03 February 2020

Update no.942

Update from the Sunland
27.12.19 – 2.2.20
Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/

            To all,

            The follow-up news items:
-- The impeachment trial [924929936941] continues and saturated this whole week.  The BIC’s defense team spent nearly their entire second day of rebuttal trying to make Hunter Biden’s foolish money-grubbing actions rationale for the BIC’s conduct.  The defense effort was so bloody shallow and transparent.  The BIC’s actions are on trial before the Senate, not Hunter Biden or Joe Biden.  Yet, the sleight-of-hand worked . . . just as the BIC’s vaunted snake-oil elixir works.  The Senate voted on Friday to reject the motion to hear testimony from additional witnesses [49-51-0-0(0)] {51 in favor required for passage; two Republicans voted with the Minority}.  I suppose congratulations will soon be due to the BIC—he successfully stonewalled the House of Representatives and the Senate—the stonewalling, I must add, is the very textbook definition of obstruction of Congress (justice).
-- With all the damnable impeachment saturation, an important event occurred last week and escaped notice—at least by me.  The British Parliament finally passed Brexit [758] law – European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 [2020 c.1] {67 Eliz. 2, c. 1 (2020)}.  The full formal title of the law is: An Act to implement, and make other provision in connection with, the agreement between the United Kingdom and the EU under Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union which sets out the arrangements for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU.  The House of Commons passed the final bill on 9.January.2020 [330-231-89].  The House of Lords attempted to modify the language of the Commons bill, but the amendments were rejected by Commons.  Without further modifications, the House of Lords passed the bill on 22.January.2020.  The Queen provided her assent the next day, and the bill became law.  The new law was executed, and the United Kingdom ceased to be a member of the European Union at 23:00 [Z] GMT; 24:00 [A] CET; 18:00 [R] EST, 31.January.2020.  Now, the hard part comes with the actual implementation of the severance.  So many of the little, nitty-gritty details must be practically executed, not least of which is the border control matter between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (still an EU member).  We must also watch for knock-on effects and consequences, e.g., Scotland alignment. 

            The impeachment trial is not over, so I will withhold my opinion of this whole affair for now.  The next steps in the trial of the BIC will be closing arguments on Monday next week, followed by Senate floor debate (on the same day the BIC delivers his state of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress), then the actual acquittal vote is scheduled for Wednesday.  As such, this episode will be over and rendered to the history books.
            While the impeachment process must focus on the facts and charges presented, the BIC’s actions cannot be taken in isolation.  In the aftermath of the Friday witness amendment vote (noted above), some Republicans have been stumbling over themselves to distance themselves from the BIC’s actions with such proclamations as “what he did was wrong, but it was not impeachable,” or the House did not prove their case “beyond a reasonable doubt.”  The BIC’s description is not worthy and quite predictable.  Now, we will likely be treated to the BIC’s gloating and more chest-beating.  These are the times in which we live.

            Jeanne and I went to a friend’s home for this year’s Super Bowl Party.  We watched intently to the very end. Congratulations go to the Kansas City Chiefs and Head Coach Andy Reed for their 31-20 victory in the great game.  Well done!  Only a few of us diehards made it to the end, and it was worth the effort.  Thank you, Mike and Candace.
            Of course, the BIC failed his basic geography test.  He later corrected his mistake, probably when an observant staff member informed him of his error.
            The Super Bowl Party and game took up a healthy chunk of my Update writing time, which made me late to publish this week’s Update.  That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.  Better late than never.  Please accept my humble apologies to those who depend upon my Monday morning distribution and publication.

            The primary portion of the silly season begins next Monday evening (3.February.2020) as the Iowa Caucuses take place . . . at least for Democrat candidates.  This whole phase takes five months.  However, we might see a validated leader within a few months.  The California Democratic primary will be held on Tuesday, 3.March.2020, and may well decide the selection process.  The sooner the Democrats can decide their candidate, the sooner we can focus on the November election.

