Update from the Sunland
2.8.21 – 8.8.21
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
I acknowledge that my retired status is probably irritating to some. It is never my intention to offend anyone for any reason. It is just a fact. Nonetheless . . .
When atmospheric conditions are just right, I get an extra treat as I am floating, weightless, in the quiet solitude of our pool, listening to the only sound I can hear—my breathing. The pool makes our triple-digit heat disappear. But, every once in a while, I look up to the azure blue sky and watch clouds form and evaporate before my attentive gaze. One such event occurred this week. The scene transforming above me was captivating and kept me in the pool longer than usual. The wonders of nature, I must say. Fascinating! Well . . . I should add . . . to me. I’m just sayin’.
After the publication of To So Few – Struggle [1015], I was interviewed by KYCA-AM/FM 1490/103.5 radio in Prescott, Arizona. For anyone who might be interested, the news director sent the following URL for the interview broadcast:
On Tuesday, 3.August.2021, the New York State Attorney General Letitia Ann ‘Tish’ James released the independent investigation into misconduct by Governor Andrew Mark Cuomo of New York, titled: “Report of Investigation into Allegations of Sexual Harassment by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.” While the document is not and does not carry the same rigor as an official legal charging document, the evidence presented is rather damning, at least in part. The difficulty here is we do not have proper evidence presented in a court of law and subject to cross-examination. Reportedly, a handful of law enforcement jurisdictions have opened formal criminal investigations stemming from the attorney general’s report. Based upon what I read, I suspect there will be felonious criminal charges brought against the governor, and we shall see the evidence tested in a court of law.
I will note here and confess to my appreciation of Governor Cuomo’s public handling of his state’s pandemic response. He was far more open and forthright than the president at the time. Unlike the president, Governor Cuomo did not shirk his duties as the leader of his state. Yes, he made some dreadful mistakes not least of which was the foolish and deadly decision to alter assisted living facilities to make the state’s general numbers look better. Andrew Cuomo is a terribly flawed man, more so than average for politicians, I would say.
While I must withhold proper condemnation for the moment, the report offers more than sufficient evidence of conduct unbecoming of any man and especially a political personage of some standing. Cuomo couches his view of his conduct in innocence of friendly greetings. Unfortunately, Governor Cuomo, like so many men of power or just perceived power, has failed to learn is, it does matter a twit what he thinks, what his intentions were, or how innocent he thought his actions might have been. What matters solely and absolutely is feelings of the person whose space they intrude upon or invade. They worst part of it all, they justify their actions with innocence, and they truly believe they will get away with it, quite like the [person who shall no longer be named]. The sad reality is the [person who shall no longer be named] has so far gotten away with considerably more and offensive sexual harassment. Yet another demonstrable difference between the Democratic Party and the fBICP (former Republican Party). Democrats reject inappropriate conduct; the fBICP idolizes such conduct and protect it.
Those men do not get to decide what is appropriate. Andrew Cuomo joins all the other such men: Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, and the [person who shall no longer be named]—all of them were powerful men who thought they could do whatever they wanted. I do not believe all of the accusations in the report rise to the level of felonious conduct, but I most assuredly do believe some of them do. Governor Cuomo was wrong, no matter how he tries to color things, and the proper thing for him to do is resign and face judgment in a court of law. The longer he stretches this out, the less dignity he shall retain. He needs to apologize for his ill-advised and believed conduct that did not respect the space of other human beings.
