Update from the Heartland
14.5.07 – 20.5.07
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,Several subscribers have wondered about the Greensburg, Kansas tornado. The Wichita Eagle published an album of images of the devastated town. The URL link is:
As you can see, the town was literally sucked off the Earth.
Since we started with images and for those aviation enthusiasts and aficionados among us, I direct your attention to:
To my knowledge, this is the first public airshow demonstration of the U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft.
After something like a five month search or more depending on how we count the time, the President found a taker for the position of so-called “War Czar” – to coordinate military and civil action related to the War on Islamic Fascism. His eventual choice was Lieutenant General Douglas E. Lute, USA [USMA 1975] – the Director of Operations, the Joint Staff. I do not know Doug, but he comes with worthy supporters and pedigree. However, please pardon my skepticism, but this looks like the designated target and thus the presumed fall guy set up.
We can cut another notch in the pistol grip. Coalition forces operating along the Afghan border with Pakistan killed Mullah Dadullah -- the purported, foremost, Taliban operational commander, and one gruel dude.
A couple of independent assessments regarding the War on Islamic Fascism were presented this week and are offered for your critical review . . .
“Accepting Realities in Iraq”
by Gareth Stansfield
Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs) [an independent organization that promotes the rigorous study of international questions and does not express opinions of its own].
Middle East Programme Briefing Paper (MEP BP 07/02)
May 2007
“The Case for Bombing Iran”
by Norman Podhoretz
Issue: June 2007
All opinions are welcome.
The New York Times’ Adam Liptak reported on a Canadian psychotherapist who was denied entry into the United States because he had reportedly used LySergic acid Diethylamide (LSD) – a powerful hallucinogenic compound – some 40 years ago. LSD was developed in Europe in 1938, as a therapeutic pharmaceutical and saw success in treating schizophrenia, but gained a reputation as a recreational drug during the 1960’s, and made it to the list of controlled substances enveloped by the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 [PL 91-513] {AKA the Controlled Substances Act (CSA)} [112, 117-120, 127-8, 183, 197, 204, 215, 220, 234, 269]. The plight of the Canadian practitioner represents a far more costly consequence of the so-called War on Drugs – collateral damage that stretches far beyond the battlefield. Several contributors to this forum have related their family experience with psychotropic substances. Beyond the obscene and grotesquely abusive enforcement of the Federal CSA, the societal punishment of individual citizens like the Canadian therapist is staggering. Individuals who may have experimented with substances on the CSA list in their juvenile youth or young adulthood are forever tainted, some of whom stood before the bar, accepted their punishment, and did their penance to society. Yet, for reasons that are as yet beyond my comprehension, we continue to “punish” those who make even a minor experimental transgression, and forgiveness seems to be a bridge too far. There is no redemption. Good young citizens are denied their opportunity for service to their communities or this Grand Republic. The collateral and consequential damage goes far beyond any injury or even insult to the public good. The CSA remains perhaps the single greatest expansion of Federalism as well as an obscene violation and intrusion of a citizen’s private domain. Most citizens may not recognize this intrusion, but the lack of recognition does not diminish the reality. I wonder whether we have passed the point of no return regarding the needed contraction of Federalism to a more proper state envisioned by the Founders and embodied in the Constitution. The CSA and especially the abuses in the name of the CSA have extended the tentacles of Federalism far beyond states’ rights and deep into the private domain of every citizen.
The political frontal assault on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales continues unabated as the Senate reportedly proceeds toward a vote of no-confidence next week. The drubbing Gonzales has endured as a consequence of the inept mishandling of the U.S. attorney firings would have consumed most folks. Adding fuel to the pyre, Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty announced his resignation with the plausible claim that he needed to make more money for his children’s college education. While there are most likely many contributing factors, some of which may never reach the public domain, McNulty’s resignation cannot be seen as positive. Then, former Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey contributed his logs in the form of revelations of resistance by then Attorney General John D. Ashcroft regarding the NSA warrantless surveillance program. My lesson from this morass . . . obfuscation is hardly candor and forthrightness as some would like us to believe. The cover-up is always worse than the crime, and here there was no crime.
