Update from the Sunland
5.10.20 – 11.10.20
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
If anyone who reads these words has even the slightest interest, curiosity, or concern about a variety of major issues that have plagued this once grand republic since before the 2016 election, I strongly and enthusiastically urge you to watch and carefully pay attention to a two-part movie portrayal of those events—"The Comey Rule” presented by Showtime. Jeff Daniels portrays former FBI director James Comey, and Irish actor Brendan Gleeson portrays the Bully-in-Chief (BIC); both did masterful jobs. The depiction of those events is consistent with multitudinous governmental investigations and press reports from a wide variety of sources. Just one advisory informed consent alert: if you have consumed the BIC’s magic snake-oil elixir, you will probably not be pleased with this representation of historic events. Nonetheless, everyone should watch this movie. You will be better informed and perhaps even understand those events more thoroughly.
The follow-up news items:
-- After testing positive for COVID19 [977], the still contagious BIC unnecessarily exposed his Secret Service detail to the virus with bonehead joyride a week ago Sunday, and he exposed the crew of Marine One to fly to the White House. Of course, the BIC had to do his Mussolini-esque balcony show on Monday evening, which was unnecessary as well, but it was the moment he removed his mask and entered the White House that really chaffed my backside. The White House has already become a COVID19 hot spot—one of the worst in the entire nation. So, the BIC’s glorious, triumphant, photo-op without a mask on exposed White House employees to more infection. The BIC’s conduct on Monday was outrageous, irresponsible, arrogant, deeply disrespectful, and verging upon homicidal. His conduct is not reassuring or upbeat as he likes to claim; it is reckless—full stop!
The vice presidential debate occurred on Wednesday evening, 7.October.2020, at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, moderated by Susan Page, Washington Bureau Chief for USA Today. This event was orders of magnitude more respectful and proper than what we endured last week [977]; however, both candidates interrupted the other candidate, but Pence repeatedly defied the rules he agreed to before the debate. He was far more combative with the moderator than necessary or should have been. I doubt the vice presidential debate swayed anyone. At the end of the day, I think Harris came out on top. Nonetheless, I would like to specifically compliment Pence for his efforts to resist the BIC’s practices. The tone of this debate was far better than last week’s fiasco.
On Thursday, federal and Michigan state law enforcement officials announced the arrest of at least 13 individuals (so far) before they could execute their plans in a terror plot against Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. All of them were charged with various serious federal and state crimes. Some of the conspirators are members of an ultra-right-wing militia group known as the Wolverine Watchmen [NOTE: this is not a singular group or event; we must be prepared for more, thanks to the BIC]. A domestic terror plot is bad enough, but it was the BIC’s tweets that evening that proved even more outrageous.
Governor Whitmer of Michigan has done a terrible job. She locked down her state for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities. The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan. My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced...
6:30 PM · Oct 8, 2020
Part 2:
...today that they foiled a dangerous plot against the Governor of Michigan. Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities...
6:30 PM · Oct 8, 2020
Part 3:
...I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence. Defending ALL Americans, even those who oppose and attack me, is what I will always do as your President! Governor Whitmer—open up your state, open up your schools, and open up your churches!
6:30 PM · Oct 8, 2020
This is the kind of crap that spews forth when a person in a leadership position is devoid of any empathy or compassion whatsoever. By doing ridiculous, insensitive things like this, the BIC is implicitly and tacitly encouraging these crazed right-wing militia groups. Add in his “Proud Boys, stand back and standby” statement from the fiasco last week [977], we have a recipe for violence. Regrettably, I think We, the People, must prepare ourselves for another month, or two, or more, of viciousness before we are rid of the BIC. Unfortunately, we will not be rid of his right-wing violent followers. They will not go quietly into the good night.
The BIC suffered yet another judicial defeat when the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued its per curiam ruling in Trump vs. Vance [2CCA Docket No. 20-2766 (2020)] on Thursday. As you may recall, the Supremes remanded earlier court rulings against the BIC in Trump vs. Vance [591 U. S. ____ (2020); No. 19–635] [965, 966]. Federal District Court Judge Victor Marrero addressed the Supremes’ concerns about separation of powers in his remand ruling in Trump vs. Vance [USDC SDNY Case 1:19-cv-08694-VM (2020)] [971]. The case will undoubtedly go back to the Supremes on appeal; however, I suspect the Supremes will not render final judgment until after the election and probably not until after the inauguration, so it will not impact the election. Further, I must say, this string of court rulings is only whether a grand jury subpoena can be enforced against a sitting president. Even after the Supremes affirm the enforceability of the subpoena, the New York Attorney General must examine the BIC’s tax returns (no small task), charge him with crimes, gain an indictment, and then try him in a court of law. I suspect the BIC and his army of lawyers will continue their resistance for years to come, whether the BIC remains in office or not. By the time this case is resolved, it will likely be rendered irrelevant, as the BIC will claim ill-health to avoid prison time.
