13 August 2018

Update no.866

Update from the Sunland
6.8.18 – 12.8.18
Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


            What would contemporary life be like without the BIC’s outrageous tweets?  There were so many this week that it is difficult to pick the worst.  This particular one must stand rather high on the outrageousness listing.
This is an illegally brought Rigged Witch Hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted. It was started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. Phony Dossier, FISA disgrace and so many lying and dishonest people already fired. 17 Angry Dems?  Stay tuned!
9:02 AM - 9 Aug 2018
I would love to say, just ignore the bastard, but we cannot do so.  We, the People, elected him to serve us as POTUS. Unfortunately, every word he speaks or writes matters; the precious lives of citizens depend upon his words. There is so much wrong, no wait . . . there is nothing accurate, truthful, forthright or constructive in his tweets—NOTHING!  Virtually every single word is not true . . . except presumably in his mind. I will give him credit that he would not say anything he does not believe, which if true, makes the BIC delusional.  The day will come sooner or later when we can ignore the BIC’s words.  Until then, we must cringe and suffer his delusions.  I have also come to the realization that the only thing that will make the BIC appear guiltier is if he tweeted:
Enough already! Yes, I colluded with the Russians. I conspired with Vladimir Putin to undermine the electoral system of the United States.  So what!  I have committed myriad other crimes and I am immune.  Get used to it!  I’m God; by definition, I can never make a mistake, which means this was meant to happen to this wretched country.
[My words . . . just so there is no confusion.]
I thought the Thursday morning tweet was bad enough, but the BIC could not just leave it be.  On Saturday morning, well mid-day, since little Donny was bored at his New Jersey golf resort, the BIC tweeted:
The big story that the Fake News Media refuses to report is lowlife Christopher Steele’s many meetings with Deputy A.G. Bruce Ohr and his beautiful wife, Nelly. It was Fusion GPS that hired Steele to write the phony & discredited Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary & the DNC....”
11:28 AM - Aug 11, 2018
 . . . to which the BIC added:
“....Do you believe Nelly worked for Fusion and her husband STILL WORKS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ‘JUSTICE.’  I have never seen anything so Rigged in my life. Our A.G. is scared stiff and Missing in Action.  It is all starting to be revealed - not pretty.  IG Report soon?  Witch Hunt!”
11:54 AM - Aug 11, 2018
Regrettably, as has become the new normal during his campaign and presidency, the BIC has failed miserably to heed one essential axiom of public service and especially of the presidency, his personal opinions must be set aside and kept to himself. He is the chief law enforcement officer of this Grand Republic.  His words should be neutral and above the fray.  The BIC could learn a lot from the conduct of Robert Mueller. Unfortunately, he has proven time and time again he is apparently in capable of learning or improving his behavior.  Beyond the juvenile name-calling, he persists in feeding the Special Counsel’s investigation and the evidence file for obstruction of justice.  I suspect the BIC is headed directly toward a very painful lesson, and there is no recovery.  The die is cast.  Since Republicans have decided to enable the BIC, we are left with no other choice—we must vote Republicans out of congressional office—both in the House and the Senate.

            The CBS program “60 Minutes” re-aired a segment titled: Hacking Democracy, about the Russian cyber-warfare efforts to undermine the bedrock of American democratic governance.  This time, with all the incessant whining by the BIC regarding collusion with the Russians, I am struck by the thought: what if Hillary Clinton had been the beneficiary rather than the target of the Russian cyber-warfare?  Oh the outrage!  Instead of a concerted effort by our federal government to defend the nation from the cyber-attack of Russians (and undoubtedly the Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians), we are blessed to listen to the ridiculous, self-absorbed, misguided denials of the BIC.  Instead of performing as President of the United States, he is committed to being the president of himself and his diehard, dedicated followers.  Here we are within three months of the important and perhaps pivotal mid-term elections, the BIC continues to whine about the investigation to understand what happened, and persistently extends extraordinary efforts to discredit that very investigation intended to document what happened in the 2016 election and prosecute any discovered criminal conduct.  As I have written many times, history will not look kindly on the BIC and those who enabled his ego-centric, uni-focused, non-performance.  We are under attack and the BIC wanted to be buddy-buddy with the dictator who is carrying out these attacks—so much for preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution and this Grand Republic.