The unidentified legislation for emergency appropriation for the war effort and other spending passed by the House last week was U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act of 2007 [H.R. 2206] [277, 281-3] {vote: 221-205-0-7}. The bill has been referred to the Senate for consideration. The Senate rose to the challenge with a dazzling array of proposals, amendments, and political subterfuge. At least House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid want to get the supplemental appropriations bill approved before the Memorial Day break (25.May), however, as of the moment, the troops are left on the field of battle with dwindling resources.
Embedded in an exchange thread from a parallel dimension, a friend and contributor offered up an intriguing solution to this whole Defense of Marriage / homophobia thing. Rather than fighting over what marriage is or should be, or whether all citizens should enjoy the full benefits of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, let us reset the baseline. The State can and should confine its interest to the public domain by sanctioning relationships between adult citizens in good standing, exercising their free will, and absent any communicable diseases via a civil union. From this action, a relationship would enjoy all the rights and privileges of State sanctioning in full. Then, for those so inclined, they can have their union blessed by their religion and clergy of choice within the constraints of the applicable religion. This simple compromise eliminates the confusion between religious-based moral values, and the bona fide interests of the State. We must find ways to avoid confusing the two domains, especially on this important question.
Comments and contributions from Update no.283:
"It will be hard to comment this time, but there's a lot of good stuff in this (Update) no.283.
"Blair will, or at least SHOULD go down in history as one of Britain's best PMs. He has been everything you have said he was, and more. He even had a good sense of humor when dealing with the other ministers. But he never wavered from his beliefs, views, opinions, when he felt HE was right. Even when it cost him in popularity. Mostly -- he WAS right. He will be missed.
"In the world of American Politics, WHAT the party in power does, the opposition party will find a way to discredit it, etc. BUT, when that opposition party gets in power then the very same things are ok and good for us citizens. And, as can be expected, the NOW outside party will complain loud and long. It's sad, but true.
"PORK is going to find it's way into legislation until Congress passes a bill which does not permit any add-in legislation to any bill which does not have anything to do with the main bill itself. That isn't going to happen!! Some legislators have tried in the past to correct that problem. Did not succeed. Nor will any who try in the future I think. There is too much at stake in bennies to the states or districts of legislators if they can sneak something in. Which means more votes for THEM next time they come up for re-election. I agree that people vote themselves into the national treasuries when they can, and it that it is the path to ruin.
"Re: Prosecutor firings: If I am not wrong, Bill Clinton fired ALL the prosecutors when he came into power. No Media folks are now reminding us of THAT!! But all serve at the pleasure of POTUS. So be it.
“There are other things I could comment on, but do not wish to get into any conversation which has as it's main theme that our problems, whatever they may be, are due to our having moved away from God. THAT is something I do have opinions about, but will not express them here.”
My response:
Unfortunately, I do not believe history will be kind to Tony & W. I do agree with your assessment. I have always admired Tony’s sense of humor, his political savvy, his mastery of influential political rhetoric, and his courage to stand up for what is right. Of all modern politicians, he has come the closest to the brilliance of Sir Winston. He deserves knighthood, but I suspect the Queen may not be able to see beyond the political rancor of the last five years. I genuinely hope I am wrong.
To be candid, modern American politics has a vile, bitter taste in comparison. I am not happy, have not been happy for many years, and I do not see an encouraging future given the diametric, parochial, calcified, partisan politics of today. The Democratic controlled 110th Congress has so far demonstrated itself to be as bad as the Republican controlled 109th Congress before it. I cannot see a single politician who is big enough, courageous enough, and savvy enough to lead us out of this pork-addicted, self-serving, myopic, political morass we have been in for the last 50 years. Politicians in Washington do not seem to see themselves as servants of the People, but rather as some elite class entitled to squander the treasury, and then demand more tax revenue to fill the void. As I recall, King George III had a similar approach, although he had a far more legitimate cause – the perennial conflict with France.
Bill Clinton handled the U.S. attorney appointments properly – demanded & accepted the resignations of all, and then reappoint as desired – common practice for “at the pleasure of” appointees. The sad part is, this would have been a non-issue if the administration had just done the same thing when W. was re-elected, or even after last year’s election. The travesty comes with the odiferous residue of what appears to be a political hack job poorly handled, followed by an even more inept attempt at covering up what was painfully apparent to even the casual observer. The question that keeps coming back to me is, who do they think they are fooling?
