12 August 2019

Update no.917

Update from the Sunland
5.8.19 – 11.8.19
Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


            The follow-up news items:
-- The BIC’s trade war with everyone [802] was not sufficient chaos.  The PRC seriously escalated the PRC-USA trade wars by devaluing its currency, and then the USG designated the PRC a currency manipulator setting in motion a whole new dimension of economic warfare between the two countries.  The whole situation is ratcheting closer to the combustion threshold or worse critical mass.  Markets do not like instability, and neither do I.  I must praise the BIC for taking on the corrosive practices of the PRC.  Lord knows previous administration were not up to the challenge.  So, on one hand I laud the BIC’s audacity for taking on the PRC and striving to correct the imbalance, and on the other hand, I will continue to condemn the BIC’s crude, injurious, brute force methods.  He is not going to change, so the best we can do is hope this economic warfare does not lead to shooting warfare, as it did 31.July.1941.
-- The speechwriter for the BIC’s teleprompter condemnation of “racism, bigotry and white supremacy” after the Walmart terrorist attack in El Paso, Texas [4.August.2019] did a noteworthy job crafting the words the BIC spoke.  Beyond the fact that the BIC always appears to be quite awkward reading his speeches, the message was good and appropriate. Unfortunately, in the light of the BIC’s history, we cannot believe or trust a single word he speaks. Condemning racism, bigotry and white supremacy is, of course, the correct action for a president to take, but which words are accurate—the ones he spoke on Monday, or all of the words he has spewed forth since 16.June.2015 [705]?  The eternal optimist in me wants to believe the leopard is changing his spots.  The realist in me knows that is a very long stretch. As always, time shall tell the tale.
-- The USG is moving to impose a total economic embargo against the government of Venezuela [6.December.1998], a significant escalation of pressure against the regime of President Nicolás Maduro and countries including Russia and the PRC that continue to support him.  Is this death by a thousand cuts?  A total economic embargo will seriously punish an already over-stressed population, but perhaps this is necessary pain to find a remedy.

            did not find much inspiration this week.  Please accept my apologies for not being able to elucidate or at least be a little more productive.  Thus, this week’s Update is a bit short on topics, opinions and commentary.

            Late in the week and in an effort to extend the public debate, a friend and frequent contributor to this humble forum sent along the following message, article and link.
“This is the best academic discussion of gun control I’ve seen thus far.  I don’t know if you’ll want to publish it; it’s pretty far above some of your readers’ intellectual levels.”
“Does Massachusetts Have Strict Gun-Ownership Requirements, Low Firearm-Death Rates? -- Attention turned to gun-violence prevention measures in the wake of a spate of mass shootings in the U.S. in August 2019.”
by Dan MacGuill
Published: 9 August 2019
We can only hope this most recent spate of senseless tragedies will prove to be the turning point in our quest for reasonable weapons control.  We must do something to reduce the terrible loss of innocent lives.  Terrorism is terrorism—plain and simple.

            Comments and contributions from Update no.916:
Comment to the Blog:
“There's an old saying about Chump's approach: if your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
“Recent headlines, in general, have provided a distraction from the budget.  They still do.
“I've noticed that every one of Chump's supporters that I know or that I have seen on TV or whose opinions I have read comes across as authoritarian.  “Follow the leader” is not a value system but an evasion of responsibility.”
My response to the Blog:
            The old saying is spot on and quite appropriate.  The BIC only knows the hammer.
            There will always be distractions, which is the reason I take the time to read as many of the laws Congress is passing as I can.
            Quite so.  To me, it is the grotesque hypocrisy of tribal politics that has so deeply infected our public intercourse and attempts at reasonable debate.
 . . . Round two:
“I'm not a crowd person either, but we all must go out in public sometime, even if only for groceries. We've been shown again that we're vulnerable anywhere. The Governor of Ohio is on TV right now presenting a slate of concrete proposals designed to protect the public from potential shooters. In so doing, he becomes my most respected Republican since Goldwater. Getting the program through our (also Republican) legislature will be harder, but this is Ohio. They will respond to corporate pressure, and I'm betting they'll get it.”
 . . . my response to round two:
            Quite so.  I worry more about Jeanne being out there shopping without me. Shopping is not high on my list of things to do, but it does have to be done, as you noted.
            I’m encouraged Governor DeWine is taking a progressive action to find solutions.  Yeah, we must not underestimate the power of the NRA and the gun manufacturers’ lobby.
 . . . Round three:
“I wish you and Jeanne (and everyone) well, and I hope a day comes when it's not something to think about.
“I recognize the power of the NRA, although that may be waning some.  Here in Ohio, the reins of power are more firmly in corporate hands than in some other Republican Party states.  Also, DeWine's predecessor and patron, John Kasich, has made a name for himself by bucking the crazier wing of the Republican Party. DeWine seems to be following suit.  We'll see how they fare with the legislature, which has had enough scandals and whatnot lately to temper their arrogance at least a little bit.
 . . . my response to round three:
            Thank you my friend.
            I hope Governor DeWine is successful in bucking the crazier wing of the Republican Party.