            Comments and contributions from Update no.865:
“Go see ‘Death of a Nation’ !!!”
My reply:
“Why?  Have you seen it?”
 . . . Round two:
“Yes on Sunday .. I thought of you while watching it !!  :)  It talks about the history of our nation and others so you should enjoy it !”
 . . . my reply to round two:
Dinesh D'Souza leaves very little to the imagination.
 . . . Round three:
“In 2012, D'Souza released his film ‘2016: Obama's America,’ based on his 2010 book The Roots of Obama's Rage; the film is the second-highest-grossing political documentary-style film produced in the United States.
“Others seemed to have found his 2012 film enticing.. second highest grossing political documentary !!  No surprise Obama’s regime found an excuse to indict him as a ‘straw donor’ .. Obama’s rage indeed .. he sure has you duped to believe he’s the Messiah .. ‘fundamentally f$@k America’ is what he tried his best to do .. I get that you liked the Obama stance on LGBQ but what did he do really good for this country ?????
“All you can seem to focus on is what Trump SAYS !  You compare him to Hitler !!  Wow!!  Go watch the movie and you will see Trump is NOTHING like Hitler was !!!
“So I’ve been hearing for some time the global elite banking system has something up their sleeve to devalue the USD to Mexican peso status by year end .. just so you know that is nothing Trump has to do with and he can’t be blamed ... They have chosen this year to pull their nasty stunt just SO Trump can be blamed .. instead of THEM !”
 . . . my reply to round three:
            OK!  This is more than a movie recommendation; this is your political opinion.  Yet, I remain constrained to not respond without your consent.  Do you want to read my opinion?
 . . . Round four:
“Sure let me hear it  :)”
 . . . my reply:
            D’Souza violated the law—the law that applies to all of us—and, he was duly and justly convicted to become a federal felon. Then, the BIC broadcast to the world, he condones criminal conduct . . . or at least criminal conduct he favors.
            Enticing . . . of that I have no doubt. That’s how propaganda works.
            The last person alive on Earth I thought of as the Messiah was Jesus of Nazareth.  To my knowledge, both Obama and the BIC came to life well after Jesus of Nazareth.  Regarding “fundamentally fucking America,” I’m afraid I see that role as basically reversed.  I certainly do not approve of everything Obama did, but at least he was respectful of other human beings, which is far more than we can say about the BIC.
            It will serve no purpose to attempt to list Obama’s accomplishments, just as it would be worthless to list the BIC’s transgressions.  I accept the fact that you are convinced the BIC is incapable of making a mistake or doing anything wrong.  He is a perfect human being—the most perfect human being ever to walk on the surface of God’s little green Earth.  Let it suffice to say that I respectfully do not agree.  From my perspective, no president in history has been perfect, including the BIC.
            Yes, I focus on the BIC’s words, as that is about all we have to judge him on.  Yes, I thought Obama was far more balanced and fair to LBGTQ citizens than the BIC ever was or ever will be.
            I will make an effort to see the movie for one reason and one reason only—you recommended it.  I am not into alternative history; it is a popular genre, just not my cup of tea.  I understand that era of history more than perhaps you are willing to give me credit for, and that is your choice.
            I am not a member of the global elite banking system, so I have no insight into the devaluation you suggest.  I am highly doubtful of such rumors. What purpose do they serve? I’d bet a dollar to donuts no such action will ever be taken by the United States, or any agency of the USG.
P.S.: Has anyone else seen the movie . . . “Death of a Nation”?  If so, I would appreciate your opinion(s) as well.

