Update from the Heartland
10.11.08 – 16.11.08
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
10.11.08 – 16.11.08
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
This week we celebrated the 233rd year of our glorious Corps of Marines. We also remembered – Veterans Day (U.S.) and Remembrance Day (UK) – those who have served the preservation of freedom. As an extra blessing, our oldest grandchild – Aspen Shae – invited Taylor and me to join her school’s tribute to veterans. Taylor was on duty and could not attend. On Friday, Jeanne and I joined Aspen and 4-500 of her classmates along with several hundred veterans from each of the military services, and from World War II through each of our Nation’s wars to the present War on Islamic Fascism. Thank you very much goes to Prnicipal Ms. Jeanne Pfannenstiel of Maize Middle School for the recognition and tribute – well done! And, thank you Aspen Shae for thinking of your Poppi. Life is good.
The follow-up news items:
-- U.S. Attorney Michael J. Garcia for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan announced that the U.S. Government would not press criminal charges against former New York Governor Eliot Laurence Spitzer [327], who had been disgraced by leaks to the Press. His political opponents sought his demise and our foolish morality laws provided the tools for weak men to accomplish their objective.
-- The Senate confirmed and General Ann E. Dunwoody, USA, was promoted – the first woman in U.S. history to become a 4-star general [343]. She will be posted as Commanding General, Army Materiel Command. Congratulations, General Dunwoody.
Interesting reports from doctors in Berlin indicate they have cured a man of AIDS, using a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT). The potential treatment has been hypothesized for more than a decade. While the reports are encouraging, the use of BMT for HIV / AIDS infected people is simply not practical. The registry of world-wide donors just does not have the size necessary for such massive application. Further, the highly specialized medical facilities necessary for successful BMT seriously limit the capacity of the system to conduct such treatments. I would also like to see parallel, independent results before I jump on the bandwagon. Perhaps, this success, once validated, will lead to other advances toward finding a broadly available and accessible cure.
I am not a particular fan of Keith Olbermann as I tend to discount opinions that appear to be blind political dogma rather than considered and rational arguments in the public debate. Yet, here is a URL link to an Olbermann commentary that is worthy of your time regardless of your politics, political biases or views.
If you would like to read the text of his commentary:
“Everyone deserves the same chance at permanence and happiness”
by Keith Olbermann
Updated 20:13 CST, Monday, 10.November.2008
As everyone will recall, the international community has endured persistent piracy by Somali and Yemeni criminals in the Gulf of Aden for the last two years. Congratulations and gratitude go to the crew and Royal Marines aboard HMS Cumberland, who managed to catch the bad guys in the act. Even better, the bad guys thought they could shoot it out with the Marines. Well, let’s just say, the bad guys did not fair so well. Great job, lads. God bless you all.
The continuing litany of news from the economic front:
-- The USG altered its course in the effort to save the insurance giant AIG from collapse. They have apparently scrapped the original ‘cheap loan’ approach in favor of a more ambitious, larger, equity stake infusion. We have no way to judge the wisdom or validity of this latest course change; only history will tell that tale. But, one thing I do know is, exorbitant compensation and lavish ‘training’ junkets will NOT help me gain confidence in either AIG or the USG’s effort to save the company from itself.
-- The communications giant Nortel Networks reported a 3rd Quarter loss of US$3.4B, and its intention to eliminate some executive positions, freeze salaries, and lay off about 1,300 employees. This is how a depression begins, and we must stem the tide.
-- Consumer electronic retailer Circuit City Stores filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection about a week after it said it would close 20% of its stores.
-- Deutsche Post AG, parent of DHL Express, will close all of its service centers in the U.S, eliminating 9,500 jobs, and terminating its U.S.-only domestic shipping by land and air, amid heavy losses and fierce competition with FedEx and UPS.
-- The USG agreed to allow credit card giant American Express become a bank-holding company, which will allow the company to access government emergency stabilization funds, while giving the government deeper visibility into the company’s operations.
