Update from the Sunland
27.4.20 – 3.5.20
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
Tuesday afternoon, Vice President Pence toured the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, presumably to see how folks were doing in that facility and that area of the country, and to show the flag. It did not quite go as intended. Every single person within view of the camera was wearing a medical-grade mask . . . except one! When asked if the vice president had been informed of the mask requirement, the Mayo Clinic spokesman answered that every person entering their facility is told that they have a mask requirement. So, the vice president, like the Bully-in-Chief (BIC), decided that he is too important to be relegated to the necessities of us common folk. The BIC has long said . . . I ain’t wearin’ no mask. That nonsense is for common folks, not someone who is as important as me. I see presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens, and whatnot every day. I don’t see it for myself. I would look rather silly in a mask. I ain’t wearin’ no stinkin’ mask . . . but yep, I think all of the rest of you peons need to wear masks. So, this is the classic dysfunctional parental admonition, do as I say not as I do. Is it any wonder why the anti-stay-at-home protesters refuse to wear masks in those close quarters mobs they join with their BIC-2020 signs? What is with these idiots—some absurd machismo thing? Do they fear they would be seen as somehow less of a man by wearing a mask? One more time: the mask is not to protect you; it is to protect everyone else from you. Grow up! Grow a pair and put the damn mask on. Did the BIC ever stop to think, if I don’t wear a mask, other folks might feel they do not need to wear a mask?
What any American citizen, including the BIC and the vice president, is doing when s/he does not wear a mask in any and all non-social-distancing situations that person is disrespecting the extraordinary sacrifice and dedication of our health care professionals in dealing with the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic. The BIC’s conduct is absolute proof he actually believes he is King Donald I and he can do anything and whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and for whatever reason he wants. If the BIC and vice president do not want to wear masks in public, then do not go to public events. Your antiquated machismo and delusional state do not give you the right to thumb your nose at the rest of who feel collective responsibility. For the rest of us peons, please ignore the BIC and the vice president, and follow the rules. I am doing my part. Please do your part. The BIC is NOT our example of good citizenship; in fact, he is the consummate negative example. Such is the burden we must bear.
To Vice President Pence’s credit, unlike the BIC, he learned his lesson and wore a mask at another public event a few days later. Thank you very much, Mister Vice President. Perhaps, you can help the BIC understand the realities of leadership. We can only hope.
Beyond the paucity of any semblance of leadership by the BIC and now the vice president, I fear we are going to be in this predicament for quite some time to come . . . unfortunately! With all these idiots running around without masks and gloves, my ultimate fear remains—the saturation of treatment capacity by these fools who are veritably seeking infection. I suppose we must endure this insanity and wait in our patient solitude until we have a president who displays some rational thought. I gave up on this fellow a long time ago, and he is proving himself incompetent every single day. You know, if he just self-quarantined incommunicado for the next six months, we would all be infinitely better off. Oh well, no such luck. His lifeblood is his daily dose of adoration from the cheering throngs of his devoted believers. He keeps telling the Press he wants them to join the crowds and cheer his greatness. He wants the rest of us to sing his praises. And, I imagine he truly wonders why some people despise him so much and refuse to give him the praise he needs to survive. No, wait, he does not care a hoot what we think. He only cares about those who adore him. I am NOT one of those. I truly hope We, the People, show him in graphic form how much we love him on November 3rd. [FYI: that was real sarcasm, not the pseudo-stuff the BIC belches out every day.] VOTE!
The economic cost of the COVID19 pandemic, or rather our late response to the pandemic, is becoming graphically clear. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis within the Department of Commerce reported the U.S. economy contracted by -4.8% in the 1Q2020—the worst decline since 4Q2008 at the beginning of the Great Recession. This decline is predominantly in the last two weeks of the quarter. This suggests the 2Q2020 will likely reach double-digit and perhaps historic levels. Some early estimates indicator the 2nd quarter contraction could be as high as 30+%. And, the government’s answer is to print more money and give it to the rich folks who obviously need more money. The reports from widely disparate sources and regions of the nation are telling us the stimulus money is going in large measure to the wealthy—why? One simple answer, the wealthy have armies of lawyers who pride themselves in taking full advantage of every possible loophole in the law for their clients. The small shop owner and employer of 12 people do not have an army of lawyers to help them. What we are witnessing is NOT the intent of the law, but rather the way the law was written. The economic consequences of the COVID19 crisis are incalculable, but somehow, I have faith We, the People, will survive and become stronger for this debacle.
The issue is not the virus, per se. The virus is emphatically the source or stimulant for the problem. However, the real issue and the reason for the historic devastation of our economy is the capacity of our health care system to treat seriously ill citizens. If we had infinite capacity, we could have just let the virus run its course, but we do not have infinite capacity, which means that a stroke or heart attack is not as critical as an infectious disease that can threaten others. So, when I see anyone from Joe Schitt the Ragman to the president of the United States not using the government’s recommended protections in public spaces and events, I see those occasions as a direct threat to me, my family, and many other citizens who are valiantly doing their part to break the chain of infection for this virus (and others). I weep at the staggering toll our insufficient surge medical capacity is taking on our precious health care professionals. Our granddaughter just became a full up registered nurse, jumping into the middle of this pandemic response, and I fear for her safety. I see so many citizens from all walks of life acting responsibly. Then, I see the one man who is supposed to be the leader of this nation, setting an example for all of us, and we get . . . nope, not me, ain’t gonna do it. You should wear that mask, but I just don’t see it for me. I’m simply too important to wear no silly mask. That is precisely why I call the BIC a clear and present danger. As a student of leadership, I see the BIC as the antithesis of leadership by every metric I can think of to judge. Lastly, to all my fellow citizens who admonished me to not listen to what he says, look at what he does, I say I am watching what he is doing and I find his conduct contemptible, disgusting, and an affront to all people who are trying to help us get through this crisis. There is only one answer—VOTE! Please, please, please, so your part in this: wear a mask and gloves in public, and make absolutely sure you and all your family and friends are registered to vote, and without question, on November 3rd, VOTE your conscience. We need each other.
