Update from the Sunland
14.9.20 – 20.9.20
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
I do not need to wrap myself in the flag to show my patriotism. Those who do so generally feel they have something to prove, like a braggadocio pilot who lacks the skills. I do not!
Tuesday, 15.September.2020, the 80th day of remembrance; this is the day known as Battle of Britain Day. While many of us may not be British, we owe an extraordinary debt that can never be repaid to The Few (the RAF fighter pilots including seven American volunteers) and all of the British people who stood alone against Hitler’s Germans that summer. The war would have been fundamentally different if they had not been successful. The war was a long way from being won, but on this day 80 years ago, they stopped the inexorable and undaunted German advance across Europe at the English Channel. Let us never forget what The Few and the British people did for their freedom and ours during that summer of 1940.
I watched and listened to every second of the Town Hall with the Bully-in-Chief (BIC) at Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, 15.September.2020. “The President and the People” – a 20/20 Special Edition was hosted by ABC News and moderated by George Stephanopoulos. Unfortunately, the whole event was just more of the same ol’ shtick from the world’s greatest snake-oil salesman.
Attorney General Barr spoke at Hillsdale College on Wednesday and publicly stated, “Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this [the COVID19 mandates] is the greatest intrusion on civil liberty in American history.” Until this moment, I thought William Barr was an educated, knowledgeable man. Now, we know he is quite like his master; he does not know or understand history. Justice Brandeis so eloquently observed that “the Bill of Rights is not a suicide pact” – Terminiello v. City of Chicago [337 U.S. 1 (1949)]. Freedom and civil liberty do NOT entitle any citizen to injure or endanger another citizen or property. I am an outspoken advocate for every citizen’s inherent freedom of choice and resistance to government intrusion into our private lives and choices. However, when it comes to the public domain, the government has an obligation to regulate conduct and behavior in the public domain for a host of reasons, not least of which is public safety. Intoxication by alcohol or any other psychotropic substances in private should be protected, while the same intoxication can and should be restricted in the public domain. The wearing of a face mask in public where a minimum of a six-foot separation cannot be maintained can be thought of like intoxication—necessary for public safety. So, for Barr to say what he did was absolutely, categorically, and I will say maliciously false. Wearing a mask is NOT some statement of individual freedom of choice; it is an essential action to break the chain of infection. There is only one reason we are having this debate, the BIC’s malignant narcissism, egocentricity, and paucity of even a scintilla of caring or compassion for anyone except himself.
Compare the BIC’s speech when he is off-the-cuff with impromptu remarks with those moments when he must read a teleprompter or written text. The difference is stark and dramatic. In my 72 years on God’s little green planet, I cannot recall any politician or public figure being so droll, boring, and outright dull, or rather devoid of inflection, color, or even a sliver of passion. What is the antonym for inspirational? On top of that, the bastard lies about everything from irrelevant to essential. I am not talking about spinning the truth, or the BIC’s favorite “get out of jail” free card, “truthful hyperbole.” He says things that are outright lies; he knows they are wrong; he refuses to speak the truth because the truth does not serve his malignant narcissistic, egocentric needs. His behavior is par for the course for snake-oil salesmen, con-artists, and other nefarious individuals; it is absolutely not acceptable for any president of the United States regardless of mental illness, the paucity of experience, or lack of knowledge. He does NOT get a pass because he has all of those traits.
An extract from a separate communications thread seemed appropriate for this forum.
“I take it you are safe from hurricane Sally?
“What a mess this world of ours is in, what with your main man and this damned virus we couldn’t ask for more distractions to normality. What is normality, will it ever return?
“And now you in particular are being bombarded by un-wanted storms allegedly produced by global warming which we are all experiencing including our wet side of the pond.
“We still have friends and family which over here we cannot meet in numbers greater than six. Of course, like you, we do have the deniers who have caused northern towns to be placed into ‘lock down’. I believe legal actions are being sought and rightly so.
“We’ve had several incredible TV programmes on the Battle of Britain 80th anniversary. I don’t know if you have access to our TV channels?”
My response:
Yep, no effect from Sally on us. I can’t say that for Southeast U.S.
Yeah, the BIC continues to make things worse. He has no clue what leadership means. Further, I truly believe he thinks leadership means never taking responsibility . . . well, we have to give him some credit; he loves taking full and sole credit for things he feels make him appear strong and omnipotent. The United States today is an orchestra of millions without a conductor. All we have is cacophonic noise and chaos—very sad. If this is what he means by “Make America Great Again,” I want nothing of it. The irrational exuberance of the stock market is not worth spit given the chaos induced by the BIC. I still contend that he is a clear and present danger to this once grand republic.