-- The USG attacked the bad-debt mortgage market via quasi-governmental, mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by modifying the terms of hundreds of thousands of loans supported by the two lenders. Again, we must trust that the USG is doing the correct thing to stabilize the market and enable recovery.
-- As is its penchant to do, Congress has stepped up meddling, second-guessing and hand-wring regarding the Treasury’s effort to stimulate economic recovery. While oversight is within its mandate and essential, trying to direct the conduct of a war, albeit military or economic, mixes the ingredients for a disaster. Congressional meddling does not instill confidence, as it inevitably degenerates into rancorous, partisan politics that detracts from any reasonable endeavor.
-- As the USG changed course with AIG, apparently, they are changing course with the banking credit crisis as well. Rather than execute their initial Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), they are now moving toward direct equity investment in various banks, which is more aligned the European approach. Whether this is part of any on-going international coordination or negotiation, I do not know.
-- The Citigroup Board of Directors has made public rumbling about replacing their Chairman – Sir Winfried Franz Wilhen ‘Win’ Bischoff – for poor performance by the international banking giant. Governance is the Board’s ultimate responsibility. I trust this action is at least reflective of the Citigroup Board fulfilling its obligation to stakeholders, customers and the public.
-- The European Union officially declared itself in recession as it reported two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.
-- President Bush hosted the G-20 economic summit in Washington, DC. The G-20 leaders issued an 11-page, broad agreement to coordinate their effort to stimulate rapid economic recovery. The G-20 includes: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, and the European Union (a bit of a double-dip for the European nations) + the G-8, which includes Russia + the G-7, which in turn includes Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States. President-elect Obama had monitors for his impending administration, attending the summit.
One of the principles of propaganda used so effectively by Nazi information minister Josef Goebbels involved a reality of human nature – if you tell a lie often enough and long enough, sooner or later people will believe the lie. So it is with those who wish to malign President George W. Bush. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy as the next man to see him go, but attempting to proclaim his actions in the War on Islamic Fascism as ‘illegal,’ or ‘criminal,’ or ‘deceitful,’ is wrong in the worst possible way. Various and numerous sources in the Press, politics, and individual citizens have relentlessly attempted to do just that by branding his lawful actions under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution as: ‘war of aggression,’ ‘policy of torture,’ ‘illegal killings,’ ‘unlawful Guantanamo detentions,’ and ‘secret spying on Americans.’ I think we can all agree he has at least stretched his Article II authority under his war powers interpretation, but I have a very hard time branding his actions as ‘illegal,’ or calling him a liar, or dishonest, or a criminal. He has done what he thought best to defend this Nation against a hidden, diffuse, determined enemy in a complex world of instant communications and amplification of violence. And, he has been successful. I can only urge everyone to step back and recognize what has happened, rather than succumb to political dogma.
On Monday, 27.October.2008, in Kismaayo, Somalia – the dysfunctional country’s southern port and third-largest city – a 13-year-old girl by the name of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was stoned to death by dozens of men before an audience of 1,000 plus spectators. What could possibly have been her crime, you may ask? She was accused of adultery for reporting that she had been raped by three men, which brought disgrace to her family. Her only crime was being the victim of a violent crime. And, these people want to be respected in the civilized world. This is what fundamentalist, religious extremism does . . . no matter what the particular religion happens to be.
The sordid saga of the Phelps clan continues without respite. The latest episode comes as a minor victory from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals – Phelps-Roper v. Nixon [8CCA no. 07-1295 (2008)]. The screaming banshee daughter, Shirley, filed a 1st Amendment claim in Missouri, and the 8th Circuit judges granted her a preliminary injunction against enforcement of a state law regarding protests at funerals. The court was careful to note they were only passing judgment on the request for injunctive relief, and not on the constitutional argument. What near perfect timing for a Phelps temporary win! The Phelps clan has positioned itself well to be the face of hatred, bigotry, religious extremism, and generally disrespectful citizens. The Phelps clan is far too determined and resilient to be cowed by judicial setbacks, and the occasional minor win will only encourage them to press on. The sobering fact is, they are breeding and passing their hatred to a new generation.