Just a simple reminder, if you will allow me. Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney passed away on 12.October.1864, 27 days prior to the presidential election. Republicans dominated both chambers of Congress by substantial margins; they easily had the votes and the power to do whatever they wanted. President Lincoln could have easily nominated and achieved confirmation of a new justice in those 27 days. He chose not to do so and wait until after the election. Senator McConnell has raised some nonsense “precedent” about Supreme Court nominations in a presidential election year being of the same party or different parties. It is nonsensical gibberish. The Constitution makes not one reference to political parties or political party involvement in any part of the document; he made up his rationale based on the convenience of happenstance. The hypocrisy of the Republican Party, from the BIC on down, is mind-boggling, insulting, ridiculous, and outright contemptible. Republicans like to present the argument about strict constructionist or originalist interpretation of the law as espoused by Robert Bjork, Antonin Scalia, et al, including the BIC’s latest nominee Amy Coney Barratt. The hypocrisy rests in the argument of convenience; far too many Republicans could care less about morality, reason, or even the Constitution itself. They only care about their grip on the instruments of State to impose their will, their morality, their choices, and their beliefs on everyone else. The Constitution does not explicitly state or even remotely imply anything about timing, political rationale, or even morality. Lincoln clearly had the capacity for moral judgment; the BIC has repeatedly proven himself devoid of morality. This is just one of myriad reasons I judge the BIC’s conduct, behavior, and performance as so bloody contemptible. So here we are. Some of us do not care. Some of us do care a great deal.
Like so many of the BIC’s supporters tell me, don’t listen to what he says; just watch was he does. I do watch his actions intently, and I do not agree with his actions. They also say they do not care about how he does things; they just like what he does. To me, that sounds dreadfully like the ends justify the means. To many, I suppose, extra-judicial executions are acceptable as long as they achieve the end result desired. The BIC has committed multiple crimes while in office, e.g., obstruction of justice, witness tampering, contempt of Congress and contempt of Court, corruption, influence peddling, at al ad infinitum ad nauseum. He is a disgusting human being.
Comments and contributions from Update no.977:
Comment to the Blog:
“Shit show, indeed! Enough rich old white men. I’m researching alternative candidates, because the State of Ohio begins mailing ballots, including mine, tomorrow.
“I see where gay men are hijacking the #proudboys hashtag, using it to post pictures of them kissing one another or whatever. That ought to be fun to watch.
“Chump’s debate performance won’t deter his base. That’s their style. His financial problems and especially any visible physical illness will disturb them, though.
“The steroid treatment reportedly being administered to the Chump is recommended for severe cases only. For whatever reason, in milder cases, it tends to cause more trouble than it cures. Also, I’m aware that drops in oxygen saturation are always a serious issue. I’m not finding any sympathy or empathy for the man. If anyone in the world ‘brought it on himself,’ it’s him. Also, the virus doesn’t change his history or his family.
“We know what happens to the Chump’s current term if he dies or becomes incapacitated. We get Pence for a few months. What happens to his candidacy is unknown. Voting is already underway, but nobody really wants to elect a dead or unable-to-serve President.
“That nomination party may be an almost-literal nail in the coffin of the Republican Party.”
My response to the Blog:
Good luck in your research. I have faith you will make a worthy selection and vote. My mind is made up. I will vote as soon as my ballot arrives in the mail.
I had not heard that. LOL A good hijacking, except for the predisposition.
Quite right. I’m not so sure his followers would reject him even if he is proven to be the fraud he is. I just hope the NY AG completes their investigation, indict and try him before he dies. I want him to go to prison for at least some of his crimes. Those are the same conspiracists who deny the Holocaust, the Moon Landing, the 9/11 attacks, and accept QAnon, the existence of the Deep State & all the others. They are not swayed by facts, only their predisposed beliefs. As the BIC says, it is what it is.
I confess it is hard to feel sympathy or empathy for a man who puts a pistol to his head and pulls the trigger. His conduct is a slower version of the same action. And, unlike a pistol shot, he will infect many others, putting a pistol to their heads as well, and that is murder (homicide). I held a faint hope the virus might give him a smidgen of humility, but the BIC’s public performance yesterday proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, far beyond a reasonable doubt, that he has zero concept of his public responsibility, or empathy for his fellow mankind. It is only him, him, him, and only him.