We could use some wet. We had no monsoon this year, and even the cactus are dying from lack of moisture.
Exactly! Thanks to the BIC negative example, we have far too many people who refuse to recognize or respect their obligations to society and the common good. Like the BIC, it is all ME, ME, ME. That is not a republic.
I also watched Joe Biden’s Town Hall hosted by CNN at a drive-in theater (for social distancing) in Moosic, Pennsylvania. Anderson Cooper moderated the event. The content was not much better. However, the difference in compassion and sensitivity between the two leading candidates is dramatic; if those factors were the deciders, then the vote is clear. Biden is not particularly inspiring either, but he is a damn sight better human being. None of the field are the inspirational, uniting leader we need in these troubled times; so, it will come down to who is the best of the bunch?
On Friday, 18.September.2020, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—the Notorious RBG—passed away from complications of pancreatic cancer that she fought for years. Chief Justice Roberts declared that Justice Ginsburg was a “jurist of historic stature.” Having read many of her opinions, I think the chief justice is spot on correct. She will be sorely missed. Regrettably, her service to this once grand republic will likely be pushed aside and overlooked in the struggle to fill her seat on the bench before the election.
From her passing, so began a political conflagration that will undoubtedly become quite messy, ugly, and one of epic proportion. Four years ago, Antonin Scalia passed away not quite one year before the inauguration of a new president. That was 269 days from Scalia’s death and the presidential election. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky publicly stated, "The American people are perfectly capable of having their say on this issue, so let's give them a voice. Let's let the American people decide. The Senate will appropriately revisit the matter when it considers the qualifications of the nominee the next president nominates, whoever that might be." Then, four years later, after Ginsburg’s passing just 46 days before the election, McConnell publicly stated, “[The BIC’s] nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” The hypocrisy is jaw dropping. McConnell loves to tell us his actions are not hypocrisy, just politics. He points to history and the last time the Senate approved a Supreme Court nomination in an election year when the White House and Senate were controlled by different parties was 1890. According to him, the happenstance of history has established the right and proper process. The reality is, he is doing what is convenient for his tribe, and as such, should be resoundingly condemned.
My gut tells me, turnabout is fair play; however, my brain says, two wrongs do not make a right. What McConnell did in 2016 was unconstitutional and wrong in every possible way. What he conveniently failed to acknowledge or recognize is the Constitution of the United States of America makes no mention of such criterion, or even the existence or influence of political parties in any constitutional authority or action. The rules never apply to Republicans, only to everyone else. Turning the Republican grotesque hypocrisy back on them would be equally unconstitutional. Therefore, I say follow the law. I must suppress my gut inclinations.
Lastly, I hope the people of Kentucky can find the courage to reject their senior senator and get rid of the penultimate hypocrite in this once grand republic. He has long ago exceeded his usefulness to this once grand republic.
Comments and contributions from Update no.974:
Comment to the Blog:
“Hearing The Resident’s self-incriminating words on audio reminds me very much of Nixon’s Watergate tapes. The difference is that Nixon wasn’t crazy enough to tell a reporter his failings.
“We know that Chump sees the United States as his private property. Using the ‘Justice’ Department as his private attorney is only the latest example of that.
“I will remind the name-issue critics that ‘trumpery’ already had a definition prior to the advent of our all-time example of that quality.
“Good luck convincing entitled white men that others are mistreated. They deeply fear losing their advantages.”
My response to the Blog:
Yeah, I agree. Nixon was not an idiot; he was just paranoid and needed treatment. There is no fixing stupid. They’re both still criminals.
Yes, exactly . . . as dictators and kings do. The king can do no wrong; he is immune from prosecution and can do whatever the hell he wants for whatever reason strikes him. And worse, we have enabled the bastard. I held Barr in higher regard than that at his confirmation; not so now; he has sacrificed all of whatever integrity he had at the altar of the BIC. I am also disappointingly surprised that more DoJ lawyers have not resigned rather than contribute to the BIC’s abuse of power.
BIC-ery indeed!