Comments and contributions from Update no.360:
“I think he'll need Rahm [Emauel] to protect him [Obama] from the left wing of the Democratic Party. He's got the right personality for that job. Chief of Staff can't care too much about how much he's liked, just how much he can get done. But I do hope he deals equally with members of both parties... and I expect he will. It certainly won't bother him to piss off some Dems.
“Also, I totally agree on the sexual orientation thing. I was shocked that CA banned same sex marriage.”
My reply:
I hope you are correct in your hypothesis regarding Rahm.
Thank you for your support. We were all shocked that it was so easy to deny equal rights under the law to a portion of our population who hurt no one, who are good, decent, productive citizens making this nation a better place, and who have asked for nothing more than equality. I realize, recognize and acknowledge that some folks see homosexuals as untermenschen and worthy of their scorn, which is their choice. Where I object strongly and directly is any attempt to impose their opinions / beliefs on other citizens regardless of their sexual orientation – thus, my objection to Prop H8 and the others.
Another contribution:
“I do marvel at your commentaries, I rarely disagree with even the minutiae. Another good blog.
“Happy 233rd birthday to the Corps!
“And lastly, a semi-rhetorical question, if a friend of yours asked you to pull up roots at home and help the new administration in some way in DC, would you do so?
My response:
Thank you for remembering – 233 glorious years for our Corps of Marines.
The short answer is, depends. I would be honored to be asked, and if I thought I could really make a difference in national service, yes, I think would.
A contribution via comment on the blog from Anonymous:
“Not every American must support Obama. President Bush was not supported by everyone because of a basic mistrust. I have a serious integrity issue regarding Obama and would not compromise integrity. Plus his campaign tactics were devious. Many Americans obviously were not concerned with integrity when they voted for Obama. In 4 years, I intend to vote against Obama. He is not a president or person whom I can trust.”
My reply:
As with all things in life, we choose – each of us chooses – to see what we wish to see. If we think negative, we see negative, and vice versa. Barack Obama is a flawed man, just as we all are. For better or worse, he has been duly elected to be our President. You have every right to think and say what you believe, just as I do. This Grand Republic and the citizens who are its life blood must rise above flawed men, and we must help our President rise above parochial party politics for the sake of the Nation, just as George Washington did, just as Abraham Lincoln did, and just as Franklin Roosevelt did. I shall hope that you can find generosity in your heart to help the Country be strong and success. Barack is just a man who will soon occupy an office.
A different contribution:
“I've known you personally and professionally for many, many years now, both as a Marine, and as my good friend. And I've been reading your weekly Blog for a long, long time. At times I have gotten bogged down by the depth and breadth (if you will) of the discussions. I get lost in the intricacies of what is being said in some individual ‘Update.’ But I always try to read them through and to understand what you and others who contribute have to say. Why? Because in what is said and discussed in your weekly pieces there is a wide array of people's thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. Now I admit that Sometimes I wonder how Anyone at all could believe or think as whoever it was who said it believes and thinks. But then I realize that we are all So much better off when we have an intelligent, thoughtful and purposeful ongoing discourse about those things of vital interest to us all, and of vital importance to furthering and forever refining the Core Principles upon which our now very diverse nation was founded. We are indeed a Nation Of the People, For the People, and By the People. May it always be that way. And may we always stand together as One, even while we disagree as Many on any set of specifics. (Hope I got those in the correct order).
“So having said that, I have to say that this particular ‘Update #360,’ is probably, in my mind anyway, one of the best I've Ever seen. Keep 'em coming, my friend. We need you. Actually, we need ALL of us.
“Happy 233rd Birthday and Semper Fi, by the way.”
My response:
First and foremost, happy birthday to you as well, Marine.