Agreed, no one wants to elect a dead man, but it has happened, e.g., Senate candidate for Missouri Melvin Eugene ‘Mel’ Carnahan (DoD: 16.October.2000), and U.S. Representative Patsy Matsu Mink, née Takemoto, of Hawaii (DoD: 28.September.2002).
I am not so sure. To those who have swallowed his snake-oil elixir, they do not care. He can do whatever he wants because they believe. To his followers, he is incapable of making a mistake or doing anything wrong. They believe . . . that is all that matters. AND, they vote. They are a minority. We simply must override their blind belief in that man by voting.
. . . Round two:
“Voting is beginning here even as we talk about it. Per the local news, in-person turnout for early voting is very high here. Pundits and parties alike tell me high turnout benefits the Democrats.
“I still insist that the Chump is a result, not the cause, of a system that is failing the majority.”
. . . my response to round two:
I think the “pundits and parties” say that because no political party has a majority. Further, the Republicans are a diminishing minority and they know it; thus their desperate efforts at voter suppression in all its myriad forms from the BIC’s attacks on the USPS to the governor of Texas eliminating ballot drop-off sites (restricted to one per county, with some counties of 1,600 square miles and 4M people). Republicans vote, and they dominate more than a few of the states.
His base is a minority. Let us relegate them to that status.
Yes, I agree . . . desperate times, lead desperate people to do desperate things, i.e., saddling up to a snake-oil salesman afflicted with malignant narcissism. I can only pray all citizens vote and override that mobilized minority and render them to the dustbin of history. I am not that naïve, but that is my prayer. Everyone must VOTE.
. . . Round three:
“I still insist that the changes must go deeper than getting rid of the Chump. Let's remember that W Bush was elected twice by a minority of counted votes.
“My ballot has arrived. Now the hard work of voting responsibly begins.”
. . . my response to round three:
True in 2000, not true in 2004. Nonetheless, we have discussed many times, the constitutional process are the rules by which elections are decided; Hillary Clinton learned that lesson the hard way.
Good for you. Ours have not arrived, yet. I still have research to do on judges and referendum propositions.
. . . Round four:
The election of 2004 remains dubious, though, here in Ohio. We had long lines, missing machines and other signs of a failed process. Of course, the Constitution guides the process; that's where we must make changes.
. . . my response to round four:
I am not aware of the Ohio anomalies of which you speak, but I shall take your word for the dubiousness. The official count shows W had a clear positive margin in the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Unfortunately, the margins required in this election are far greater so as to quash the flood of legal challenges most likely coming from the BIC and his minions if he is defeated. His malignant narcissism will not allow him to accept defeat even if by a landslide. If the margins to quash judicial challenges are not large enough, he will strive mightily to tie up the election results for months to generate yet another constitutional crisis.
Wise or not, a constitutional amendment is required to change the process.
Another contribution:
“agree so-called debate showed nothing presidential.
“I accept your sympathy for my ‘sinking feeling.’
“Agree with your ‘debate’ format if we must have such charades.
“Please share your wisdom re the likelihood of at LEAST 16 years of Democratic Party rule if your Biden wins.”
My reply:
Exactly, Agreed. Neither one of them presented a presidential image.
You are quite welcome. I have empathy for my fellow man and citizens, regardless of the social factors including political affiliation. I do not want anyone to suffer, including the BIC.
I am not exactly sure what you meant by “charade”?
First, he is not my Biden. He is a candidate representing a political party of which I am not and never have been a member. What to expect assuming a Biden victory in November is a long dissertation. I will tell you what I expect—stability and humanity, a very low bar. I want a president who respects the office he holds on our behalf. I want a president who holds and shows empathy for the plight of the less privileged among us. I want a president who acts and performs as an equal to other world leaders, including the prime minister of Montenegro. There is very little doubt that Joe Biden can deliver on those expectations, and the BIC cannot and never could. Further, Joe Biden will make mistakes, but he is man enough to stand up and say so. I have gone on too long already, but that is my answer and I’m stickin’ to it.
A different contribution:
“I agree with you and most people I speak with that the debate lacked structure mostly due to the 250 plus interruption. The President came on strong as we all would expect. The ex VP was an Antagonist as well. My general comments are:
- POTUS was true to form.
- ExVP was weak and often insulting.
- Moderator Wallace showed bias towards Biden.