As I have written, my irritation and sense of offense regarding the burden I (and many others like me) are being asked to bear for the unvaccinated (for whatever reason) continues to grow exponentially. I have no problem whatsoever in carrying that burden for those who are unable to be vaccinated, i.e., ineligible, medically not advisable, or logistically unavailable. However, I confess to growing resentment for being asked (or expected) to carry the burden for those who freely choose to reject or refuse vaccination. I respect and will defend the freedom of choice and fundamental right to privacy of every single citizen regardless of the social factors. Also, as I have written, I absolutely believe our freedom of choice (or any freedom or right) is fully contingent on not causing injury or imposition on the freedom and rights of other citizens (anyone). The public burden should and must be borne by those who make that choice for themselves.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1020:
Comment to the Blog:
“‘I was really missing my mask’ is incomprehensible to me. I'm required to use masks on transit, and I finally acquired inserts that make it possible to breathe enough if I'm sitting still. Comfort just isn't possible. Missing them is outside my understanding. Beside my own troubles with masking, I dislike hidden faces and muffled voices.
“The hospitalization rate may be exaggerated in some places. I'm aware of a very large local hospital that had four COVID patients yesterday, none in ICU. I imagine my source would be in trouble were their identity revealed, because the hospital has made a great deal of money on the virus.
“If it's any consolation, the legal system is closing in on the Chump. His tax records are about to be released to Congress. Rules or no rules, they will wind up in the public eye.
“It really doesn't upset me that primitive people express their condemnation of Biden. I have a high regard for the First Amendment, and I can't defend only those I agree with. (For the record, I'm not a Biden supporter. I just don't use the same logic, language or aggressive approach as those people with the flags.)
“Are you, Dr. Fauci, and all the rest aware of the problems of marketing based on guilt? Every time I hear how the unvaccinated supposedly endanger others I get annoyed all over again. I myself am vaccinated, but that kind of marketing really irritates me in any setting. So many officials seem to think they don't have to consider the human factor in these decisions and announcements, or even whether what they call science has any scientific methodology to it.”
My response to the Blog:
Sarcasm is often conveyed in tone of voice. Sarcasm is very difficult to present in words alone. I share all of your observations. I resent being asked to don a mask to protect the unvaccinated. There is ample vaccine, readily available, safe, and highly effective; but, that segment of our society chose to refuse vaccination. It was a purposeful choice. Why am I being asked to protect those anti-vaxxers from themselves? They have a right to play Russian roulette and take what comes; it is called freedom of choice, but that freedom does NOT entitle them to impose their choices on anyone else. Once again, I resent being asked to mask up. I dislike those masks as much as you do. As much as I dislike masks, I am developing a very uncompassionate view of those who refuse to do their part to protect all people. My message to those who refuse to be inoculated is simple—fine, your choice, so stay home and out of the public domain; you have no right to impose upon others.
Profiteers have existed as long as money. We have laws to deal with such conduct. I am not surprised. However, that should not color the reality in other places, e.g., Austin, Texas, which reported seven ICU beds remaining for a population of 2.3 million people. Just this morning, a medical director in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, report zero (0) ICU beds available at her hospital; they are saturated with COVID patients. Those facts are not exaggerations.
Yes, agreed. The legal system is closing in on the [person who shall no longer be named], but I will not be satisfied until he is behind bars. O.J. Simpson got away with dual murder, but he eventually went to jail. The [person who shall no longer be named] deserves nothing less.
I have been and shall remain critical of anyone in a leadership role. Joe Biden is no exception and in the hotseat now. Mindless, non-factual, emotional condemnation is NOT criticism, and certainly not constructive criticism. FUCK BIDEN is not constructive criticism.
Please pardon my ignorance, but I do not perceive the “marketing based on guilt” position you espouse. When I meet with a new doctor for whatever reason, I inform her/him of my expectations. One of those axiom requirements is no sugar-coating things; give me the straight up facts. I suspect you may be mixing in opinion, policy or advice with factual statements. Facts are facts.
. . . Round two:
“Anyone saying, ‘You have to protect Grandma!’ or the kids or whoever is using guilt now that they can't directly intimidate those of us who are vaccinated. They can't credibly threaten us with the virus anymore but they can try to make us feel bad and buy masks. If people in Austin don't want the vaccines, that's okay with me. Also, don't be too ready to believe reports from the hospital systems that are making extra money per COVID patient.”
