Update from the Sunland
25.1.21 – 31.1.21
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
Forty-five BICP senators voted to dismiss the impeachment trial, but their attempt failed. My question to those 45 senators: what if Barack Obama had done just a few of the things the [person who shall no longer be named] has done, as I documented [991]? The BICP would be screaming treason, not just insurrection. The BICP has declared the laws do NOT apply to our guy. They apply to everyone else, but not our guy. The Senate trial is NOT a criminal prosecution (that comes later); it is a statement of acceptable conduct—a political decision. So, it is pretty clear that the [person who shall no longer be named] will not be convicted in the Senate. It is not clear whether he can be prohibited from holding future office without a conviction. Stay tuned.
The [person who shall no longer be named] repeatedly and publicly claimed in the weeks prior to the 2020 election that COVID19 Pandemic was fake news, a product of his political opponents. The [person who shall no longer be named] said:
"Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid. By the way, on November 4th, you won't hear about it anymore."
-- Lumberton, North Carolina; 24.October.2020.
Has the viral infection pandemic magically gone away? The statement was not the personal opinion of some John Q. Citizen. It was a public statement of the president of the United States. It was not a new statement; he had said virtually the same thing more than 40 times since the pandemic began. And, he wonders why few people do not believe what he says. Well, a question to all of the believers and consumers of his magic snake-oil elixir: Has COVID19 gone away?
It should be no surprise to anyone that he lied, and he was demonstrably wrong. The viral infection has not gone away, and we are approaching half a million dead from complications of COVID19 infection alone. His incessant false statements is not a news flash; he has lied all of his life; he simply never grew up, but that is not a news flash either. One the positive side of this item, he is rapidly disappearing from public awareness, although we have his second Senate impeachment trial coming up week after next.
Several dissimilar news sources reported that the entire impeachment legal defense team for the [person who shall no longer be named] resigned on Saturday. They reportedly disagreed with the [person who shall no longer be named] or rather refused to participate in his lie. The former president wanted the lawyers to parrot his false claims of massive, conspiratorial, election fraud. What a surprise! I suppose the consumers of his magic snake-oil elixir will claim those lawyers were all Democrats who wanted him convicted. For all we know, this little dust-up may be just another lame ploy to delay his inevitable impeachment trial in the Senate as long as he possibly can, hoping for another insurrection by in his believers to grant him a reprieve.
Comments and contributions from Update no.993:
“Good day Cap-all received this side, thanks. Hey, sorry to hear about your water leakage. But what excellent service you received. Trust you are all dry now. Galvanic action-yes familiar with that activity, a good explanation.”
My reply:
Thank you for your sympathetic words. Into every life a little rain must fall. Yes, our insurance company began as a support collective to military officers; it has expanded to now include all military personnel—past, present, and future—as well as descendants from service personnel. I cannot sing their praises enough. Through 50 years of membership and the myriad trials of life, I have never been disappointed or slighted.
Yes, as I write this morning, the house is dry . . . and quiet, thank goodness. We have an appointment later today with the repair company to estimate, approve and repair the damage from the extraction process—mostly baseboards and a little drywall. We must replace our main bookshelves, so I am without my array of reference books. But hey, I must say, I love the quiet. And, for the first time in a week, I am back in my disheveled study on the big desktop—a welcome step toward normalcy.
Thx mate. I try to get the physics correct. Now, I just need to solve the problem and install moisture alert devices.
. . . Round two:
“‘morning young man. What a superb service you are receiving, nothing like that for serving or ex serving personnel this side. Not familiar with moisture alert devices.”
. . . my reply to round two:
Yes, the USAA insurance company is a great service company; never a complaint yet. Several friends have told me they have those devices installed for the exact same reason. I’m still looking into them.
. . . Round three:
“It’s good not to hear you not mentioning the someone we don’t wish to know about. I fear, as I suspect you do, that he will re-surface through the slime of his life.
“Hey, stay well both-we’ve both had our Covid inoculation, part one. Part two in April unless the troublemakers in Europe divert our orders as we’re not EU anymore. The drug we’re using is produced in Belgium.”
. . . my reply to round three:
Yeah, I’d just as soon never hear another peep from or about that disgusting man. But that peace shall have to wait a bit longer. We have his impeachment trial in the Senate scheduled to begin in a couple of weeks.
Congratulations. We are still struggling t00o gain an appointment for our inoculations. Hopefully, the UK-EU divorce does not get in the way.
Comment to the Blog:
“Skunk cabbage has popped up here in Ohio. Traditionally, that’s the earliest sign of spring in our ecosystem. Winter will pass.
“I hope the recovery and reimbursement process with your water issue goes well.
“I posted to my Facebook page a fivethirtyeight article from this morning that discusses the polarization in this country. It’s a bit long for general audiences, but it’s calm, supported by facts, and looks deeper than Mar-A-Lago’s disreputable owner.
“The censure of Cindy McCain continues the trend discussed in the article. Today’s USA is not, at heart, about constructive policy or respect for anyone.
