Update from the Sunland
23.11.20 – 29.11.20
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
The follow-up news items:
-- The Bully-in-Chief’s (BIC’s) stonewalling of the presidential transition finally ended on Monday, 23.November.2020. The transfer of power has formally begun two weeks after it should have started [982]. The BIC has not conceded the election or acknowledged his electoral defeat directly; I do not expect him to ever concede. The BIC’s malignant narcissism affliction does not allow it.
-- The BIC publicly and repeatedly proclaimed that COVID19 [946] would magically vanish on 4.November, as if it was some Democrat conspiracy against him. Has it disappeared? Oh wait, after consuming the magic snake-oil elixir, the BIC’s believers profess the COVID19 never existed; it was all a Democrat hoax to make the BIC look bad for the election. A quarter of a million dead American citizens are all fake, made up by the Fake News. The BIC outright lied, looked us in the eyes, and he lied! He knew the truth, but the truth did not suit his image of himself. so he lied. His laissez-faire approach to the pandemic response has killed tens of thousands of innocent American citizens as surely as if he had put a bullet to the back of their head. This despicable man will not be viewed favorably by history, and many more Americans are going to die because of his tepid (at best) actions and rejection of medical counsel.
-- The BIC gave disgraced former general and national security advisor Michael Flynn [789] a full and absolute pardon. He also gave a gift to the rest of us, it is now acceptable to lie to the FBI . . . as long as your lying is to the BIC’s favor. That corrupt and nonsensical position will last another seven weeks, so prepare for more of this abuse.
I hope and pray, despite the BIC’s continuing delusional hallucinations regarding the 2020 election and the ravages of un-checked COVID19 Pandemic, everyone enjoyed the best Thanksgiving holiday. Beyond all of the nastiness, we have so much to be grateful for in life. I wish everyone, regardless of who you voted for or what tribe you believe in, a joyous, peaceful, safe, and encouraging holiday season. The year from hell will soon be behind us.
Comments and contributions from Update no.984:
“Cap, the blog went down well-just as I expected. You’ll very soon be able to comment on other matters unconnected to your BIC, I must say I’m looking forward to that as I‘m sure you are. However, as I believe I may have mentioned, I never did get the chance to sample that snake oil elixir, ah well I’ll have to do with Vitamin D tablets.”
My reply:
I eagerly await the day when I no longer have to refer to the BIC in any manner or form, or even acknowledge the existence of the man who was the Bully-in-Chief.
My counsel remains the same, my friend, avoid the BIC’s magic snake-oil elixir as if it was the plague; nothing good comes from consumption. At least with psychotropic substances, you get a nice mellow high or an enlightening trip.
. . . Round two:
“Cap, OK will steer well clear of Snake Oil!
“I will suspend my Snake Oil investigations as of now!”
. . . my reply to round two:
Wise decision. Dangerous stuff. Well done. You are far better off without that nasty toxic junk.
Sunshine, yes, but there is a bit of a chill in the air.
Just Jeanne and I for Thanksgiving this year, but we will be thankful and careful, nonetheless.
. . . Round three:
“Cap, good day, enjoy your ‘thanksgiving’. I don’t know the origins of this celebration, it isn’t on our calendars.”
. . . my reply to round three:
Happy Thanksgiving to you . . . even though you do not observe our holiday. I have very thankful for our friendship that has endured.
Popular American mythology tells us the first thanksgiving was in 1620, as the Pilgrims celebrated the generosity of indigenous people who fed them in the very difficult first winter. The first national holiday celebration occurred in 1789, after a proclamation by President Washington to celebrate our collective gratitude for the United States of America. Thanksgiving became a legal national holiday when President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law the Making the fourth Thursday in November a legal holiday Act [PL 77-379; 55 Stat. 862; 26.December.1941]. We have celebrated the holiday ever since. Thanksgiving is a uniquely American colonial celebration, I’m afraid. This concludes our history lesson for the day. LOL
. . . Round four:
“Thanks Cap-that was very interesting-does it have a religious connotation? Such as Christmas, Easter.”
. . . my reply to round four:
No, it is not an overtly religious holiday. However, the message of thanksgiving does have religious overtones.
. . . Round five:
“Indeed Cap, my thoughts too. The title could well have been associated with religion considering its origin.
“Ah well over here we battle on with Covid. In our small part of U/K along with a few other country areas the sickness has been controlled. Probably due to a non-infested countryside area-we are a county of villages with few towns and that’s where the problem lies in the more populated regions. Our boss the PM, has a cunning battle plan which has been revealed with of course, as expected, not without criticism even from his own party members. You and I both know when a plan is revealed you get on with it, this is fundamental to good leadership but apparently this doesn’t necessarily apply to politicians who possibly think more of their position in society than their duty to the leadership.
“This current proposal of zonal lockdown may well have to rely on the opposition party for a majority in our parliament. We shall see. a few 3-line whips may be needed to sort this.”
. . . my reply to round five:
Indeed; thanksgiving is a common theme in religious thought and practice. So in a general sense, there is that element, but as I indicated, our Thanksgiving holiday is not an overt religious observance.
