Update from the Sunland
25.10.21 – 31.10.21
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
Yet another must-see television documentary aired this week; CNN broadcast “This is Life” with Lisa Ling, titled: “Sex Work: Past, Present, and Future” (S8 Ep3). As always, Ms. Ling does an exceptionally good job of balancing opposing forces around an issue. Like so many morality matters, the socially conservative moralists believe it is their duty to impose their moral choices on everyone else, because only their moral choices are the correct ones. Ms Ling demonstrates the fallacy of such moral arguments. I urge everyone to watch and listen to this episode, and more importantly, everyone should think about the information she presented.
The follow-up news items:
-- The people prosecuted for 2020 election [982] fraud so far are Republicans in Nevada and North Carolina.
“After crying fraud, Republicans go silent when Nevada ally is charged with voting twice”
by Mark Z. Barabak
Los Angeles Times
Published: OCT. 26, 2021; 5 AM PT
“NC federal attorneys: 24 more charged in voter-fraud probe”
by Gary D. Robertson
Associated Press
Published: March 19, 2021
I am compelled to remind everyone that the most prominent election fraud prosecution stemming from the 2016 election [778] was also in North Carolina and involved Republican operatives.
“The Tearful Drama of North Carolina’s Election-Fraud Hearings – How Mark Harris, a prominent Republican pastor in Charlotte, lost his way in the Ninth Congressional District.”
New Yorker
Published: February 24, 2019
I remind everyone that a common, if not axiomatic, activity of fascist, dictatorial, or autocratic organizations is to accuse your adversaries of doing what you have been doing—otherwise known as distraction or sleight of hand. I will also point out that it is quite likely the demonstrable (criminal) fraud carried out in the 2020 election may well be Republican rather than Democrat as the BIG LIE of [the person who shall no longer be named] has espoused. The truth shall set you free.
As has become more the norm than the exception, the fBICP (formerly Republican Party) accused everyone else of doing what they are doing. Also, as is par for the course, they continue to scream in protest for something that does not exist except by their own party. Sadly, most folks on both sides will not pay attention long enough to reject the BIG LIE nonsense being fed to the fBICP.
-- Representative Adam Daniel Kinzinger of Illinois [1020] announced his intention not to seek reelection next year—the loss of an important voice in the House of Representatives. Of course, [the person who shall no longer be named] had to gloat, “Two down. Eight to go.” It appears even Mitt Romney has sold his soul to the fBICP and the Oh So Great Orange One. I am reminded of the Good Book’s wisdom. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” Romans 12:19 The man just does not know how to keep his mouth shut; he is his own worst enemy. But hey, that’s just my opinion.
Freedom is a beautiful, magnificent principle.
I have enjoyed freedom all of my life.
I love freedom.
I love freedom so much I will defend freedom and call myself a patriot for doing so.
I will carry and wave big flags to prove my patriotism to everyone.
Freedom allows me to make choices that I like, and I approve of because they are good, right, and moral.
My freedom is democracy.
But, you do not choose well, so I do not like your choices. Therefore, your choices are not freedom; they are just wrong, immoral, and frankly unacceptable to me. Thus, I will use my freedom—the only real freedom—to pass laws to prohibit your choices.
Freedom is good for me, but it is not good for you, because I do not like and approve of your choices.
Your freedom is communistic, immoral, unpatriotic, and just flat wrong.
Such polar reasoning of tribalism is exactly what is corroding this once grand republic. The reality is, either we all enjoy freedom, or none of us can enjoy freedom. We must find a way to learn the lessons documented in the Declaration
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Beyond the pejorative masculine pronoun, which was a product of the times in which the Founders lived, the meaning of the declarative statement remains just as valid today. We are all entitled to freedom—freedom of choice—freedom to choose what matters to our individual “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The sooner we relearn that important lesson the better it will be for all of us—freedom for all, or freedom for none.
If you need a reminder of why President Biden is a far better president than his predecessor [the person who shall no longer be named], I offer this simple reminder.
I also offer a more recent comparison:
We must never forget. We cannot accept or even tolerate a classic “Ugly American” as president of the United States of America. I do not care what party, how good he may be in other areas, or what he may say. The president is the direct international representative of the United States—all Americans, not just white supremacists, QAnon adherents, and consumers of the magic snake-oil elixir.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1032:
Comment to the Blog:
“I noted the resemblance to your name, but trust that I can tell the difference between Parler and Parlier.
“We shall see whether Attorney General Garland has the moral fortitude to apprehend Steve Bannon. I see that as about an even bet.