            Comments and contributions from Update no.941:
Comment to the Blog:
“Your comment from the UK to last week's blog was particularly interesting and predictive.
“The buffoon calling TBI's ‘headaches’ and ‘not serious’ is aggressively ignorant and personally offensive.  Your reporting on it is an update, not an error on your part.
“The impeachment proceeds at a 21st-century pace with revelations on Bolton's potential testimony overnight.  The legal term for what he describes is malfeasance or non-feasance.  While I disagree 100% with Bolton's policies, he clearly has stronger moral values than all the Chumps in DC.  Let's note that Senator McConnell stands for re-election this year, as does Senator Lindsey Graham.  The voting public might be able to bring pressure on those two and some others.
“I see the factionalism we're experiencing as ‘us versus them’ duality proving its usefulness to individuals seeking wealth and power.  The other side of that spectrum, a ‘we're all one planet’ unity, would distribute life's rewards differently.  That doesn't serve those who have extreme individual wealth.
“The USMCA serves long-term global corporate interests better than NAFTA did.  Hence, many Democrats went along with it.
“You got an interesting response from the UK. ‘Boris told them to stop this endless campaign’ is historically a failed strategy. If anything, it strengthens the resistance.”
My response to the Blog:
            Yes, exactly my point.
            The effects of impeachment on the 2020 election is not clear, yet; however, I suspect the effect will become clearer as we move through the rest of this process.  The argument that impeachment is interfering with the 2020 election is specious at best.  The root principle at issue is whether the BIC’s conduct in office tolerable, i.e., should the BIC be disqualified to be POTUS?  The voting residents of Kentucky and South Carolina would most emphatically make a very clear statement is they rejected McConnell and Graham.  We shall see.
            The consequences of factionalism (tribalism) go far beyond the distribution of life’s rewards, but I think you know that reality.
            USMCA & global corporate interests . . . perhaps so.  The enactment into law could not be ignored.
            We shall see, eventually, what the consequences of Brexit will be.  Disintegration of the United Kingdom will not be beneficial to anyone.  Yet, what will be will be.
 . . . follow-up comment:
“One point here is that the voters don't have to wait for November to voice their concerns.  Whether or not it's apparent, politicians track letters, phone calls and emails from constituents, and they follow polls.  If the pressure is sufficient, the position changes.
 “How we see the results of duality versus unity depends partly on how we define ‘life's rewards.’”
 . . . my follow-up response:
            Yes, precisely, and that is exactly what happened in the Nixon impeachment process.  Nixon was wise enough to recognize reality.
            As with most issues, so much depends upon definitions.  So it is here.

Another contribution:
“No he didn’t use his authority for CORRUPT purposes .. information about Joe Biden’s corrupt dealings with the Ukraine has been out there for years .. just AS USUAL, with bad behavior of Democrats, nothing was ever done about it .. yes, maybe Trump should have had someone else who was NOT in power expose it further.. I sent you the video last night of Biden crowing proudly of the order he gave to fire the prosecutor.. THAT would be abuse of power wouldn’t you say ?
“Now I see why you LOVED Obama and his apology tours .. America isn’t trying to be exceptional to the detriment of other countries.. we are getting back our fair share in trade deals before our country goes down the tubes as it was headed with Obama .. we care about other countries such as the unfortunate citizens of Venezuela under a REAL dictatorship of Maduro and absolute failure of his Socialist regime. We must CONTINUE to build our country back with NO APOLOGIES.. and other countries should strive to do the same with the U.S. as a successful model !!  Easy for you to sit in your desert cocoon and scold President Trump for trying to better the “Grand Republic” for those who aren’t as fortunate as you !
“Let your ego get over it Cap .. his moments of good behavior and good deeds far outnumber any moments of your conceived bad behavior.. he is the best we have had in a long time and better than anyone trying to run.  He isn’t harming anyone .. only helping .. I never liked Obama’s mode of operendi either but I took the bitter medicine and swallowed it for 8 freaking years .. to me HE was our Ugly Muslim/American .  Only fair these power hungry Democrats shut up and start doing the same .. by the way the link to the list you sent me of what the Democrats have done for the most part was skimpy .. a lot of SPENDING bills and changes of naming of post offices .. whoopee. BTW do you regret withdrawing your stocks ???”
My reply:
            As always, you are entitled to see facts and reality as you choose.  I do truly appreciate your sharing of your perspective.  As I have written, I clearly disagree with your perspective, but that is life.
            I’m not going to pursue that line.  If anyone (Democrat, Republican, alien, whatever) broke the law, investigate them via proper prosecutorial and judicial means.  I refuse to acknowledge this damnable sleight-of-hand nonsense being used by either tribe.  You cannot use accusations to your opponents as distractions.  If Joe Biden did not act properly, as you allege, investigate him via the proper means available.  Your pointing an accusatory finger at Joe Biden and shouting “See, see, look at him” just rings hollow and baseless.
            The BIC would be in a wholly different position if he had used proper means to investigate (and potentially prosecute) Hunter or Joe Biden.  He chose to use means that made him appear like a mob boss attempting to eliminate an opponent.  Worse, the recording of the BIC saying “take her out” in reference to Ambassador Yovanovitch are exactly the words a mob boss uses to direct his lieutenants to, in fact, terminate his opponents.  What are we supposed to think of any of that?  If he talks like a mob boss, acts like a mob boss, he probably is a mob boss.  The BIC is his own worst enemy.
            We, the People, must make a very clear, emphatic statement—the BIC’s conduct is NOT acceptable for any president.  The ends do NOT justify the means in any free and democratic society, and especially ours—this Grand Republic.  From my personal point of view, I do not want a president who sounds and acts like a thug and mob boss.
            I do not need to cite the myriad mistakes of the United States in our conduct within the world community.  Yes, we have done good—lots of good—but that does not excuse the bad.  The current conflict with the IRI can be traced directly to serious missteps by well-meaning, but misguided Americans decades ago.
            Apologizing for our mistakes is NOT weakness.  It demonstrates a strength of character and humility that is strength.  When anyone says we must never apologize, we are demonstrating arrogance, ignorance and the worst of the Ugly American Syndrome.  No one, including the vaunted BIC, is infallible.  We all make mistakes.  Only strong people have the character to recognize their mistakes and apologize for those mistakes.
            Let it suffice to say I do not see the BIC’s conduct in the same light you do.
            As I have stated many times, the BIC’s accomplishments do NOT absolve him of his bad conduct, period, full stop.  The ends do NOT justify the means.  That thinking is one of many elements that have rendered the Nazis to infamy in history.
            Re: stock market.  No, I do not.  Better safe than sorry.
 . . . follow-up comment:
“Perhaps our President will work on his better behavior skills next term and make you happier with him.
“And I sincerely hope there IS an eventual expedient investigation of Biden and others including Clinton, Obama and from what I’ve heard some other politicians such as Romney and Kerry and probably many other politicians who were involved in UKRAINE and China money laundering and quid pro quo.  
“Conveniently they have the impeachment distraction going and Romney the RINO is fueling it .. hmmm wonder why.”
 . . . my follow-up reply:
            Oh my, if . . . only . . .  Unfortunately, the leopard cannot change his spots.  Given his conduct in the first three years of his administration, the risk is far greater for more of the same than the likelihood of him becoming a better man, and to me, he has been given far too many chances to reform.  Further, despite all those chances, all we have gotten is more of the same.  It is one thing for him to piss on U.S. history, custom, tradition and practice.  It is altogether another dimension for him to piss on our historic allies, cozy up to our adversaries, and abandon a country that is trying desperately to defend itself against a hegemonic adversary.
            I’m sure you have heard bad things about others.  There is always multitudinous distractions flooding our consciousness with nonsense.  In the BIC’s case, there is sufficient hard evidence, not so in the cases of the others.  I saw Benghazi for what it was, a tragic mistake and missteps, but the whole Republican many investigations found nothing other than what it was.  Not so with the Special Counsel’s report or the House investigation of the BIC.  We can deny the evidence, but that does not alter the facts.  Present the evidence; lay out the facts.  I do not much care about right-wing yammerings about conspiracy theories.  I am all in favor of prosecuting anyone who violates the law or condemning anyone who acts inappropriately.