Another contribution:
“In partial agreement with your correspondent mentioned in the energetic discussion of 915, I will state a truth you apparently have overlooked or rejected: Racism (like obscenity, perhaps) is often, as in your case, in the eyes the beholder.
“Of course, as you have said many times, ad nauseum, much of this is a matter of opinion but yours is correct, full stop.
“That's okay; we need to hear your opinions, even if they are tainted by intractable hatred of our president.  You are not alone--just in the minority, I hope.”
My reply:
            As always, thank you so much for your contribution.  I would encourage you to do more.  Democracy depends upon respectful disagreement, debate, and discussion of sensitive topics. The BIC is not exempt.
            On this, we shall respectfully disagree. Individuals have every right to rationalize their views, opinions and beliefs however they wish.  That is a fundamental right of every citizen in a free society that cherishes freedom of choice and free speech. However, they are not entitled to their own version of facts.  Further, POTUS occupies a position far above himself.  He does not get to select facts; facts are facts. “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” [913] Racist, xenophobic bigots have spoken versions of those words for centuries.  I do not know what is in his heart, but I know those words. Those are facts, not opinions. Versions of those words have been leveled at Irish immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and anyone not like our Protestant Caucasian ancestors in this Grand Republic.  Respectfully, those who wish to rationalize his foolish, divisive words as simply speaking the truth have forgotten that he is an employee of We, the People, not a private citizen, not a dictator, not any form of a messiah.  Truth be told, the BIC has shorter, less deep roots within this Grand Republic than some of those four women he chose to attack.  No one has told him to go back where he came from.
            We should be discussing the criticism of the policies and conduct of our country and our representatives rather than attacking women of color.  But, he has no depth, no subtlety, no sophistication . . . only juvenile bully tactics.  Ugly Americans are ugly, period, full stop.  The emperor has no clothes.  And, calling him out is patriotic.
            Respectfully, I believe you cannot point to any statement by me EVER in any forum or form that my opinions are correct.  I have far more humility than to claim I am always right (as the BIC does) or more so that I am ever correct.  Because I choose to state my opinions with strong words does not mean or even imply that my words are correct.  This whole forum is based on diversity of opinion about any and all topics.  I have been accused of being a “pompous, arrogant asshole” for stating my opinion with carefully chosen words, but I always invite others (anyone) to argue their opinions equally strongly; and, I remain free to disagree.  I am not preaching; I am attempting to induce proper, public debate.  I do not censor or even modify your words (or anyone else’s words); I encourage you to speak your mind.
            Hatred is a word I very rarely use.  It is not a word I have ever associated with the BIC.  I simply see him for exactly what he is, a charlatan, snake-oil salesman in the classical definition. I am also perceptive enough to recognize that many of our citizens have bought his product and truly believe they are cured of all their ills.  For them, that is reality, and I do accept that—sad but reality.  However, I see his product as worthless, if not injurious.  So, I speak out. I honor my oath of office “against all enemies foreign or domestic.”  The BIC is not exempt.
            Whether I am part of a minority or a majority will be graphically displayed in November 2020. I have NO ability to predict the future.  Time shall eventually tell the tale.  We shall see.

            Mvery best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap                        :-)


Calvin R said...

Yes, China uses unfair trade practices, some of which are violations of international law. It’s appropriate for the USA head of state to address those. However, that calls for emotional maturity and diplomatic knowhow that the Chump and his cronies lack. Chump’s only tool is a hammer and China is not a nail. Iran isn’t even an appropriate target. Then there’s Venezuela . . . This makes me miss Nixon (or Carter or Reagan or even the Bushes).

We know the pro-firearms lobby’s argument turns on ignoring the phrase “a well regulated Militia” in the Second Amendment and their success on political financing. We’ll continue having high death rates until those issues are addressed.

Perhaps racism is in the eye of the beholder, but the target’s feelings and results matter.

Someone needs to fix the broken, crime-ridden White House, but if Chump wants to go back to Trump Tower that’s okay with me. By the way, I got a tip that someone’s trying to rename that stretch of Fifth Avenue after Barack H. Obama. That would be nice.

Cap Parlier said...

Good morning to you, Calvin,
Thank you for your contribution.

I agree, except I would say that most, rather than some, of PRC trade actions are violations of international law. The PRC has never complied with international trade law, except when it benefits them. As I have stated several times previously, I agree with the BIC that we must confront the PRC, and penalize or punish their bad behavior. Just like the Soviets, the PRC chose to steal technology rather than develop it. That said, I still cannot support his methods to achieve the objective. Yes, all of presidents, including the “criminal” Nixon, exponentially better than the BIC, who is crude, brutish, ignorant and unsophisticated.

I do not have any new thoughts on your interpretation of the Second Amendment. What I have seen of Governor DeWine’s initiative appears to go farther than House H.R.8 - Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 bill being stonewalled by ol’ Mitch (since February 2019). All of these suggestions are positive toward the objective and do not violate the Second Amendment to my knowledge and understanding, but I fret about the devil in the details. Like so many morality laws, the consequence depends upon the application by enforcement that really matters. I cannot see those details. I see restrictions, but I do not see protections.

I take a slightly different perspective of the same point, i.e., we cannot see into a man’s thoughts, heart and soul. We only see his actions, his words, and his behavior. I do not know what is in the BIC’s feelings on such things, but I do know what his words mean. He talks like a racist, walks like a racist and looks like a racist—he is a racist, just as he is a misogynist, homophobe and xenophobe. He does not get a pass.

Now that would be really cool; rename a mile or two on both sides of 725 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States of America—Barack Hussein Obama Way. Great idea! I don’t really care where he goes; I just want him gone, to disappear into the dust bin of history.

“That’s just my opinion, but I could be wrong.”