Update from the Sunland
24.7.23 – 30.7.23
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
The follow-up news items:
-- In the continuing sordid saga involving the former president in the classified documents case [1117] [just an FYI; it should be called an obstruction of justice rather than classified documents case], the original indictment against [the person who shall no longer be named] and his valet/body man Waltine Nauta was superseded. The new indictment is largely the same but adds another defendant—Carlos de Oliveira, property manager (chief of maintenance) at Mar-a-Lago—and four (4) additional charges. One of those four is a new charge of making false statements and representations to the grand jury and FBI against [the person who shall no longer be named]. Two new charges against all three defendants for attempting to erase the server at Mar-a-Lago on orders from Tiny. One new charge against de Oliveira alone for making false statements and representations to the FBI, for which he faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison. As this case evolves in public, it appears [the person who shall no longer be named] failed to learn a very important lesson from history—the cover-up is often far worse than the crime itself, i.e., United States v. Nixon [418 U.S. 683 (1974)] [870]. These new charges tighten the noose a couple of notches tighter. I suppose we another moniker to his long list: conman, huckster, liar, accused & charged felon, snake-oil salesman, and now gambler. It appears he is betting everything, all in, on him becoming president again with the power to pardon anyone he wants, anytime he wants, including himself. He cares nothing about the Constitution, history, tradition, precedent, or basic morality. He thinks he is above all that trivial, menial nonsense. He thinks he is god on earth; no law applies to him. So far, the steps he has been ahead of the law have kept him free, but the number of steps is diminishing. Only time will tell whether he remains free.
From a friend and occasional contributor to this humble forum, I listened to an interview with Representative Elijah James ‘Eli’ Crane of Arizona. He is a former Navy SEAL, who was elected to Congress in 2022. Crane is not one of the crazies like Gosar and Biggs, but he is more on the evangelical spectrum well to the right and in the social conservative bunch. The URL, if you care to listen, is:
I found myself agreeing with him on a number of topics. Yet, when he ventured into the social arena, he crossed the public-private threshold . . . at least as I define it. I get crosswise with evangelicals at the public-private threshold. They want the threshold far more to the right than I can accept. I say it is none of their business. They thump their fists on the Bible, and say it is written. I say you have no right to dictate to others. They claim the left wages a cultural war on Christianity and their beliefs, when it is the right that doing all of the attacking . . . invading the private domain of citizens. It is fellows like Eli Crane who apparently think it is their mission from God to impose his beliefs on all citizens regardless of their religious beliefs or paucity of religion, because . . . well . . . they know best for everyone. After all, they believe this is a Christian nation—theirs to rule. No one is telling Crane or any evangelical Christian what they can think, believe, or practice in private. Their public conduct is a matter for the public domain. The public-private threshold is where I must turn my back on folks like Eli Crane. Freedom is freedom. Either we have it or we do not. The conservatives do not define the only freedoms We, the People, can enjoy.
What is left of the GOP along with the fBICP and MAGA bunch bark about education freedom for parents. What they really mean is they want to dismantle public education and have the government, i.e., all of us taxpayers, pay for the education of their children with a curriculum they define and enforce, or, failing that objective, they seek to reduce public education to the lowest common denominator. Facts be damned; who cares about facts! The worst of their initiative we witness today is playing out in Florida, but it is happening in more than a few states including Arizona. This observation is validation of what should be the new motto of the GOP, fBICP, MAGA bunch—Nescientia supra scientia (Ignorance over knowledge!) [1071]. Except, this social conservative and thus political conservative agenda has been grinding away for 150 years: exhibit no.1 - Federal Anti-Obscenity Act of March 3, 1873] (AKA Comstock Act) [PL 42-III-258; 17 Stat. 598 (1873)]; exhibit no.2: The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (1925), the so-called Monkey Trial. The conservatives have been at this for a very long time, and they are not about to stop anytime soon. The only way to stop this damnable ignorance nonsense is to vote conservatives out of public office at all levels of government from village council to federal government (all three branches).
Adding insult to injury for Tiny, United States District Court Judge Anuraag Hari ‘Raag’ Singhal of the Southern District of Florida, dismissed with prejudice Tiny’s defamation lawsuit against CNN—Trump v. CNN [USDC SD FL Case 0:22-cv-61842-AHS (2023)]. Tiny sought US$475M in damages. The judge noted that “[the person who shall no longer be named] alleges that the use of the phrase ‘the Big Lie’ constitutes defamation per se because it ‘create[s] a false and incendiary association between the Plaintiff and Hitler.’” Judge Singhal was not impressed. Interestingly, Judge Singhal was appointed by [the person who shall no longer be named]; oh well, so much for Tiny’s presumption of loyalty by his patronage. He must be burning with rage. I must say Tiny does a good job (most times) of concealing his rage. The Big Lie is not and cannot be defamation; if anything, CNN’s statement was a gross understatement of the truth. Big Lie, indeed! The truth can never be defamation. Once again, Tiny could not make it past the probable cause threshold. Judge Singhal did what had to be done in accordance with the law . . . with prejudice.
Comments and contributions from Update no.1123:
Comment to the Blog:
“Judge Cannon setting a compromise trial date for Tiny may show relative objectivity about the case. If Tiny wins the Republican primaries, then goes on trial, that will be interesting.
“Someone was explaining a conspiracy theory to me yesterday and I mentioned Florida’s dictum as an example of mind control. Various organizations still advise against travel to Florida; I share their prudence.
“George Orwell’s insight scared me when I was in high school. Sad to say we’re living it out, especially in ‘red’ states.