- Moderator was responsible and failed to control both Trump and Biden.
- Key issues such as police and law and order were a failure for the exVP. This concern last me as a voter.
- Biden should have been held responsible for being involved in election interference in 2016. Trump tried to get this out in the table but Wallace shifted to other topics.
- Trump held his cool much better than Biden.
- over all only a few key issues were addressed. Law and order clearly Trump won. Past election interference again Trump was on top. As you call POTUS BIC, Biden was full of insults and less than professional comments.
- Over all, Biden was weak and ca generalist, Trump was firm and direct.
“As a voter I am concerned with both candidates. We know Trump and he is easy to understand. Biden is a puppet of the Democratic Party. I do believe Biden has what my Mother has, early dementia. I like Biden as a person. But all that he places on his platform he could have impacted in his extensive 47 years. Biden is what I call the swamp network. Trump is a businessman.
“We must watch the VPs carefully as I expect the next president might not complete their term. Pence gets my vote as a leader over Harris. Harris is frighting. She is a danger to my Country. Harris is not qualified to lead. She has radical positions. I am afraid of her. This is my number one reading note to vote for Biden.
“A couple of other points. Why Biden’s son has a ‘pass’ makes since to me. Why Sec. Clinton has a pass on emails and classified material is unacceptable. How the DNC gets by in the Russia collusion is a poor state of affairs. The impeachment of POTUS is unacceptable as new information suggests it was a DNC setup. On the virus, I think our President has done a fast and effective job. I don’t agree with Biden and offer the POTUS has done a good and fast job. I can’t see others moving this fast. His approach reminds me of work place tiger teams to fix key issue.
“My key issues are our Countries financial health and our Countries law and order. For these two issues I go with what I see - Trump and Pence get my vote.”
My response:
I do not agree that there was a lack of structure. There was plenty of structure. The rules were agreed to ahead of time by both candidates. Unfortunately, the Bully-in-Chief (BIC) chose to ignore the rules or display even a smidgen of self-control or restraint. Also, unfortunately, Joe Biden could not resist the BIC’s taunts. Neither one of them appeared presidential.
I started to respond to your point by point, but I changed my mind. Let it suffice to say, I did not see that “debate” in the same light you do. I have a very clear view of who was responsible for that shit show, but my opinion is irrelevant. Thank you for sharing your views.
I am so glad you understand the BIC. I do not. Perhaps you can help me see what you see.
Yes, Pence would be a damn sight better as POTUS than the BIC. My beef with Pence has been and probably always will be his penchant for moral projection, i.e., he believes his morals are correct and everyone should live by his choices. I cannot and never will agree with such positions held or espoused by anyone, Pence included. I do not share your opinion of Kamala Harris—“frightening” really? Please expound upon your views of Harris.
Beau Biden gets no pass. If he violated the law, charge, try and punish him. He is not going to be convicted by innuendo, rumor, conspiracy theories, and gossip. Same with Clinton. I have long voiced my disdain for her arrogance in handling that server/eMail fiasco. She created the problem. She violated the law in my opinion, and she should be charged, but the statute of limitations is rapidly approaching. The BIC and his lackey AG have had four years to charge both of them, so where are the indictments?
My expectations after the last four years are currently very low—very, very low. I only want a president who gives us stability and humanity. Biden has those qualities; the BIC does not and cannot. His malignant narcissism prevents him from providing either.
. . . Round two:
“BIC fits the outward appearance much of the time. However, I suggest he is not bullish with our Country. I attempted to score his emotional quotient (EQ) and find him in the average range hurt by empathy. My guess is his empathy will grow with his events brought in by COVID-19.
“I fear Harris because Biden did not pick her, she was provided by the DNC to gather extreme voters and she will. Her views are all too left for me. She failed CA and is consistently voting in the Senate on the far left. Her past tells me power is her goal.
“The next debate will be telling. I hope it happens. Biden is a good man, I just don’t see his impact on my two issues - financial health, and law and order.”
. . . my response to round two:
I would probably agree with you except for scenes like 25.May.2017 in Brussels and that is not a solo event. I am glad you are so optimistic about the BIC’s learning and growth; I do not share that optimism. I’ve seen no (zero) signs of his ability or capacity to learn or grow. His performance on Monday is prime exhibit no.1. He is still infectious as we speak whether he knows it or not, and he goes for a joyride and whips off his mask outside and walks into the White House that is now a COVID19 hotspot. What he did on Monday was disrespectful, arrogant, irresponsible, and verging on homicidal.