Thank you for your most generous words. I try to strike a balance between accuracy, thoroughness, and brevity. I do not often find the correct balance, but I continue to try. And, I enjoy the process of researching, learning and writing, so as long as the joy remains and the passion is hot, I shall continue to write.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
This week we celebrated the 233rd year of our glorious Corps of Marines. We also remembered – Veterans Day (U.S.) and Remembrance Day (UK) – those who have served the preservation of freedom. As an extra blessing, our oldest grandchild – Aspen Shae – invited Taylor and me to join her school’s tribute to veterans. Taylor was on duty and could not attend. On Friday, Jeanne and I joined Aspen and 4-500 of her classmates along with several hundred veterans from each of the military services, and from World War II through each of our Nation’s wars to the present War on Islamic Fascism. Thank you very much goes to Prnicipal Ms. Jeanne Pfannenstiel of Maize Middle School for the recognition and tribute – well done! And, thank you Aspen Shae for thinking of your Poppi. Life is good.
The follow-up news items:
-- U.S. Attorney Michael J. Garcia for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan announced that the U.S. Government would not press criminal charges against former New York Governor Eliot Laurence Spitzer [327], who had been disgraced by leaks to the Press. His political opponents sought his demise and our foolish morality laws provided the tools for weak men to accomplish their objective.
-- The Senate confirmed and General Ann E. Dunwoody, USA, was promoted – the first woman in U.S. history to become a 4-star general [343]. She will be posted as Commanding General, Army Materiel Command. Congratulations, General Dunwoody.
Interesting reports from doctors in Berlin indicate they have cured a man of AIDS, using a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT). The potential treatment has been hypothesized for more than a decade. While the reports are encouraging, the use of BMT for HIV / AIDS infected people is simply not practical. The registry of world-wide donors just does not have the size necessary for such massive application. Further, the highly specialized medical facilities necessary for successful BMT seriously limit the capacity of the system to conduct such treatments. I would also like to see parallel, independent results before I jump on the bandwagon. Perhaps, this success, once validated, will lead to other advances toward finding a broadly available and accessible cure.
I am not a particular fan of Keith Olbermann as I tend to discount opinions that appear to be blind political dogma rather than considered and rational arguments in the public debate. Yet, here is a URL link to an Olbermann commentary that is worthy of your time regardless of your politics, political biases or views.
If you would like to read the text of his commentary:
“Everyone deserves the same chance at permanence and happiness”
by Keith Olbermann
Updated 20:13 CST, Monday, 10.November.2008
As everyone will recall, the international community has endured persistent piracy by Somali and Yemeni criminals in the Gulf of Aden for the last two years. Congratulations and gratitude go to the crew and Royal Marines aboard HMS Cumberland, who managed to catch the bad guys in the act. Even better, the bad guys thought they could shoot it out with the Marines. Well, let’s just say, the bad guys did not fair so well. Great job, lads. God bless you all.
The continuing litany of news from the economic front:
-- The USG altered its course in the effort to save the insurance giant AIG from collapse. They have apparently scrapped the original ‘cheap loan’ approach in favor of a more ambitious, larger, equity stake infusion. We have no way to judge the wisdom or validity of this latest course change; only history will tell that tale. But, one thing I do know is, exorbitant compensation and lavish ‘training’ junkets will NOT help me gain confidence in either AIG or the USG’s effort to save the company from itself.
-- The communications giant Nortel Networks reported a 3rd Quarter loss of US$3.4B, and its intention to eliminate some executive positions, freeze salaries, and lay off about 1,300 employees. This is how a depression begins, and we must stem the tide.
-- Consumer electronic retailer Circuit City Stores filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection about a week after it said it would close 20% of its stores.
-- Deutsche Post AG, parent of DHL Express, will close all of its service centers in the U.S, eliminating 9,500 jobs, and terminating its U.S.-only domestic shipping by land and air, amid heavy losses and fierce competition with FedEx and UPS.
-- The USG agreed to allow credit card giant American Express become a bank-holding company, which will allow the company to access government emergency stabilization funds, while giving the government deeper visibility into the company’s operations.