“I have seen no discussion of whether Ukraine has alternative means of shipping its wheat. Ukraine borders Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, and especially Poland. Have they no roads or railroads?
“Senator Tuberville resembles a tantrum-prone 8-year-old with a handgun.”
My response to the Blog:
Perhaps, but for me, the date is far too close to the election. I expect Tiny’s legion of lawyers to file various appeals demanding judicial pronouncements on various issue, e.g., warrant validity, executive privilege, prosecutorial misconduct, attorney-client privilege, et cetera. You are spot on correct; the process will be interesting to watch. We are well into historic judicial territory. I will be watching.
Yeah, what we see unfolding in Florida is classic propaganda technique—aggressively ignore the facts, and pick out and emphasize the positive to distract from the facts. History is still history. The facts are relentless, and they cannot be erased or hidden forever. Unfortunately, a generation of Florida children will be adversely colored by the propaganda & indoctrination. I would agree with you, the Florida action is a form of mind control. I am with you regarding travel to Florida.
That is precisely why I continue to illuminate his writing in multiple fora. Orwell was quite sentient regarding authoritarianism in any form. Some of those conversative states are so calcified and isolated that it will likely take generations to overcome.
The only alternative I am aware of is by rail to Poland and the Baltic. They might be able to use Romanian or Bulgarian ports, but I do not think they have the infrastructure to handle that quantity of grain. Trying to move that much grain by truck is impractical. The Ukrainians have roads and railroads, but they also have a track gauge difference that complicates the movement of product by rail with other European countries. Ships are the most efficient grain transport. They will adapt. Nonetheless, I think the paramount international interest remains freedom of the seas. Whether NATO uses its minesweeping capacity in a freedom of the seas basis is yet unknown publicly. At this juncture, I think doing so would be appropriate based on what we know publicly.
I liked your five-year-old with a bulldozer analogy better for Tuberville. An eight-year-old has more maturity than he does.
. . . Round two:
“Election seasons seem to be growing increasingly stressful. Next year promises peak madness.
“Since yesterday, I see news of the Russians bombing a port ‘across the river from Romania.’ Apparently, Romanian ports are the preferred alternative for shipping Ukrainian grain. When there’s money to be made, people will find a way.
“Tommy Tuberville’s my 8-year-old with a handgun. He has a smidgen more intellect than Tiny, but still lacks any discernible maturity.”
. . . my response to round two:
Yes, they do . . . thanks in no small part to [the person who shall no longer be named] and his crowd of believers. Yes, the silly season has begun is going to get far crazier as we approach election day next year.
Romania is a NATO nation. Crossing the line does not take much of a mistake. Article 5 is very close . . . another step closer. We need to prepare.
You are most generous with Tuberville. I am not so generous or forgiving. His action is still an infantile temper tantrum that is both foolish and misguided. Worse, apparent the Majority leader cannot find 10 Republicans to override Tuberville’s imprudent initiative. There is always hope . . . until there is none.
Another contribution:
“Thanks Cap-excellent job. So how’s this case against him who cannot be mentioned going to proceed ? I would hazard a presumption that the blog will become a very well occupied gathering of our joint languages. Should be virtuous and full of the words we wish to hear.”
My reply:
Judicial procedure in the United States is largely drawn from British law, although there are notable differences. Now that Tiny has been charged and arraigned, the lawyers are going through discovery. There is an added complication that the lawyers must be vetted and issued security clearances, which takes time. The defense team will file a series of motions to exercise their client’s rights under the law that may well delay the trial start. Much of that will depend upon the judge’s actions and circuit court of appeals on how much latitude they allow. This is going to be an historic event no matter how we cut it.
Yes, I am afraid this prosecution will appear all too often in the coming months. History is history—good, bad & ugly.
. . . Round two:
“Thanks Cap-yes agreed, this will be, as we all thought a complex and demanding test for you all. The fact that you can expect a former leader of a most respected nation to face such charges is utterly overwhelming to your previous expectations and trust. We shall see my friend. These proceedings will be followed with substantial interest by us all.”
. . . my reply to round two:
Well said, my friend. I just hope and pray it does not become an understatement. This is what happens when a large number of citizens vote for a conman, huckster, snake-oil salesman who has no morality or respect for the Constitution and tradition. We shall continue to hope that man feels the full weight of the law and suffers the full punishment for his transgressions. We will suffer the consequences of his tenure for a very long time. We shall endure and overcome.
. . . Round three:
“Cap, we will follow your comments with our best endeavour. Yes, I fear it will take a lot of time to reach a satisfactory conclusion. To put it mildly it’s a bloody dire mess, the sort of untidiness that you all, or us too do not deserve.
“Hell’s , you’ve had some high temps-global warming or normality?”
. . . my reply to round three:
“A bloody dire mess” is putting this situation mildly, I am afraid. Precisely, none of us deserves this sordid, disgusting, embarrassing and humiliating trash that man has wrought upon the nation and the world. The fact that such a despicable man could become president of the United States certainly illuminates the reality that no system of governance is perfect. He managed to exploit the flaws in our system, and now we see the consequences. The recovery from this bloody dire mess is probably going to take longer than the years I have left I am sad to say. Our children and grandchildren will have to work to repair the damage. These are the times in which we live.
Some of this is normal for us, although 37degC ocean temperature levels in the waters around Florida are definitely not normal. We have but to look at the glaciers, the ice cap on Greenland, and the polar ice caps to see the hard evidence of global warming. The point in question is whether it is human induced. The scientists have long advised lowering our expellation of greenhouse gases. We must do that regardless of whether they are the cause. We must wean ourselves off of fossil fuels, period, full stop, drop the mic.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)