            My very best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap                  :-)


Calvin R said...


Had lawyers presented the impeachment defense in any criminal trial, the unfortunate convict could appeal based on incompetent defense. Just the same, I wish the prosecution had focused on recognizable criminal offenses, of which the Chump has committed many, some openly. That might not have changed the outcome, but it would have given voters more to think about.

Brexit has ensued as you noted. The only new note I’ve heard so far is the possibility of Northern Ireland solving the border issue by leaving the UK.

As I type this (later than usual in the day), the Iowa caucuses are under way. I see it as bizarre that a clumsy process in a small and non-representative state sets the tone for all the primaries. Still and all, they don’t call this the “silly season” for nothing.


Cap Parlier said...

Good morning to you, Calvin,
Hindsight will clarify quickly regarding the decisions of the House to form the charges. As we discussed more than a few times before the impeachment process began, it was a long shot for conviction and removal given the make-up of the Senate. The debate over the structure of the prosecution will go on for decades. I think they did a Herculean job given the constraints they faced. Just as the BIC stonewalled the House investigation effort in arguing he was not given due process when he refused multitudinous invitations to participate in the process, he would undoubted do the same if the House had issued criminal charges, the BIC would claim criminal charges should be tried in a court of law, but he is immune from criminal charges. No matter what they did, he would be defiant and obstructive, which is exactly what happens when a man with his personality flaws gains the power and authority of the presidency. Criminal conduct was clearly and expansively documented in the Special Counsel’s Report and in the House Impeachment substantiation document [H.Rept.116-346]. The Republicans argued he was not charged with any crime, and especially not with “treason, bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors.” If he had been charged with crimes, they would have argued he cannot be charged—he is the president. So, the House took their shot; the outcome was as we expected for the Republican-controlled Senate.

We shall see what happens in the wake of Brexit. The disintegration of the UK would not be positive for anyone, but what will be, will be. We shall bear witness.

Yes, and as of this writing, we still await the results of the Iowa Caucuses. As someone observed, we may well have the results of the New Hampshire Primary vote before we get the certified Iowa results. I suspect the consequences may well be the death knell for the caucus process. The caucus approach was always very cumbersome, fraught with risk, and an invitation to manipulation—a neat, democratic concept, but still . . . The silly season marches on.

“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”

Have a great day. Settling things as quickly as you can. Take care and enjoy.