“Anyone who couldn’t see through the Republican voter fraud claims isn’t looking.
“Cadet Bone Spurs is devoid of respect for anyone or anything. Thus, his followers have a license to destroy things and people.”
My response to the Blog:
LOL. Yeah, but still . . . I know what one character difference means in web searches. LOL Being so close to a bad site is a whole lot different from proximity to a good site.
Agreed, but I hope the odds are a lot better than even. The one paramount wild card here is, we have not seen the whole of the evidence submitted by the House. I want him to take the time he needs, but I sure hope it is not long. The evidence he has must exceed the “beyond a reasonable” doubt threshold for conviction. This needs to move fast—expedited as they say. I suspect Bannon’s tactical position is take as much time as possible and then negotiate a solution prior to jury selection.
Spot on correct. But, there are an awful lot of American citizens who have swallowed the magic snake-oil elixir, and that is a scary thought. Only one person peddles that worthless liquid.
Again, spot on correct, which is precisely why he is culpable. They are doing exactly what he wants them to do. He has got far too many acolytes to do his wet work for him, just as Adolf Hitler exploited the loyalty and enthusiasm of his acolytes.
Another contribution:
“This Update is among your most eloquent. Mind sharing what brand if coffee you may have enjoyed as you wrote, Cap?
“My only limited negative reaction, my esteemed friend, having become reluctantly accustomed to your continuing excessive diatribes regarding former POTUS Donald Trump, is that you never seem to acknowledge any merit in legitimate efforts to reduce voter irregularities (avoiding the inflammatory and less applicable term ‘fraud’) like limiting opportunities for automated mail-to-last -known-address ballot distribution to unqualified or non-resident or multiple- registered or deceased voters, similar efforts to reduce the dangers inherent in so-called ‘voter harvesting,’ and honorable efforts to enforce compliance with widely acceptable laws requiring timely purging of voter roles, etc., etc.
“I am thoroughly disgusted with both major political parties' gerrymandering antics as I pray for a national solution to that old problem, and I sympathize with those few citizens who really are unreasonably inconvenienced by reduced voting precinct locations (an admittedly suspicious but possibly sometimes justified reduction in perceived ease of voting), but many other efforts such as my above examples are absolutely essential and should be applauded by patriots like you!
“How about commenting in such laudatory efforts?”
My reply:
Thank you very much for your generous words. Short story . . .
During the summer of 1967, I was standing midwatch as the starboard lookout during our Pacific transit to Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Richmond K. Turner (CLG-20). The Officer of the Deck (a Navy lieutenant) joined me for a little chit-chat. He wound up asking me, “Where is your cigarette and coffee?” I responded, “I don’t smoke or drink coffee.” He gushed, “You’re never going to make it in the Navy if you don’t drink and smoke.” We laughed. He was correct. I chose the Marine Corps. LOL Still stands, I don’t smoke anything, and I do not drink coffee. Tea is my choice.
“Excessive diatribes” only applies if my criticism is wrong or misapplied. Am I wrong? If so, please help me understand my errors.
The list of transgressions by [the person who shall no longer be named] vastly exceeds his accomplishments of any kind. After his conduct on the 6th of January alone, he has destroyed any semblance of respect due him. Worse, he continues to this day to debase the office he was trusted to hold and protect. So, with respect, I will accept your criticism as appropriate and understandable. However, he has done nothing to regain his integrity. To put my criticism of that man in perspective, it is hard to say that [the person who shall no longer be named] is the single greatest threat to the Constitution and the democracy of this once grand republic since long before we became a republic. Yes, I know the history. The Civil War fractured the Union and resulted in half a million fatalities of American citizens on both sides, and amplified divisions that survive to this day. And yet, I see what [the person who shall no longer be named] has done as far more corrosive and enduring damage to what we once knew as a grand republic. Now, I freely admit that I could be wrong {contrary to what [the person who shall no longer be named] so infamously proclaims}; but, that is precisely how I see things. I am incapable of standing by silently (condoning) his disparagement of the nation, the office he held, and the men who have stood watch in harm’s way at the gates that protect us. Nope, he gets no slack from me.
With respect, you are repeating the BIG LIE nonsense. I know for a fact that not one unrequested absentee ballot was sent in Arizona. I cannot speak for California, or Pennsylvania, or any other state. But, for the sake of argument, let us assume your statement is true—one or more states sent out absentee ballots willy-nilly to everyone. You (and many others) fail to acknowledge the safeguards like signatures, name & address correlation, et cetera, that are in place to prevent fraud. That aside, the answer to fixing the unsubstantiated problem is NOT restricting access to absentee ballots and ease of posting those ballots; it ONLY hurts (disenfranchises) those citizens with less capacity to adapt. That alone makes the fBICP’s actions wrong in very bad ways. The BIG LIE has produced all this oppression. The fBICP oppression does not affect me; I have the capacity to adapt; but, it does affect millions of American citizens who should have just as much respect as you and me.