-- The USG attacked the bad-debt mortgage market via quasi-governmental, mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by modifying the terms of hundreds of thousands of loans supported by the two lenders. Again, we must trust that the USG is doing the correct thing to stabilize the market and enable recovery.
-- As is its penchant to do, Congress has stepped up meddling, second-guessing and hand-wring regarding the Treasury’s effort to stimulate economic recovery. While oversight is within its mandate and essential, trying to direct the conduct of a war, albeit military or economic, mixes the ingredients for a disaster. Congressional meddling does not instill confidence, as it inevitably degenerates into rancorous, partisan politics that detracts from any reasonable endeavor.
-- As the USG changed course with AIG, apparently, they are changing course with the banking credit crisis as well. Rather than execute their initial Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), they are now moving toward direct equity investment in various banks, which is more aligned the European approach. Whether this is part of any on-going international coordination or negotiation, I do not know.
-- The Citigroup Board of Directors has made public rumbling about replacing their Chairman – Sir Winfried Franz Wilhen ‘Win’ Bischoff – for poor performance by the international banking giant. Governance is the Board’s ultimate responsibility. I trust this action is at least reflective of the Citigroup Board fulfilling its obligation to stakeholders, customers and the public.
-- The European Union officially declared itself in recession as it reported two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.
-- President Bush hosted the G-20 economic summit in Washington, DC. The G-20 leaders issued an 11-page, broad agreement to coordinate their effort to stimulate rapid economic recovery. The G-20 includes: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, and the European Union (a bit of a double-dip for the European nations) + the G-8, which includes Russia + the G-7, which in turn includes Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States. President-elect Obama had monitors for his impending administration, attending the summit.
One of the principles of propaganda used so effectively by Nazi information minister Josef Goebbels involved a reality of human nature – if you tell a lie often enough and long enough, sooner or later people will believe the lie. So it is with those who wish to malign President George W. Bush. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy as the next man to see him go, but attempting to proclaim his actions in the War on Islamic Fascism as ‘illegal,’ or ‘criminal,’ or ‘deceitful,’ is wrong in the worst possible way. Various and numerous sources in the Press, politics, and individual citizens have relentlessly attempted to do just that by branding his lawful actions under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution as: ‘war of aggression,’ ‘policy of torture,’ ‘illegal killings,’ ‘unlawful Guantanamo detentions,’ and ‘secret spying on Americans.’ I think we can all agree he has at least stretched his Article II authority under his war powers interpretation, but I have a very hard time branding his actions as ‘illegal,’ or calling him a liar, or dishonest, or a criminal. He has done what he thought best to defend this Nation against a hidden, diffuse, determined enemy in a complex world of instant communications and amplification of violence. And, he has been successful. I can only urge everyone to step back and recognize what has happened, rather than succumb to political dogma.
On Monday, 27.October.2008, in Kismaayo, Somalia – the dysfunctional country’s southern port and third-largest city – a 13-year-old girl by the name of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was stoned to death by dozens of men before an audience of 1,000 plus spectators. What could possibly have been her crime, you may ask? She was accused of adultery for reporting that she had been raped by three men, which brought disgrace to her family. Her only crime was being the victim of a violent crime. And, these people want to be respected in the civilized world. This is what fundamentalist, religious extremism does . . . no matter what the particular religion happens to be.
The sordid saga of the Phelps clan continues without respite. The latest episode comes as a minor victory from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals – Phelps-Roper v. Nixon [8CCA no. 07-1295 (2008)]. The screaming banshee daughter, Shirley, filed a 1st Amendment claim in Missouri, and the 8th Circuit judges granted her a preliminary injunction against enforcement of a state law regarding protests at funerals. The court was careful to note they were only passing judgment on the request for injunctive relief, and not on the constitutional argument. What near perfect timing for a Phelps temporary win! The Phelps clan has positioned itself well to be the face of hatred, bigotry, religious extremism, and generally disrespectful citizens. The Phelps clan is far too determined and resilient to be cowed by judicial setbacks, and the occasional minor win will only encourage them to press on. The sobering fact is, they are breeding and passing their hatred to a new generation.