. . . my response to round two:
OMG, my friend! I know you are not implying that someone—anyone—is intentionally spreading the COVID19 virus. Your dislike, if not outright condemnation, of face masks as a degree of intervention in the spread of the virus is well documented. But, protect others is not threatening; it is reasoned advice. Thank you for the explanation; I now understand your guilt comment.
We will just have to disagree regarding the benefit or effectivity of face masks (used properly) in lessening the spread of respiratory viruses.
Austin is a blue island in a red sea. I dare say, although I do not know, that Austin is probably comparable to Columbus, Ohio, with respect to COVID19 vaccinations.
I have no reason to not trust a line nurse or doctor. I have a little more reason to suspect the words of a hospital administrator. I have tons of reasons not to trust a word spoken by Tucker Carlson. I distrust money in politics as much as you do, but money does not contaminate every facet of our society. I have read and re-read your words several times. A phrase continued to flash into my little pea-brain as I read—we have to trust someone, until we have reason not to do so. In listening to the words of the Baton Rouge medical director, I can see no reason not to trust her words.
. . . Round three:
“I have a gag reflex. I don't swallow anything whole.”
. . . my response to round three:
LOL. Good one! Likewise, my friend. I suppose the salient question in this thought is how much chewing is done before swallowing or expectorating the bite.
Another contribution:
“Great discussion even though a little defensive, understandably so. I am reminded of an awful comment one of my four sons quotes occasionally to voice his engineering and heart felt frustration with deniers of climate change and biodegradable product requirements:
“‘What have future generations ever done for me?’”
My reply:
LOL. Good question. And the answer is?
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
I don't understand what would be offensive about a person being retired. I'll note, though, that even in the Valley of the Sun, not everyone has a private pool.
Governor Cuomo has long been one of my least favorite Democrats. His lying about nursing home deaths during COVID merely confirms my impression.
I, too, have been vaccinated. “Carrying the burden” of the unvaccinated strikes me as an errant notion partly based on the cloth-mask foolishness. I'm not concerning myself with those yet to receive the vaccine, except those you noted with functional reasons. Having found a way to address the virus, those in charge in this country have doubled down on their incompetence by presenting it offensively and politicizing it.
Have a good day in or out of the pool,
Good morning to you, Calvin,
Well, we could call it envy, or jealousy, or any one of myriad words. I was only attempting a preemptive apology if anyone happened to be offended. I wrote that paragraph only to reflect the awesome moment. It was also a moment that most folks would not or might not be able to take the time to witness. Indeed, we are blessed to have a pool; I remain demonstrably grateful.
Yeah, it is interesting how a simple but important mistake colors the rest of what he has done. However, the accusations and evidence presented in the AG report is quite far beyond a simple mistake. The intoxicant of power affects men (and some women) in dramatically different ways, but in that sense, I see more similarities between Andrew Cuomo and the [person who shall no longer be named] than I see differences. They both deserve the same fate. Their transgressions were not simple or innocent mistakes; they are deep rooted personality anomalies.
I do not and have not worn a cloth mask. The version of mask I wear is certified medical grade although not to the N95 level. I am far more concerned about improper use (e.g., exposed nose) than I am the mask material. Any lower facial covering will reduce transmission, although probably not as effectively as an N95-grade mask. Respectfully, the [person who shall no longer be named] purposefully chose to politicize the necessary pandemic response guidelines. He alone created the unbounded confusion regarding pandemic response. Yet, to me, the single most destructive element of the prior administration is his laissez-faire approach—every man for himself. The current administration has done and is doing what should have been done 18 months ago—better late than never. They are still climbing out of the hole dug deeply by the prior administration. Freedom of Speech ensures that the QAnon crap continues to spew forth and confuse far too many. The [person who shall no longer be named] did not create QAnon, but he sure as hell amplified their voice among that segment of our society. So now, we must suffer the consequences.
“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”
It’s raining here, so probably not a pool day; but thank you for the sentiment. Have a great day. Take care and enjoy.
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