FDR did not pick his vice president for his fourth term either. It happens with political parties. I have no idea how you know how the Democratic Party VP was selected. The VP debate is tonight, so hopefully we will get a better look-see. If she failed California, why did Californians elect her to the Senate? All politicians seek power including the vaunted, infallible, and omnipotent BIC; surely, you are not suggesting the BIC has done all this for some altruistic motivation. I am not sure why you think Harris is so far left, but I say so what. As the BIC has been shown, POTUS is not a dictator, although the BIC is surely a wannabe. What do you think Harris would or could do as VP?
Well, I suppose that is always a question with any presidential candidate. So much depends upon Congress . . . even for the BIC. Congress makes the laws, not the president or vice -president. So, with respect to Harris as a vice presidential candidate, I think she passes my very low threshold of stability and humanity.
. . . Round three:
“Harris has a 50:50 chance of becoming President. This is what concerns me. She has limited qualifications for the job and according to several mainstream media outlets she is 100th or the most liberal of all Senators. She is for many things I am not. Things like pay without work, government run medical, payments for our history of slavery, full green new deal, high taxes, bigger Supreme Court, abortion at any age, and many many more items. I am in SD visiting my aging Mom and Dad do I can’t take time now to cite my comments.
“BTW, I loved the hospital evening tour in the limo by ‘BIC.’ I liked the message, the class and the image - he is my President!”
. . . my response to round three:
I respect your opinions, and you are certainly entitled to whatever opinions you wish for whatever reason(s) you wish.
I do not see Harris the same way. She is far more qualified than the BIC ever was, and we witness the consequences. OK, most liberal, so what? She does not make the laws. Neither does the BIC. At least she is a compassionate human being.
You know the really odd thing in this latest episode, the BIC took full advantage of and received the full benefit of government health care, including a fancy helicopter ride to and from the hospital. He received medical treatment that reportedly only 10 people on the planet have received, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, and he did not pay a penny for any of it. Why is government health care OK for him and not OK for you? BTW, Jeanne and I are both on governmental health care now. I really do not understand the reasoning of Republicans on health care—very alien to me.
Abortion is a private matter. A woman’s body is not a government-controlled incubator. I believe the Supreme Court got it right in Roe v. Wade; the term they used was quickening, i.e., when a fetus become viable outside the womb. When are Republicans going to stop trying to dictate how citizens live their private lives and trying to control the decisions they make for their particular “pursuit of Happiness”?
You know, I would agree with you on the BIC’s little joy ride except for one overriding fact. He was infectious with a highly contagious virus. He exposed the Secret Service and others to the virus for his photo-op. You see a classy president in those videos of him riding around; I see a selfless, thoughtless, arrogant asshole (not the good kind) afflicted with malignant narcissism. But hey, that’s just me. Oh well. Life goes on. The election is in four weeks. We need to be done with this worthless, injurious, snake-oil salesman and remove the shield that protects him from prosecution.
BTW, he lost another court appeal today. Prison is getting closer.
. . . Round four:
“Wow - speaking like a BIC!
“I’ll take the time to share a different prospective from a different person who tries hard to see all sides of many key issues we all share. Things like our economy, law and order, respect and acceptance, climate change, energy and leadership.
“I look forward to the VP debate. My concern with Sen. Harris is her positions and past actions and how she would act if she became POTUS.
“I’m a friend, I have positions that I mostly keep to myself. I care about our Country. I want good things for my Grandkids. I hope to behave with empathy and kindness. I’ll try hard to share my views but only if the tone is objective and friendly.
“Love the passion, we all need to express our views, just need to keep it objective.”
. . . my reply to round four:
I have no idea what you are referring to with your “like a BIC” statement.
I am with you. I think we can and should disagree, and we should argue about issues while respecting the rights of others. I look forward to debating other issues with you or anyone else.
I am doing to the same with respect to Kamala Harris or any candidate for any office. I am still researching the judges we must soon vote on, and I have not completed my reading of the referendum propositions, so I am not quite ready yet to cast my vote.
I am with you exactly. I love my country, and I proudly placed my life on the line to defend this country against all enemies foreign or domestic. I want a better life for my children, grandchildren, and hopefully I live long enough to enjoy my great grandchildren.
Yes, we must be able to respectfully disagree. Vigorous public debate is a vital activity to any democracy. So many of our politicians have failed. Perhaps we can return to those days before I pass along.