I am convinced that white supremacy is a significant portion of his support. The evidence continues to grow, e.g., the BIC & Charlottesville, I don’t know David Duke but hey he supports me, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum. We see the BIC and his supporters becoming progressively more desperate to hold onto the power they have. I just hope the rest of us take this election very seriously. They vote, and they hold the advantage in the Electoral College.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Good day, Cap,
You must have a cast-iron stomach if you can watch a Chump performance all the way through.
The Chump’s speech-reading skills still bear a strong resemblance to early machine-generated speech.
Dipping into one aspect of your dialog from abroad, the Dow will surely fall appropriately when the wealthy realize they, too, are affected by our common fate.
I mourn Justice Ginsburg, but I also regret that she didn’t resign during the Obama Administration when she was urged to do so under a Democratic President.
Enjoy your day,
G’day, Calvin,
Yes, it was not easy, but I felt a duty to be a witness.
Oh, I would say it is worse than that. Machine-speech makes no pretense of being human. The BIC wants us to believe he is human.
You may well be correct. I suspect the retreat of the DJA will come with other factors as well.
I join you in mourning the passing of Justice Ginsburg. I do not join you in regretting she did not resign during the Obama administration. If the Senate Republican majority leader could justify not complying with the U.S. Constitution 269 days before an election in 2016, he would have found some convoluted rationale for not complying 300, 400, or 500 days before the election. He would have claimed two is enough; Obama should not have three no matter how many days before the election the vacancy occurred. Oh wait, the BIC has his third vacancy (one stolen, one legitimate) . . . ah yes, let us not forget, the rules, the law, the Constitution do not apply to Republicans—everyone else, yes, of course, but not for Republicans. In 2016, they wanted the voters to decide, but in 2020, screw the voters, we’re jamming this through no matter who the BIC nominates.
I will confess that I came from a staunchly Republican extended family, and here I mean, John Birch, Orange County, hardcore, conservative Republican. I was an outspoken advocate for Barry Goldwater before I was old enough to vote. And yet, the last Republican I voted for was John McCain—how fitting; and, he will quite likely remain the last for the remainder of my life. I cannot imagine how the Republican Party, as I once knew it, will ever recover from the BIC’s absurdity.
I am truly and genuinely afraid that our degeneration will increase in pace if Republicans are allowed in any public office from dog catcher to president. They have become the party of white supremacist Christian-right autocracy. This election will likely decide if we are to exist in any form even remotely resembling the republic envisioned by our Founders. Just imagine another four years of the BIC, but then without any restraint whatsoever and a sense of sovereign immunity (royal prerogative). My long held, unwavering belief in the resiliency of this once grand republic has evaporated in less than a handful of years. While the BIC is the face of that evaporation, it is the minority legions of his supporters that are the real source of the vanishment.
My apologies for such a downer response but that is my mood as my fingers tap away on the keyboard this morning. If the BIC is allowed to continue, we will likely cease to exist as Americans; we will complete our disintegration to parochial insulated tribes until some other dictator decides he has had enough of our drivel. In whatever years I have left, I just want to live out in peace. I feel a profound sense of regret that my generation failed so miserably. I have failed my children and grandchildren in that I have not enabled them to have a better life than I had.
I will end this here. Again, my apologies.
With great respect,
My father was in the US Army Air Corp. He was a B-17 pilot in WWII and flew 9 missions out of Ridgewell, England during WWII before being shot down. Fortunately, all nine crew members lived. My father spent a year and a half in a German POW camp at the age of 24 along with his crew members.We visited The old air base in 2018 in Ridgewell, England, now a museum, which is mostly dedicated to American military. They opened it especially for us. We were treated like royalty.
We avoided political conversations with virtually everyone we met while in London etc mostly out of fear. However, most, if not all people we met expressed their admiration and love for Trump for standing up to politics as usual. They actually started the conversations!
In 2008 I had hopes for Obama even though I voted for McCain. Then I witnessed how Obama planted the seeds of tribalism and fundamental change where he knew they would grow. The media lapped up his narrative, unfortunately, and I believe the people spoke loud and clear when they elected Donald J Trump in 2016. Tired of politics as usual.
Currently, our democratic leaders in Congress wrap themselves in the Constitution when it suits them, but stomp on it in order to meet their goal - a one-party nation or making Conservative voices irrelevant. Unfortunately, with the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, AOC etc and people like George Soros, mail-in voting, leftist activist judges who change laws vs interpreting the law, Republicans are just trying to hold up the dam right now for what is coming. Our democratic leadership is and always has been “party first.” Granted, dirty politicians on both sides. Another story. But if Democrats currently had the presidency and the senate, there would be absolutely no hesitation on their part to push through a new SC Justice. The right is violating the Constitution? I don’t think so. If and when Dems are back in power, they have already stated that they will pack the courts and make DC, Puerto Rico states. Look to California or even NY. What it used to be and what it is now. That’s what this great nation will turn into.