Comment to the Blog:
“Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 continues to be an interesting puzzle. Justice will not be done in that case, but history may at least be able to satisfy our curiosity.
“I tire of Trump.  Such ravings as the tweet you posted, taken together with many of his other public actions, very likely constitute obstruction of justice.  If that is true, Mueller (or other investigators) need not find proof of another crime to convict the buffoon. I just want them to get on with it.
“Trump's followers cannot be explained in rational terms. I see them as representing the extreme of a scale I see as running from overthinking to mental laziness.  These are the lazy ones who simply want someone to tell them what to think and how to feel.  They don't use their intelligence or insight in choosing their leaders, either.  Whoever appeals to the oversimplified and typically xenophobic values they learned in early childhood typically gets their vote, contribution, and loyalty in disputes. Fact and logic do not enter into their loyalty.  So, here we are.  A minority of non-thinkers have elected a President with a resemblance to them, and they are doing damage to our nation.  Beyond that, the corporations that own the parties are using Trump as a distraction while they use both major parties to carry out their own agenda that may do even more harm to the USA and the world.  We're in trouble here.”
My response to the Blog:
            The person(s) responsible—the perpetrator(s)—most likely perished in the crash, so justice will never be done. However, the search continues, so there is slim hope they might find the wreckage.  The FDR & CVR would likely yield very valuable information to at least understand what happened and close the mystery.  I suppose there is an equally thin hope the perp left an essential clue to locating a hidden manifesto explaining his actions on the CVR before terminus.
            I share your perspective on the BIC’s obstruction of justice; he is adding evidence to the file and charge. As I have written many times, he persists in making himself appear guiltier and guiltier.  I suspect in his mind he sees himself as above the law—infinitely immune from prosecution.  As I perceive Mueller, he will not rest until he has uncovered and documented the findings from their investigation and charged all detectable violations of federal law.  We will likely provide appropriate evidentiary data to applicable state prosecutors for violations of state laws.  The sooner we get Mueller’s findings, the sooner we can move on . . . no matter what they find—positive or negative.
            I will leave your opinion of the BIC’s followers/supporters unchallenged.  I will only add a supplemental comment. Just as there are with supporters of any political party, there are those who support blindly because they find some sliver of affinity with the message. There is no value, purpose or objective to enlighten them by fact and reason.  However, there are intellectually capable citizens who believe what they wish to believe for unique reasons.  Like an addiction, the addict can only help himself when he decides he has had enough; there is nothing any of the rest of us can do to help him, if he has not first decided to help himself.  Just as we must understand the forces of addiction, we must also understand those who have swallowed the BIC’s snake-oil.
 . . . follow-up comment:
“The air crash has already become a mere puzzle.  The chance of timely learning what happened in enough detail for legal action is vanishingly small.  I wouldn’t count on a manifesto existing at all, and we have seen this week in Seattle that not all who steal airplanes are foreign terrorists.
“I agree that many of Trump’s supporters are ‘intellectually capable.’  People who have studied them find that many have completed college or accomplished other things requiring sound minds.  I called them ‘intellectually lazy,’ not intellectually weak.  They lack emotional development, not cognitive ability. They not-quite-consciously allow their fears and resentments to be used for the benefit of others rather than go through the rigors of self-examination and spiritual/emotional growth.  Unfortunately, 62 million of them voted for Trump.  I find it difficult to believe that thoughtful people voted for Trump.  Rand Paul maybe, potentially Marco Rubio, or some of the others, but not Trump.”
 . . . along with my follow-up comment:
            You are quite right.  There are more than a few suicides by plane (and taking a bunch of innocent people with them).  Just a few examples:
-- PSA Flight 1771 - 7.12.1987
-- Egypt Air Flight 990 - 31.10.1999 (although it may have been a terrorism event)
-- Germanwings Flight 4U9525 - 24.3.2015
MH370 may have been simply another suicide by plane; however, I suspect the CVR (if they ever find it) may well yield more insight, as did the CVR for Egypt Air Flight 990, although even that one was not conclusively established as a terrorism event.  On the negative side of the ledger for MH370, if it was just a suicide by plane, I doubt the perpetrator would have gone to all that effort to make the wreckage as inaccessible as he could possibly make it; there had to be another purpose to that end.  There is always hope . . . until there is none.
            That may be.  Regardless, 62M citizens voted for him for reasons we do not know precisely.  From my perspective, those reasons range from blind, ignorant loyalty to belief in him as the magical savior from the dysfunction of DC.  Far too many seemed to have knowingly and eagerly swallowed his “truthful hyperbole” (which is neither truthful nor hyperbole) with the belief that his snake oil is truly a cure-all for what ails them.  Nonetheless, we must respect the choice, since he is the duly and properly elected president . . . despite his lack of confidence he consistently demonstrates in his own election.

            Mvery best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap                        :-)


Calvin R said...

I put less and less energy into Trump. When the likes of Jeff Sessions can claim the moral high ground over the President, there's not much left to say.

Mrs. Clinton and her part of the Democratic Party could have demonstrated their “virtue” by publicly rejecting aid from Russia. They don't need it because they have Wall Street and most of the corporate sector paying them.

I will note that your discussion with the other commenter has some value to other readers. As a one-on-one debate, it constitutes a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

As a topic much more worthy of debate, I will send you an article (and include a link here https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/12/business/china-influence-europe-czech-republic.html?emc=edit_nn_20180813&nl=morning-briefing&nlid=7815239920180813&te=1) concerning Chinese efforts to take over the Czech Republic via its economy. We have discussed that approach, neocolonialism, before. So far, the Czech Republic has been a success story for the Chinese government, although their “point man” for the project may be in deep trouble. I see that extension of Chinese power as a stronger sign of what the future holds than the fact that the USA has an aggressively ignorant President.

Cap Parlier said...

Re: the BIC & AG, so you say, and I will agree.

Re: Hillary & DNC, so you say, again, and I will agree.

Re: other commenter [866]. No argument there.

Re: PRC ambitions. Well, we have got to hand it to the Chinese, they are using the tools of international trade to achieve their ambitions of world domination. I see an intriguing diplomatic question. Since the Czech Republic is a member of the EU and NATO, would the PRC gain a seat at the EU and NATO table, if they achieve their economic mastery of the Czech Republic? They are selling, which is their right to do, and the Chinese are buying, which is their right to do. I wonder how this is going to turn out?