I know God and religion are hyper-sensitive topics. I suppose I am foolish enough to express my opinion in the interest of public dialogue and debate. There is a significant portion of American society that I believe would be quite happy making this Grand Republic a Christian theocracy. If true, we cannot afford to ignore or pretend there isn’t an elephant in the room. Thus, I, Don Quixote, sit upon my loyal steed and lift my lance for battle.
. . . with this follow-up contribution:
“I agree about Tony. He has been one of the best, since Winston, though Thatcher comes close. I hope knighthood. I'm not sure how much knighthood really means anymore, but I hope it for him.
“Whatever party controls congress is going to put in their pork to legislation they want to pass. Possibly the truly better the chance of passage, then the more attached pork. Up to the point where they think POTUS will just not stand for that much bullshit. ALL know how it works in Washington.
“NO measure, designed to eliminate PORK from bills has EVER passed. With all sorts of maneuvering by individuals to somehow put themselves on the other side of that. Pork is not a great thing, but Pork is what my people want if I can get it for THEM, say all congress-people! That can get ME re-elected, and give me an opportunity to (under the table in the dark alleys of politics) make a ton of $$$ too so that when I decide to go home, I do so very comfortably.
“If All U.S. district attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President, then maybe all should tender their resignations when a new POTUS comes on-line. HE then can pick and choose. But the same could be said for all military officers too, and there and a LOT more of them. They all serve at the pleasure of the President. Should all tender their resignations? And wait to be accepted? And what would THAT mean for those officers kept? The whole thing can get ludicrous quickly.”
The article: “The Case for Bombing Iran” identified above instigated a thread that began with my comment:
[Podhoretz] is saying the same thing I've been saying for the last six years. Very few wish to listen . . . just as he notes in 1938. It seems history is destined to repeat itself . . . this time with even more devastating results, except this time the Homeland will be involved.
. . . to which came this follow-up:
“What will it take for this country to open its eyes and overcome the prevailing ‘can't we all just get along’ attitude? I think a lot of people are fooling themselves into thinking that this attitude is the ‘high’ road, and they perceive that taking the other road is a much more difficult and costly one to travel. I agree with you...most likely it will take another incident of major consequence occurring within our borders to pry eyes open and change attitudes and perceptions.
“Meanwhile, we'll be more interested in which radio talk show host is fired for having a foul mouth, and what Paris is wearing (if and) when she reports for her jail time.”
. . . and my response:
Sadly, your concluding observation is an accurate representation of our times. The majority of Americans do not take the threats seriously or cannot see the threat in any form.
“C-c-c-c-c-can’t we all just get along?” I call it the Rodney King syndrome = a magnificent, highly desirable state of blissful peace and wishful thinking. Unfortunately, there are bad men in this world who seek to impose, to dominate, to dictate, to reign over others. As along as we allow bad men to exist (rather than exterminate them), we shall not know peace . . . as illusive as unobtainium or transparentunium. History provides us the perfect lesson, and yet just as our ancestors did 70+ years ago, we chose to desperately search for the good in evil men, rather than confront those who wish to oppress us. What will it take? I am afraid even a high-yield nuclear detonation in New York, or Los Angeles, or Charleston, or Miami, will not be sufficient. There are substantial and powerful forces in the United States, and even greater numbers in the league of other nations, who will say the United States brought such destruction upon itself, just as the Jews instigated their genocide at the hands of the Nazis. We see the exact same forces at play today as we saw with Lord Halifax, Charles Lindbergh, Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, and all the others; they just have different names today. And, folks like me are called warmongers, negativists, baby killers, and a long litany of such labels. To think that Ali Khamenei or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is any kinder, gentler, better, or less evil than Adolf Hitler represents one of the more onerous forms of delusional thinking. Since my voice remains in the minority, I can only continue my efforts to illuminate, and pray the bad guys don’t choose the Great Plains or any target west of Kansas as their demonstration target(s).
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
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