The vaccines are getting closer. You will see a new phenomenon in the United States once the vaccines enter distribution and application. We have a not insignificant portion of our populations who are generally labeled as “anti-vaxxers,” meaning they refuse to take any vaccine. There are a host of reasons they believe as they do, but the result is the same. As a consequence, we will have on-going, and perhaps more difficult times, relegating the virus to history. The anti-vaxxers will ensure the virus can continue to find a host for replication. This is the price of freedom. I am hopeful that the new administration will take a more hands-on and positive engagement in our dealing with the virus. The BIC’s laissez-faire approach has failed clearly and emphatically.
I believe HMG will do what has to be done to break the chain of infection, and the British people will be more united in supporting the government’s efforts. We have become and remain the consummate negative example of how NOT to deal with a viral pandemic. Again, the price of freedom.
Comment to the Blog:
“I understand a good bit about bullying. The others occupying the White House milieu were chosen by the Bully in Chief to be victims. If they don’t serve his purpose, he replaces them. That used to work for the Bully in Chief. Also, we need to pay less attention to speeches, however ridiculous, and more to underlying policy actions, often committed by Congress.
“I’m not doing any further discussions of the Rona per se due to mental health considerations.
“Sad to say, the Republicans won most of the offices affecting gerrymandering. They may not have a majority, but they do have smart people using the laws.
“I have eaten in restaurants during the panic about weekly due to a friend with money who enjoys that. I have yet to encounter either the apparent illness you describe or anyone loudly insisting on masks/no masks. (Distancing isn’t a serious issue here.) Life is good.
“I’m a bit the opposite of you on news consumption. While I have cut back mightily on all of it, I take in the absolute minimum on the Rona, and it’s depressing. I get a chuckle from the limited amount of politics I consume.
“When I read or hear the name Boris by itself, I have an immediate association with Boris Badenov, the villain of the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. Your other correspondent might want to use Boris’s title or full name.
“The one thing your third correspondent gets correct is, ‘They haven’t even begun to show all the evidence.’ Unfortunately for them, that’s because no evidence exists.”
My response to the Blog:
Indeed! As reported yesterday by multiple independent sources, the BIC finally relented and ended his stonewalling of the transition of power to President-elect Biden. He has not nor do I expect him to concede his obvious defeat in the election. At least the president-elect can get the information he needs to assume the reins of government on January 20th.
I was just making a comparison of severity. ‘Nuf said.
Quite valid observations. We must remain vigilant.
We occasionally do eat out—once a week or every other week. That was our first and only bad experience, but it was notable for the gross disrespect by that individual—me, me, me. We do our part to break the chain of infection whenever we are in public for any reason.
My news consumption is driven by my underlying curiosity, as long as I can handle it. To me, knowledge is infinitely better than ignorance—intentional or unintentional.
Indeed! As I always say, present the evidence, charge him, and let’s examine the evidence in a court of law. Without that degree of scrutiny, those multitudinous accusations are just the yammering of worthless conspiracy theories. I listen but I do not act or retain the nonsense.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good morning, Cap,
Trumpery continues to the bitter end.
My holiday season, as always, will be colored by the capitalist distortion of my pagan holiday under its Christian name.
I, of course, have plenty to say about Biden as the DNC tool he’s always been. Many of his appointments are holdovers from Obama’s Wall Street-powered administration and/or come through the corporate revolving door.
I didn’t comment until I’d read my morning newsletters. Fivethirtyeight has an interesting piece on one-term Presidents, and Popular Information has studied whether Senator Perdue’s (R-GA) lucrative and well-timed investments were controlled by someone else, as he claimed. (Spoiler alert: no.) The GOP can’t afford to lose both Perdue’s runoff and the other Georgia Senate seat held by Kelly Loeffler, who has endorsed Q-Anon among other dimwit positions.
Snow has arrived here as I type this, a little overdue but still unwelcome.
Have a nice day,
Good morning to you, Calvin,
Trumpery indeed! I suspect we will not be rid of him until he is incarcerated for his crimes and is denied access to Twitter, the media, his sycophants, and his other enablers.
I share your revulsion of capitalist distortion of our holidays—religious and non.
I suspect your characterization of President-elect Biden’s supplication is overstated. For now, I shall hold my evolving opinions. I cannot say they are non-traditional since we just came out of a non-traditional period that did not turn out so well, but he is breaking some molds for the good.
I will argue the GOP is no longer the GOP as it once existed. It is now the BIC Party (BICP). His personality flaws are going to dominate the BICP for years with or without the BIC to sell them his magic snake-oil elixir they depend upon to feel good. We will have to deal with the new reality for some time to come.
Why do I say what I do in the paragraph immediately above? We see the embodiment of the BIC-like behavior in Perdue & Loeffler, but we also see it in Arizona representatives re-elected to the House—Schweikert, Biggs, Gosar & Lesko. All of them exhibit different variations of the BIC’s character flaws, and they were all re-elected. These Arizona examples are not the only ones. It is this reason I believe we will be dealing with BIC-esque behavior for some time to come. It is a substantial portion of American society who support and encourage their behavior. It is going to take far longer to diminish the influence of that tribe in this once grand republic.
Snow, yikes, I’d prefer a different, less solid form of precipitation. We’ve not seen any form of precipitation in many months. We need the rain. I hope the snow is not too bad in your neck of the woods.
Stay warm and safe. Take care and enjoy.
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