Comments and contributions from Update no.360:
“I think he'll need Rahm [Emauel] to protect him [Obama] from the left wing of the Democratic Party. He's got the right personality for that job. Chief of Staff can't care too much about how much he's liked, just how much he can get done. But I do hope he deals equally with members of both parties... and I expect he will. It certainly won't bother him to piss off some Dems.
“Also, I totally agree on the sexual orientation thing. I was shocked that CA banned same sex marriage.”
My reply:
I hope you are correct in your hypothesis regarding Rahm.
Thank you for your support. We were all shocked that it was so easy to deny equal rights under the law to a portion of our population who hurt no one, who are good, decent, productive citizens making this nation a better place, and who have asked for nothing more than equality. I realize, recognize and acknowledge that some folks see homosexuals as untermenschen and worthy of their scorn, which is their choice. Where I object strongly and directly is any attempt to impose their opinions / beliefs on other citizens regardless of their sexual orientation – thus, my objection to Prop H8 and the others.
Another contribution:
“I do marvel at your commentaries, I rarely disagree with even the minutiae. Another good blog.
“Happy 233rd birthday to the Corps!
“And lastly, a semi-rhetorical question, if a friend of yours asked you to pull up roots at home and help the new administration in some way in DC, would you do so?
My response:
Thank you for remembering – 233 glorious years for our Corps of Marines.
The short answer is, depends. I would be honored to be asked, and if I thought I could really make a difference in national service, yes, I think would.
A contribution via comment on the blog from Anonymous:
“Not every American must support Obama. President Bush was not supported by everyone because of a basic mistrust. I have a serious integrity issue regarding Obama and would not compromise integrity. Plus his campaign tactics were devious. Many Americans obviously were not concerned with integrity when they voted for Obama. In 4 years, I intend to vote against Obama. He is not a president or person whom I can trust.”
My reply:
As with all things in life, we choose – each of us chooses – to see what we wish to see. If we think negative, we see negative, and vice versa. Barack Obama is a flawed man, just as we all are. For better or worse, he has been duly elected to be our President. You have every right to think and say what you believe, just as I do. This Grand Republic and the citizens who are its life blood must rise above flawed men, and we must help our President rise above parochial party politics for the sake of the Nation, just as George Washington did, just as Abraham Lincoln did, and just as Franklin Roosevelt did. I shall hope that you can find generosity in your heart to help the Country be strong and success. Barack is just a man who will soon occupy an office.
A different contribution:
“I've known you personally and professionally for many, many years now, both as a Marine, and as my good friend. And I've been reading your weekly Blog for a long, long time. At times I have gotten bogged down by the depth and breadth (if you will) of the discussions. I get lost in the intricacies of what is being said in some individual ‘Update.’ But I always try to read them through and to understand what you and others who contribute have to say. Why? Because in what is said and discussed in your weekly pieces there is a wide array of people's thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. Now I admit that Sometimes I wonder how Anyone at all could believe or think as whoever it was who said it believes and thinks. But then I realize that we are all So much better off when we have an intelligent, thoughtful and purposeful ongoing discourse about those things of vital interest to us all, and of vital importance to furthering and forever refining the Core Principles upon which our now very diverse nation was founded. We are indeed a Nation Of the People, For the People, and By the People. May it always be that way. And may we always stand together as One, even while we disagree as Many on any set of specifics. (Hope I got those in the correct order).
“So having said that, I have to say that this particular ‘Update #360,’ is probably, in my mind anyway, one of the best I've Ever seen. Keep 'em coming, my friend. We need you. Actually, we need ALL of us.
“Happy 233rd Birthday and Semper Fi, by the way.”
My response:
First and foremost, happy birthday to you as well, Marine.
Thank you for your most generous words. I try to strike a balance between accuracy, thoroughness, and brevity. I do not often find the correct balance, but I continue to try. And, I enjoy the process of researching, learning and writing, so as long as the joy remains and the passion is hot, I shall continue to write.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
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