. . . Round five:
“I was somewhat joking that you my friend were speaking in BIC tone. You know, the tone we heard from Jim Schuster or Al Haggerty - boss like tone! Do go easy on new ‘posters’ like me. Too strong and I’ll pull back and might become silent like the millions of DJ Trump voters out in the USA. I’d like to be heard though.
“[E]ach who speaks needs to do so with peer reviewed information, opinions are not facts.”
. . . my response to round five:
I am man enough to apologize if I offended you in some manner. I am neither smart enough nor perceptive enough to know the source of my offense. If you would be so kind, please illuminate my offensive word or words so I can learn and be more aware of how others react to my words. I am a strong and adamant advocate for vigorous public debate about contemporary issues. I try hard to show deference to sensitive topics, but I am not afraid to discuss or argue any topic no matter how sensitive. I try to speak with words of respect; we are all equals (although some among us fail to believe that fact). I try to show everyone respect as an equal until he disrespects others.
You (and anyone) are welcome to express your opinions in this forum on any topic for any reason. Like you (and anyone), I enjoy an equal right to express my opinion. The Blog is not a message board; it is a debate forum to further democracy.
If you can help me understand my offense, I will strive to be a better person.
Agreed. Opinions are not facts. But facts are facts no matter what spin or interpretation one chooses to address facts.
I have never been particularly keen on titles, labels, and such. We are all human beings, equals in the eyes of God, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. I try very hard to treat everyone with that respect, until they give me a reason not to do so.
Just an FYI: the BIC lost the last vestiges of respect when he maliciously attacked Rosie O’Donnell in 2006; it was a juvenile and worthless attack. He should have been a real man; he was not. If you go back to my early writing in the Update Blog, I addressed him by name and title until 25.May.2017, when he publicly demonstrated his Ugly American penchant. He does not deserve respect; he respects no one but himself . . . well, he does have some respect for those who lick his ass. I no longer could see or refer to him other than as he is—the Bully-in-Chief, i.e., the chief bully of this once grand republic. My disdain for the BIC is directed solely at the BIC, not his supporters. I continue to strive to understand why so many people see him as the messiah, when he has so blatantly displayed his sense of superiority over all of the rest of us to deserve respect. He is just a deeply flawed, psychologically ill man who is only an employee of We, the People; he is not the dictator he thinks he is, and I fully expect that he will soon learn that lesson the hard way.
. . . Round six:
“Tone my friend, tone. This is not your blog, this is a friendly email from me to you. I’m a longtime friend, copilot, colleague, employee, and buddy. We have been through lots of thongs together beyond the politics that are hurting our Country. The good is we have a great County, a place to call home, our health and our friendships. Let’s be careful we don’t jump from side to side with politics and injure friendships. I have great respect for you as a pilot, author, Marine, Beechcrafter and as a dear friend. I hope all of us are working extra hard to tone down politics and tune into friendships. Today, too much of what we say and do gets tossed into Right or Left. I liked politics much better when it was ‘I feel this’ and ‘what did you think’?
“I can go toe to toe on politics - issue is, when I do, I don’t feel so good if I recognize 50% of my friends see things completely different than I do. What’s up with that? If I could navigate through the division I see, I’d sure be a better person. I might be happier too!
“Let’s hope our grandkids can vote in private, can feel good about their votes and when they reach the curb at the polling station and they bump into a friend they say ‘did you catch the game last night!’
“Did you see the San Diego Padres get their butts kicked from Texas to California last night Cap?”
. . . my response to round six:
OK, you choose not to directly answer my query; your choice and I respect that. Please allow me to speak about how I interpret your words. I have gone back and re-read my prior words in my attempt to understand. So, here is my take.
I am neither right nor left, Democrat nor Republican, conservative nor liberal. I am a moderate, independent, unaffiliated, non-aligned citizen who cares a great deal for this country. I have never been a fan of labels, titles, ranks, positions, wealth, and such—too exclusionary. You say “tone” and the best I can ascertain is my critical opinions and assessments are not appreciated, since they are not complimentary to your opinions. If that is the case, then I suppose we should just avoid the topics of social taboo—religion, sex, and politics. If so, just say so. I will accept whatever your choices may be. But, please do not attempt to stifle my forms of expression with such a nebulous, ill-defined term like “tone.” I cannot, and perhaps I am incapable of, connecting the dots, so I do not know what to adjust or change.
Yes, we have been friends for a very long time. I still consider us friends. I do not feel anything has changed. I continue to extend my hand in friendship to [to your ex-], but she has chosen a different path, which is her choice and I respect that. I give her the space she seeks.