Election fraud has been a part of every election since 1789. We have implemented safeguards. There is no such thing as perfect security. We could spend billions, if not trillions, to correct the last 0.017% of fraudulent vote casting, but I will continue to argue that effort is well beyond the point of rapidly diminishing returns. No, I do not buy and I cannot condone the BIG LIE. We humored him with 60+ court cases of his unsubstantiated rumors and accusations; he failed in every court case; not one court ever got passed probable cause.
I appreciate your admonition, but NO I shall not applaud the fBICP efforts to falsely and indirectly substantiate the BIG LIE. In our first election 232 years ago, only male, white, educated, property owners were allowed to vote. Today, we have multiple constitutional amendments and myriad laws to guarantee every citizen’s right to vote. We should not be making voting harder; we should be making it easier. The fBICP is violating the Constitution and the law. They are using a nuclear weapon to swat a fly. To me, this is also quite akin to the damnable war on drugs—massive overreaction and general oppression to solve a 0.017% problem. Wrong, wrong, wrong!!
I truly hope you accept this latest diatribe in the spirit it was offered.
I do and will applaud that which is laudable. It is NOT [the person who shall no longer be named] or the voter suppression efforts of the fBICP.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
I have saved somewhere in my “library” files, a series on sex work as told by sex workers and their family and friends. One of these days, I’ll send you a link to that.
Most of us realize that we would have seen evidence of any widespread voter fraud or “irregularities” in last year’s elections by now if such evidence existed. For the benefit of your other correspondent, I’ll note that my precinct in my last residence, the new location to which that one was moved while I lived there, and my current precinct are all well beyond the bus lines. I doubt that only a few voters are inconvenienced by such manipulations.
I would not care to face Mitt Romney’s God with Romney’s track record.
You give no source for your poetic quote. Are you stating a particular person’s viewpoint?
Have a good Monday,
Good morning to you, Calvin,
I look forward to reading your “library sex work files” when you find them. I am patient.
Yes, absolutely, but the issue is not widespread voter fraud, i.e., voter fraud at a sufficient level to affect the election outcome. The [the person who shall no longer be named] and his fBICP acolytes have stood upon their claim that one fraudulent vote is too many. That is why I have tried to articulate not just the paucity of significance in the 0.017% suspect, questionable, or fraudulent voting. To me, this is one of those examples where the cost will vastly exceed any tangible benefit—well beyond the point of diminishing returns. However, just one fraudulent vote attempt gives the fBICP a hypothetical argument, i.e., intellectually one fraudulent vote is too many. The fBICP is chasing a ghost of their own creation in order to implement draconian restrictions in the name of election integrity. Your voting inconvenience has become an obstacle that will prevent others from voting. The fBICP is gambling that the number of Democrats or likely Democratic voters will be prevented from voting is greater than the number Republican or likely Republican voters who will be discouraged. They are desperate to keep citizens who might be likely to vote against them from voting. Thus, they have restricted the use of absentee or mail-in ballots, restricting polling station hours, early voting days, and as in your case, decreased or moved polling stations to make it far more difficult for citizens to cast their vote.
In an odd way, what the fBICP is doing is understandable; they are desperate to stem the tide against them, and desperate times lead desperate people to do desperate things. So, strangely, they are acting in character. What is surprising and disappointing to me is the paucity of any organized legal resistance. These draconian laws must be challenged in court and struck down for what they are—unconstitutional infringements upon citizen voting rights.
Good point. I will point out that some resistance is better than no resistance or with the likes of Jordan, Gates, Green, Cruz, and Paul, outright support for the myriad transgressions of [the person who shall no longer be named] and his insanity. Something is better than nothing.
You may be giving me more credit than I deserve. I am not sure what is poetic in last week’s Update. If you are referring to my little soliloquy on freedom, those are my words in a contra reflection of our current predicament. I have been watching several different post-insurrection documentaries, and I continue to be struck by the blatant parochialism of that mob. I suspect those involved truly believed the Constitution does not apply to them, only the words and commands of ihr Anführer, and they are the only ones defending freedom as they perceive the principle and concept. Those words were simply my musings about the fallacy of their beliefs, arguments, and actions.
As always, “That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”
Stay safe. Take care and enjoy.
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