Update from the Sunland
31.5.21 – 6.6.21
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
The follow-up news items:
-- In our world of instant communications and divisively polarized politics, I suppose it was inevitable that the COVID-19 pandemic [946 & sub] in all its aspects would become equally politicized from the origins to the response. There was never any debate or question the COVID-19 virus infection originated in the PRC and likely in Wuhan, Hubei Province; it was never in doubt by anyone, just like there is no doubt the 1918 influenza pandemic originated in Ft. Riley, Kansas. The 1918 pandemic is often referred to as the Spanish Flu because they mistaken thought is originated in Spain. The objection of people like me has always been the way the [person who shall no longer be named] referred to “gina virus” or the “Wuhan flu” with a very accusatory tone. While we do not know Patient-0 for COVID-19 as precisely as we know Patient-0 for the H1N1 pandemic, the PRC was no more the cause of COVID-19 than the U.S. was for H1N1. Shit happens. The [person who shall no longer be named] sought to blame someone else, anyone else, for his mishandling of the pandemic in those initial months. That is what he should be held accountable for in all this. The Press is only jumping on Patient-0 now because the impact of the pandemic is waning due to those of us who have chosen to be vaccinated. You're welcome. The scientists are turning to Patient-0 to understand the transmission of the virus and improve our understanding before the next pandemic. This is the natural progression of science.
The believers in the [person who shall no longer be named], BICP members, QAnon subscribers, and other assorted consumers of the man’s magic snake-oil elixir continue their concerted campaign to divert attention from the misconduct, malfeasance, and incompetence of the [person who shall no longer be named]. They focus their ire on election fraud in a large scale that does not exist, on Doctor Anthony Stephen ‘Tony’ Fauci [Director, Allergy and Infectious Diseases Division, U.S. National Institutes of Health], and on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for the development and release of the COVID-19 virus to kill millions of people worldwide and weaken the United States. All good conspiracy theories need a boogeyman. The believers dutifully create, amplify and promote the notion of those boogeymen that interfere with their fantasy world. Believers cannot be dissuaded or disabused of their make-belief.
Senior District Judge Roger Thomas Benitez of the Southern District of California issued a controversial 2ndAmendment ruling on Friday, the 4th of June. I have not finished reading the 94-page decision, so I will resist offering my opinion until I have completed reading the document – Miller v. Bonta [USDC SDCA Case No.: 3:19-cv-01537-BEN (JLB) (2021)]. Judge Benitz declared the 30-year-old California “assault weapons” ban was an unconstitutional infringement on the 2nd Amendment rights of California citizens. I intend to read the Miller ruling for next week’s Update. The case will undoubtedly be appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. I suspect this case will go before the U.S. Supreme Court regardless of the 9th Circuit’s decision simply because the central issue is a contemporary touchstone topic; however, there are no guarantees.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1011:
Comment to the Blog:
“I hope it won’t take too long to indict King Baby & Company. I assume ‘interstate flight to avoid prosecution’ is still a felony.
“Also, those proceedings will need great security measures. The same jokers that invaded the Capitol can find New York City, and someone will show them where to find the courthouse.”
My response to the Blog:
I share your hope, although I am far more concerned about a successful prosecution and imprisonment than a speedy trial. Yes, it is, but that might be difficult to prove in a court of law, although it is my opinion.
Yes, agreed. I am certain the Marshal’s Service and Secret Service are fully capable of securing any judicial venue for such a trial. I suspect we will witness what rich folks do to avoid prosecution. It must be done.
Another contribution:
“Good discussion, though rather typically repetitive, and lacking in specific suggestions about where to begin to reverse or even slow the inevitable trend predicted by Titiler(sp?).
“Thanks for the continuing thoughtful discourse. Now, let's find a true conservative to rescue the GOP from it's suicidal plunge, before it is too late.”
My reply:
I guess better repetitive than silent. LOL
To be candid, I have soured on the political conservative segment of the spectrum. While I fully support fiscal conservativism, I can no longer tolerate the moral-projectionist, social conservativism that often comes along with it. I also support the national defense focus of political conservatism, but I can no longer tolerate the corporate socialism that so often accompanies it. I also support an inherent resistance to big government, but I cannot tolerate a USG laissez-faire(every state for themselves) pandemic response that cost hundreds of thousands of lives. If conservatism means embracing the BIG LIE and denial of the January 6th insurrection, I say no thanks. So, if I must choose at the ballot box between the conservatism of the [person who shall no longer be named] or progressive democratic socialism, my choice is clear.
. . . follow-up comment:
“cannot disagree.”
. . . my follow-up reply:
If I read your succinct double-negative correctly, we are agreed. We are not wedded to a political ideology, but rather, we want to make things better. And that is a good thing, it seems to me.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
I’ll skip most of the virus stuff, but Dr. Fauci (or Faust) brought it on himself. He has no clue about human behavior or effective communication, or there is something wrong in his mind.
I have seen a brief quote of the judge who overturned (for now) California’s assault weapons ban calling the AR-15 “ordinary” and “sporting” and stating that it was useful for home defense. I disagree.
Have a good day,
Good morning to you, Calvin,
You are not alone in vilifying Doctor Fauci. He is not a psychologist or orator; he is a virologist. His expertise is not politics. Let us not forget that politicians and the Press pushed him to be the de facto face and spokesman for the pandemic response; he did not seek what has come to him. In many respects, he tried mightily to confine his words to his expertise, but he was not trained or practiced in dealing with Media scrutiny that engulfed him. He a virologist, not a politician. The vilification of Doctor Fauci is just plain wrong; he does not deserve what he is being subjected to by primarily the far right. He is in the position he is, and I, for one, resent the attacks on his professional status. I laud his measured handling of the myriad attacks on him personally.
I will have to save my opinion until I finish my reading of the ruling. If we continue this exchange, I will eventually be able to respond. Until then, my response may have to wait until Update no.1013 hits the wire.
“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”
Take care and enjoy.
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