I’m glad Trump is a disrupter. We need to shake up all the Bidens on the left. Trump connects with people. He may read a lot from a teleprompter but what President hasn’t? I found that an odd statement on your part since Biden seems to be confused even with a teleprompter! Anxious for debate!
Your last paragraph are my sentiments exactly. I wish I embraced all my current knowledge years ago. Except then I was a Democrat then. I am now a proud Constitutional Conservative. I will vote for Trump. He is no more a dictator than Biden or Biden’s minions. But battleground states are right now being heavily influenced re mail-in votes, courts, etc and are changing the laws as they go along to assure a democratic victory. Heads, Democrats win, tails, Republicans lose. Trump will be called a dictator by the left regardless. Media constantly ask if Trump will assure a peaceful transition. Have they asked Biden that same question? No. That would never happen.
I’m not sure you’ll approve my comments, Cap, as it doesn’t fit the narrative, but I hope I’m wrong.
Good morning to you, Barbara,
My humble apologies for not picking up your comment earlier. I did not see your comment to Update no.975 until this morning. It will be in this week’s Update [977]. I shall endeavor to do better in the future. Just a little FYI: Blogspot does not give us notice of comments; a simple eMail that you sent in a comment would be greatly appreciated and enable a prompter response. My eMail addy: cap@parlier.com.
I am terribly sorry you had to express your doubts in being heard. I opened this Blog in 2006, with prior written versions going back to 2001, to be a forum for vigorous public debate on contemporary issues. I have always and will continue to encourage anyone and everyone to voice their opinions. So, yes, you were wrong; I gladly and eagerly publish your contributions to the Blog.
Please continue to contribute. Stay safe. Take care and enjoy.
Good morning, again, to you, Barbara,
God bless your father for his service and sacrifice for this Grand Republic. We are both very fortunate our fathers survived the war. That is so cool that you got to visit at Ridgewell with him. Great memories.
I have been a long-term, outspoken advocate for rejecting the corruption of money and politics inside the Beltway. It is tragic we have degenerated to this degree. We certainly needed a leader to break the mold and lead us to a brighter, more progressive future. Unfortunately, where our mutual agreement diverges is the selection of a deeply flawed (and in my opinion, unworthy) man to take on that task. I have spoken out against the man, long before he ever declared his candidacy or ascend to the presidency. For decades, I have seen and known him to be fraud, con-man, and snake-oil salesman. For months after his declaration, I ignored him as irrelevant and literally a joke . . . until Republicans started voting for him in the primaries. Despite my revulsion for the man, I could not bring myself to vote for Clinton; she was equally unworthy. I want a woman president but not at any cost. Likewise, I want a leader to help us out of the ditch; regrettably, it is not the BIC.
Like you, I voted for McCain in 2008; he will likely be the last Republican I will ever vote for in this life. I was a Goldwater Republican in my youth. The Republicans of today are not the Republican Party of decades ago.
The seeds of our tribalism were planted and sprouted long before Obama stepped on the national stage or became president. To lay our abysmal situation on his lap is simply wrong. He played by the rules that Republicans created; I’m sorry it hurts.
I urge caution in your loud & clear statement. He lost the vote by 3M votes; that is not trivial. OK, I’ll bite: how have the Democrats stepped on the Constitution? Frankly, I will argue that is exactly what the Republican Senate Majority Leader did in 2016, and he is ignoring that precedent (his own precedent) in 2020 when it is convenient to him. Not one word or even hint of political parties appears anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. Justifying his actions as political consequence or expedient is flat wrong, and I will argue, it is unconstitutional. Yes, the Republicans are violating the Constitution. They use “originalism” when it is convenient to their tribal objectives and reject it when it is not. Tribalism has brought us to a state that we accept abuses when our tribe does it and reject it when the other tribe does it.
The Press has not asked Biden that question before he is not POTUS—only the BIC is. And, the BIC’s answer does nothing but fuel our suspicions of him. I am absolutely confident that he would answer the correct way, of course he will ensure a peaceful transition.
“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”
Thank you for your contribution.
Stay safe. Take care and enjoy.
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