you.
First, racism is an insidious, corrosive, toxic phenomenon that has been part of humanity since our ancestors began to walk upright and use language for communications, but that does not make it correct or acceptable. It is based on a root emotion—"not like us.” The phenomenon inherently induces fear, distrust, and suspicion. It is also solely a learned phenomenon. It is taught by parents and cultures to their children, and it is perpetuated by that indoctrination of childhood. It is NOT genetic, inherent, or natural.
Second, racism is NOT unique to American citizens with dark skin pigmentation. History is replete with graphic examples of racism in various forms, e.g., Native Americans are “merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions”; Asian exclusionary laws; “Irish need not apply”; et al. Here, I must say, other factors of discrimination pervade other social factors, i.e., religion, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and even gender. Again, it boils down to “not like us.”
Third, racism shows up in infinite forms from simple to complex, from mundane to serious. While the Ku Klux Klan may not be lynching 14-year-old boys with dark skin pigmentation today, the reality of racism still exists in the minds of those children of Klansmen, among far too many others; they have been taught. Redlining is not as overt as it used to be, but it still exists to this very day. Now, for the record, racism can and does occur in reverse, e.g., an elderly Caucasian man assaulted simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the incorrect skin pigmentation, or a truck driver beaten senseless for the same reason.
I could go on, but this is not intended to be a treatise on racism. My point was, racism is so bloody insidious that far too many people are incapable of recognizing the reality of racism, or so inbred with racism, they refuse to recognize it. We see that reality in court tested factual evidence to this very day.
Simply put, that image had one purpose . . . “not like us.” Be afraid of the big bad boogeyman. That image had and has nothing to do with BLM or their purpose in protesting racism. I have seen NO evidence (just inuendo, rumor, and misinformation) that BLM ever sought or even encouraged violence in any form. Have there been inciters who use BLM events to commit multitudinous crimes? Yes, absolutely! That fact cannot be attributed to all American citizens with dark skin pigmentation or even BLM as an organization.
I am adamantly against racism is all its forms, covert to overt. They are human beings just the same as us except for a genetically provided pigmentation of their skin. They are exactly the same on the inside. We must confront racism wherever and however it exists.
“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong” . . . although I doubt it.
On Thursday, a three-judge panel of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit delivered yet another rejection to [the person who shall no longer be named]—Trump v. Thompson [DCCCA no. 21-5254 (2021)]. This decision dealt with the appellant’s claim of executive privilege in his attempt to withhold or delay the release of relevant White House documents to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol [1020]. One sentence in the 68-page ruling seems to summarize this decision (and perhaps all the myriad failures by the [the person who shall no longer be named]). Circuit Judge Patricia Ann Millett writing for the unanimous panel observed, “He [the person who shall no longer be named] offers instead only a grab-bag of objections that simply assert without elaboration his superior assessment of Executive Branch interests, insists that Congress and the Committee have no legitimate legislative interest in an attack on the Capitol, and impugns the motives of President Biden and the House.” [emphasis mine] Worse for the former president, Judge Millett offers repeated criticism of the former president that verges upon a judicial indictment of the former bully-in-chief. She stated, “[T]here is a sufficient factual predicate for inferring that former President Trump and his advisors played a materially relevant role [in the January 6thinsurrection].” The former BIC is expected to appeal to the Supreme Court in his efforts to obstruct the House Select Committee’s work. Given the DC Circuit’s ruling, I would expect the Supreme Court to summarily deny the appeal, which in turn would be the end of the road for the fBIC’s obstruction efforts.
This is the kind of drivel that so often sprouts from the demented mind of someone afflicted with malignant narcissism. Truly delusional! And this fellow continues to waste the valuable time of the Judiciary with his self-aggrandizing, worthless lawsuits. One common reality of all these presidential court cases, judge after judge at every level from the lowest to the highest have admonished [the person who shall no longer be named] for the flightiness of his arguments. I truly doubt so many lawyers are that incompetent, but they are hungry enough that it compels them to attempt what they must know is wrong and insufficient in order to placate their client. And yet, he persists in wasting the court’s time and capacity on frivolous, unsubstantiated, inadequate, and ill-developed spurious claims. This case is consistent with that guttural level of performance. Once again, this is exactly what malignant narcissism does. This is what Republicans voted for in the 2016 and 2020 elections. Nonetheless, the BIG LIE persists, and we must endure. One thing is as certain as the sun rise in the morning. The ego and malignant narcissism of [the person who shall no longer be named] will not allow him to admit reality, and the evidence of his culpability in the January 6th insurrection continue to mount. I just hope he lives long enough to suffer the punishment he deserves for what he has inflicted upon this once grand republic.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1038:
Comment to the Blog:
“In cases involving the ex-Resident, the wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow, but seem to be working. The continuing education for his lawyer agents is a nice touch, but I agree the sanctions are too light.