“Also, I’ll note that the mistrust in this country goes far broader than the federal politicians. You and others seem shocked that much of the public is not following Federal officials’ instructions about the virus, but this is surely part of that. So is the fumbling and mercenary medical industry. Don’t ask me to trust doctors that are political appointees and don’t even practice medicine. Then vaccines begin to come out, developed and sold by pharmaceutical companies we know are greedy and merciless, promoted by the Federal government. Give us all a break.”
My response to the Blog:
Indeed! I’m not a cold weather person, but ‘tis the season. This too shall pass.
Thank you for your supportive thoughts. One among many advantages of our insurance company is they pay the contractors directly, so we do not have to handle money.
Yea verily! The [person who shall no longer be named] was simply a symptom, an aberration of the moment, albeit a terribly destructive artifact. We will repair the damage done by that man (and I hesitate to refer to him as a man), but it will take many years. The remedy for the corrosion that has set into the structure of this once grand republic will take far longer to remedy. The white supremacy undertow will not just go away. It is the inverse of the racial injustice illuminated by Black Lives Matter and has infected this country for centuries and many generations; it will not be remedied anytime soon.
I absolutely agree. The censure of Cindy McCain is yet another symptom of the corrosion we must address.
I can and will agree in general and in the main. Distrust of government took on rampant proportions in the 60s. While it tends to cycle, the trend line is in the wrong direction. We witnessed the terrible consequences of that trend line on the 6th of January, and it could get worse. Whether it is recoverable is debatable. Time shall tell the tale.
Another contribution:
“Only had a minute to read your first insult to President Trump (he’s still the legal President or did you not realize the country is being run by the military at present?) Amazes me at how with the DEM control of the MSM they are able to act out this whole debauchery still .. now I see how false flag events are so easy to play out and be believed by the general public. Trump wasn’t being childish.. like so many others ‘in the know’ he wasn’t acknowledging an illegitimate President. Interesting how they used The 100,000 violent rioters at the Capitol as an excuse to call in all the National Guard for the Inauguration? I think not.
“Sorry to hear about the flooding .. I better check my fittings.
“PS not even 1 percent of the attendees on Jan 6 participated in the breach .. it’s known the breach was planned for at least a week before the event so President Trump did NOT incite it .. there’s radicals in all sectors and YES Antifa was present that day just like they are STILL present during faux President Biden’s stay in the White House. The breach started before President Trump even finished his speech.. fact !! They are using it as yet again an excuse to impeach.. the DEMS are such liars and cheats.”
My reply:
OK . . . a bridge too far for me. Please help me understand your parenthetical dual statement. The [person who shall no longer be named] became a former president at noon Eastern Time on the 20th as required by the Constitution. How is he still president? Second, I think the professional military would disagree with your statement, but I would like to hear why you believe the military is running the country? You continue to parrot the BICP mantra, which is your choice, but that does not make those words facts.
What would you suggest the USG have done when faced with the insurrection of the 6th?
As I tried to point out in my citations in Update no.991, I do believe the [person who shall no longer be named] had been plotting the insurrection since at least September—well before the election. He saw the handwriting on the wall and prepared his response for what he saw coming.
I am sorry you and many others were so deeply disappointed in the results of the 2020 election, but that is how elections work. Oh yes, the insurrection had been planned well ahead of the 6th. The [person who shall no longer be named] pulled the trigger; that is the definition of incitement. If the protest had remained at the Ellipse and only the assault force appeared at Capitol Hill, the outcome would have been different, but that is not what the [person who shall no longer be named] wanted.
We shall respectfully disagree. I am truly sorry you put so much credence in such compromised sources, but that is your choice. I am fairly certain you will say exactly the same thing about me. None of that alters the facts; the facts are the facts, period, full stop.
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, you should check your fittings. If you have metal-to-metal connections, and especially dissimilar metals like steel & brass, I recommend periodic replacement of the hoses. Hey, at least the house is dried out and quiet—small steps on a long journey.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
As much as I’d like to see King Baby impeached, convicted and barred from further office-holding, I have higher hopes for the civil and criminal legal systems than for Congress. In the meantime, three Republican Senators have decided not to run again in 2022. Also, Senator Grassley is 87 years old and counting. Nancy Pelosi is not aging especially well, either.
I’m glad you’re back in your study and on the equipment that works best for you. Actual winter weather has arrived here, late but still unwelcome. I’m prepared for it. I have acquired an actual desktop computer, but the logistics of desk space, cabling, etc., have me back on the old reliable Linux laptop.
Have a good day, rain or shine,
G’day to you, Calvin,
I am with you. The [person who shall not be named] {AKA King Baby} deserves to add to his list of firsts by being the first president convicted under impeachment and prohibited from holding any public office. However, as you note, an impeachment conviction is not likely. Like you, I remain hopeful that criminal indictments, charges, trials, convictions, and imprisonment for the [person who shall not be named] are looming.
Yeah, we have seen the weather reports. I do not envy winter in the east. I am so glad you are prepared for winter weather. I hope you get your desktop up and running soon. Laptops are essential for some circumstances, but a big desktop (as I am using at the moment) are so much easier and convenient for a writer and author.
Stay safe, dry and warm. Take care and enjoy.
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