Like you, I am deeply troubled by the tribalism that has been so dreadfully amplified by the BIC. Yes, he did not create this atmosphere of division, but he has most emphatically amplified, encouraged, and stimulated virtually every aspect of division in this country and internationally. I will stop here, since I doubt you wish to discuss the BIC’s performance as our employee.
I have seen the man in very clear and exact terms, not because of any animosity or pre-disposition toward the man, but solely as a consequence of his conduct and behavior in public. I have seen his kind far too many times in my life. I have seen him as the consummate snake-oil salesman he is for decades. From the moment of his candidacy declaration [16.6.2015], I thought his political aspirations were a joke, so much so I did not even comment on it in the Update [705]. I could not believe any concerned American citizen would take him seriously; he was (and still is) a joke. And yet, to my knowledge, he won the primaries fair and square by the rules; he became the Republican candidate. So here it was, the once Grand Old Party saddled up to a malignant narcissist, snake-oil salesman. Further, he won the election by the proper constitutional means although he lost the popular vote (62M – 65M). My criticism of the BIC is NOT, never was, never will be, a criticism of anyone who voted for or intends to vote for this joke of a man. My criticism is directed solely at the BIC. If you or anyone else chooses to see my criticism of the BIC as criticism or offense toward you or anyone else, then that is on you, and I am sorry if my criticism of the BIC was taken personally by you or anyone else.
You may turn your back to me as [your ex-] has done. If you choose to do so, I shall respect your choices, my friend. Just be straight and direct with me.
Let me close by saying, I see the BIC literally and precisely as a clear and present danger to the health, well-being, and security of all citizens in this once grand republic—the very definition of a clear and present danger. I say that as a concerned citizen only . . . not as a member of any tribe, factions, segment, party, or division within this country or our Allies. I fully understand, recognize, and appreciate that 62M ± 10M or so, absolutely and categorically do not agree with my opinions, assessments, or views. I also understand my words make other folks angry. That is the risk I take when I comment on contemporary matters. However, given that foundational premise, would I not be remiss and fail my oath of office if I did not speak up?
. . . Round seven:
“I am truest sorry if my word tone offended you. Not my motive. I’m not good at email in a back and forth mode.
“I too have issues with our POTUS. But I also see the good.”
. . . my response to round seven:
I am not, was not, or am I so easily offended. I was simply trying to understand the words and reasoning of a friend. ‘Nuf said.
I will say in closing this thread. The ends never justify the means.
Yet another contribution:
“Breezed over your hot air piece .. one thing .. for those who’ve rewatched the debate, they say Biden was the first Buttinski of the night, or bully as you like to categorize Trump. Biden set the tone for the remainder of the debate. But a debate should not consist merely of saying untrue things about your opponent. And nothing about what you will do as President Which is ALL Biden did .. because he HAS no plans that are remotely doable. The Democrat Party is hopeless. There you have it and I didn’t have to ramble on and baffle with bullshit to make my point. In Biden’s words ‘Shut up Clown’ .. that was what made it your SHIT SHOW .. he’s such a sad, demented fool .. I feel bad they are even putting Biden through this ordeal against someone who can run circles around him, even with Covid !!”
My reply:
I think you watched a different event than me. Nonetheless, I respect your opinions and willingness to express them. I think I expressed my opinion in last week’s Update [977]; no need to regurgitate.
Yes, Joe Biden dropped to the BIC’s gutter. I was very disappointed with his clown comment, even though it was accurate; a president must demonstrate more restraint and self-control. I also did not appreciate his repeated laughing; it makes him look too much like the BIC. Unfortunately, he succumbed to the BIC’s taunts, and he deserves criticism for that failure. Neither one of them appeared presidential, thus my summary statement in Update no.977.
Despite Chris Wallace’s repeated efforts to gain control including confronting the BIC directly about his defiance of the pre-agreed rules, he failed. As a consequence of the BIC’s performance, I like the idea of putting them both in a soundproof booth and switching off their microphone when it is not their turn to speak. Now that the BIC is infected and infectious with the COVID19 virus, the soundproof booth is even more appropriate. That blatant display of disregard for the rules he agreed to must never be tolerated, again. I would rather have no debate, if they cannot abide the rules (both of them).
Another contributor joined this particular thread:
“I will butt in now ..
“Harris, despite being a former prosecutor (which by the way does NOT qualify her to be a potential President) has been incredibly supportive of efforts to defund police departments; to elect radical, pro-criminal, anti-police prosecutors who simply refuse to prosecute criminals; and to sow chaos in American cities.