Comments and contributions from Update no.954:
“‘evening Cap, thanks for the update-just one comment as a non-USA person I didn’t understand much of your first item. That’s not your fault I just appreciate the chance to read your words.”
My reply:
Sorry . . . just one of my quirky traits. I actually enjoy reading Supreme Court (and others) cases. They are usually filled with history, as was this particular ruling, and I always learn something. I am also intrigued by the writing styles, reasoning, and judgment of the various justices. I offer my apologies for boring you and others.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
Politicians and their appointees are supposed to be guiding us through the virus crisis. That’s not working at all. The problem is that the response is costing more lives than the actual virus. The appropriate response involves large-scale testing and tracking, personal protective equipment for all parties, and ventilators. We’re not doing that. We’re doing “stay home” orders. (Threatening people as the experts are doing is lousy marketing, too. No professional would seek compliance that way.)
The large numbers of new cases are coming from jails, prisons and nursing facilities, and that fact is not being addressed except in the nursing homes. Do the infectious disease specialists realize that most prisoners are eventually released?
Meanwhile, the attempted shutdown of society is causing massive non-virus trouble. One facet of this is the increase in fatal overdoses. The coroner here in Franklin County, Ohio, states that fatal overdoses are up 50% from January to April 15. We had 28 fatal ODs from the past Friday to Saturday night. Just before the lock-down, we had about 4 to 6 within that time period. Most of those dead people are results of the shutdown, not of the virus. That’s not nearly all. Domestic violence is spiking, and that’s only reported cases. Mental health issues are increasing too. Those are results of the shutdown, not of the virus. For the future, economic crashes have long-documented human cost as well, and this one is already severe.
I’m annoyed with those self-righteous tirades about people not following the instructions. It’s human nature that they won’t get good long-term compliance with prohibitions on gatherings. Humans are the most social species ever. Get used to it. Masks that serve an anti-virus purpose (per all those experts) are in short supply. We’re encouraged to donate the good ones, but I’m keeping mine because I need them for my asthma. I wear home-grown ones in public places because I’m afraid of incidents with people who are in panic mode.
PS: My response to last week’s post entirely disappeared. I emailed it twice, to no apparent result.
Good morning to you, Calvin,
Last week’s response never showed up on this end in any form. Sorry. We shall persevere.
Oh my, you got that right in spades. The BIC could not care less about the welfare of We, the People – Nero playing his fiddle as Rome burns. He displays no traits of good leadership that I can detect. The BIC refuses to acknowledge broad-scale testing. He has zero interest in facts or knowledge. He only cares about his hunches, his self-image, his perception of anything. He has no conscience, thus, for him, he has no qualms whatsoever encouraging the protesters to open the economy. After all, he will blame any second wave spike in infections on the Chinese, on the governors, on the mayors, on everyone, and anything other than himself. The only thing I will give him credit for being is a consummate, worthless, snake-oil salesman. He is really good at that. He has sold millions of American citizens that his snake-oil has cured them of all their ills from insomnia to cancer. They believe! Worse, his believers attack the scientists who are trying mightily to get the truth to We, the People.
I agree with your assessment of the personal costs associated with the shutdown. If anything, I think those personal costs are seriously understated. Yet, I cannot see an alternative. We were not prepared. We are still not prepared to deal with broad-scale infections. The shutdown appears to have done what it was intended to do, i.e., avoid saturation of our limited capacity health care system. I fear the BIC’s recklessness on restarting the economy prematurely may well fulfill that fear.
As a general rule, I agree with you. Prohibition is not a viable approach in any free society. I do not see the current rules as prohibition. To me, it is common sense. A mask and latex gloves are simply respect for our fellow citizens. This virus is a contact virus. It is highly transmissible. We must each do our part to break that chain of transmission. I’ve absolutely no problem with returning the economy to full-throttle today, as long as everyone respects their obligation to break the chain of transmission. I think masks & gloves should be required for public places and venues at least until we have a broadly available, effective vaccine and the infection rate is tested and confirmed to be near zero. We could tolerate infections as long as hospitalizations and fatalities are zero. As I have stated many times, the issue is our medical treatment capacity. I can protect myself from infection, but I cannot stop treatment saturation that might ultimately kill me. I am an old man and expendable to those idiots protesting without protections. I’ve got no problem with people infecting themselves and suffering; their choice. But I deeply care about those people taking away the treatment capacity of our health care system. I simply do not see how a mask + latex gloves affect our ability to socialize, to spend money, to do all the other things that a productive economy does.
“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”
Stay safe. Take care and enjoy.
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