“It’s relevant to the ex-Resident and many other facts of life that my current reading is <i>Critical Thinking Skills for Dummies</i>. I highly recommend critical thinking skills as a useful tool for pretty much anyone. This book has sections discussing science and Hitler, among other things, and I’m still in the first part.
“While I agree that the ‘strict constructionists’ don’t evolve, the 8th Amendment uses the term ‘excessive’ twice and ‘cruel and unusual’ once. The terms evolve. Also, I agree that interpretation differs according to the interpreter’s feelings or agenda.
“To me, the point of Ms. Taub’s article on the movie <i>Armageddon</i> compared to the DART mission is the fiction versus the reality of individualism.”
My response to the Blog:
Thank you for your contribution. Your comment on Judge Parker’s sanctions of the plaintiffs’ lawyers sparked me to re-read the Update as published only to discover I had left off the more important and potentially punitive sanction. Thus, I have already written an erratum for next week’s Update. To me, the most important sanction is disbarment. Judge Parker cannot disbar an attorney, but her charging document in the form of the King v. Whitmer Opinion and Order is an important document of evidence piling up against Sidney Powell among others. While Powell’s disbarment is appropriate, I suspect that action is not likely in Texas for political reasons, and conversely, such action would be a bit sad in that she is just a lackey for the real, bona fide, perpetrator in all of this chaos. Powell deserves disbarment, but the ultimate snake-oil peddler in history deserves far more severe punishment for what he has done to this once grand republic.
The attempted italics transfer came through as simple .html code. Not to worry, I will ensure the italics appear in the Update. I am with you on the necessity of critical thinking, and we bear direct witness to what the paucity of critical thinking can do within an electorate and a democracy.
Yes, I agree. Justice Alito quoted a 1958 Court decision—Trop v Dulles [356 U.S. 86, 101 (1958)]. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the majority opinion, in which he stated, “The Court recognized in that case {Weems v. United States [217 U. S. 349 (1910)]} that the words of the Amendment are not precise, and that their scope is not static. The [8th] Amendment must draw its meaning from the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society. [356 U.S. 101].” Why Alito seems to think the reasoning only applies to the 8th Amendment is simply baffling to me. I am not and never have been a “strict constructionist.” I am an “evolutionist,” if a label must be attached. “Interpreter’s feelings or agenda”—I suppose that is one reason there are nine justices on the bench.
Good point. That point is applicable to many topics. Fiction may drive emotions, but we live reality . . . well at least most of us. LOL
Another contribution:
“Yes, I enjoyed that Judge Parker named Trump in the same way the characters in Harry Potter spoke of the evil Lord Voldemort, the one who cannot be named.”
My reply:
Yep, lots of good reasoning in Judge Parker’s ruling. Now, I just want those applicable lawyer disciplinary organizations to disbar some of those lawyers, especially Sidney Powell.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
Thank you for calling attention to the disbarment referrals in that Michigan case. I agree about the importance of those. A fine is an inconvenience at that level of law; disbarment kills the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Amateur hour in space is useless for science or engineering, but is a familiar marketing method.
The New York Times has a newsletter report this morning on GOP election manipulation. Horror is an appropriate response.
Racism has persisted the whole way, but incidents like the George Floyd killing have drawn attention to it. Also, I believe racism goes back not as far as language, but only as far as real property. Fear of the other is the deeper foundation of that entire category of strife. Also, the police here “did something” about the BLM protesters here. A violent protester has been sentenced to 9 years in prison. Also, various members of the police force are being convicted or losing lawsuits as a result of body and other cameras. Interesting note: experts on genetics make a point that race is a social construct, not a scientific reality.
Have a good day,
Good morning to you, Calvin,
Agreed all the way around. Far too many lawyers have prostrated themselves at the altar, and they must suffer the consequences. It is one thing for a pseudo-politician to espouse the BIG LIE. It is all together a different matter for an officer of the court to perpetuate the BIG LIE.
There were four paying tourists aboard NS-19. At the level of the New Shepard missions, it is just tourism and marketing.
Indeed! And, it is getting worse. Further, I suspect it will get much worse before we have any hope of seeing improvement. The fBICP seeks an autocracy they direct, or worse yet, a dictatorship, not entirely different from Saddam Hussein and his dictatorship for the Sunni minority in Iraq.
The prosecution of a violence inciter is encouraging, although not widely publicized. Yes, law enforcement officers are being prosecuted as well as vindicated by body cam and other video sources.
Racism is a social construct, not a scientific reality, has been my contention for decades. Racism is learned, thus my comment about language. [I had to choose something. Language seemed like a reasonable demarcation (goes back 200-250,000 years ago). We can see the “not like us” phenomenon in nature, e.g., lions attacking a leopard or hyenas, elephants attacking hippos, et cetera.]
“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”
Stay safe. Take care and enjoy.
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