“On ‘Good Morning America’ on ABC television June 9, Harris said she fully supports Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s decision to cut $150 million from policing to boost health and youth training programs. ‘I applaud Eric Garcetti for doing what he’s done,’ she said.
“Harris opposes affirmative action and capital punishment. She supports the concept of Obamacare (with its penalties.. Obamacare is NOT the government insurance you and Jeanne have Cap .. it is what [my daughter] and I had). She supports sanctuary cities, the DREAM Act to grant temporary conditional residency to immigrants, gun control, increased funding for food stamps, and wants to begin the process of ‘reimagining public safety,’ which may or may not ultimately include defunding the police.
“As for foreign policy, Harris doesn’t have international experience. She remains supportive of the controversial Iran nuclear deal that Donald Trump, to his credit, scrapped in 2018.
“Harris wants her country to rejoin the Paris climate agreement that has accomplished little on the environment. She’s also taken a distinctly Sanders-esque position on defense spending, stating on July 22, ‘I unequivocally agree with the goal of reducing the defense budget and redirecting funding to communities in need, but it must be done strategically.’ What this means for the safety and security of her nation is anyone’s guess. And her slandering the President in tonight’s debate regarding his support of the military was proof she is a liar and a fake.
“When you put everything together, Harris’s political, economic and foreign policy record is much closer to that of a radical leftist than pragmatic moderate. The fact that someone like this could potentially be a heartbeat away from the U.S. presidency should be enough to give even an objective thinker plenty of pause.
“These are not my exact words but everything I agree on in regards to Kamala Harris .. she would be a disaster for our country and if they win I will remind you of it each blunder they make as you do with your BIC. And if Hillary, Obama and gang don’t get charged for the Russian collusion fiasco and Joe/Kamala win, I will personally join the Convention of States to work on having THEM impeached. Only fair isn’t it?”
My reply:
We shall respectfully disagree. I think we have proven that neither one of us has altered the other’s positions. So it shall be.
Laws, treaties, agreements and deals are rarely perfect. Perhaps the costliest agreement in history was the Versailles Treaty. The French celebrated the treaty. Churchill advised strongly against it without success; he instinctively foretold the consequences. History proved him correct. Likewise, the PPACA is far from perfect, but it was a worthy attempt to remedy a long-standing malady in this country. I have supported and encouraged improvement. I condemn the dismantling of the PPACA without that reform or improvement. The Republicans are trying to take us backward—regression—not forward. The same is true for the Allied-Iran Nuclear Agreement, the Paris Climate Accord, and so many other treaties, laws, and policies. The BIC has said he would have a much better health care plan in two weeks . . . for four years now; he has no plan other than destroy the PPACA. Something is better than nothing.
For reasons I do not understand, other than perhaps the ease of execution, the Republicans have become the party of prohibition. They seek to prohibit anything they do not agree with (classic moral projection) from Nixon’s Controlled Substances Act to abortion. Prohibition is never a successful endeavor in a free society. We have allowed the government to intrude upon our freedom of choice and fundamental right to privacy far beyond my threshold of tolerance. If you don’t like abortion, help fix the underlying causes rather than prohibiting the practice for everyone. If you don’t like welfare, deal with the underlying causes rather than prohibit it.
Again, we do not agree on Kamala Harris. ‘Nuf said.
I am categorically incapable and impotent to correct the blind deafness induced by the BIC’s magic snake-oil elixir. I can recognize reality. I can only hope and pray the effects of that consumption pass with time.
One last contribution for this week:
“I think the word is astounded or possibly confused, just what is going on over there-a man is taken into hospital sick and declared with the Corona virus and merely days later is discharged to go home and wander about in the company of others without any PPE. Come on, there’s something very irregular going on here-did he have the virus or was it a vote grabbing stunt? Surely explanations, with conviction, are needed.”
My response:
Regrettably and unfortunately, what we witnessed yesterday is a very public demonstration of what happens when a “leader” is afflicted with malignant narcissism. He sees the world, everything big to little, in terms of me, me, me. He is incapable of seeing anything other than himself. It is the nature of his affliction. He sees absolutely nothing wrong with him infecting anyone and everyone around him; that is their problem, he is the almighty BIC. Sadly, far too many American citizens could not see the consequences of his affliction. This is not new; he has been that way since before adulthood, thanks to his parents. To his credit, he has been consistent; malignant narcissism demands nothing less. His affliction led him to decisions that he perceived as showing what a strongman he thinks he is, not even a highly infectious virus can diminish his image of himself. There is no explanation beyond that.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)