Update from the Sunland
20.1.20 – 26.1.20
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
The follow-up news items:
Erratum secondus:
I reported the IRI IRGC missile attack on U.S. forces in Iraq [939], and that the USG stated there were no casualties. A few days later, the USG clarified that there were 11 blast-concussion injuries, all of which had to be evacuated to higher-level hospitals for treatment [940], which I reported in last week’s erratum. Well, this week, the USG further clarified that 34 U.S. service personnel were receiving treatment for Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). Of course, the BIC, being the BIC and the highly decorated, combat veteran he is, claimed the TBIs were just a few headaches. This trickle out of important information is quite unlike the U.S. armed forces. I will further note that when the Republicans held the majority in the House during the Obama administration, they screamed bloody murder in the aftermath of Benghazi [561, 568], investigated for years, all to discover the fog of war actually exists.
-- After a contentious 12+-hour day, the Senate passed S.Res.483 [53-47-0-0(0)] establishing the rules for the opening portion (and perhaps only portion) of the president’s impeachment trial at 01:41 [R] EST on Wednesday. Just after noon that day, the Senate impeachment trial [924] began with the House managers presenting their evidence in support of the articles of impeachment [936]. The Senate Minority presented 11 amendments to the rules resolution, all of which were tabled (rejected) by the Majority. For those of us who have been watching, listening and reading about the evidence since the beginning of the House committee hearings, the rehash served as a comprehensive summary. The BICs defense team began their rebuttal on Saturday, using only two of their 24 available hours. They will return to their task on Monday and must conclude on Tuesday. After that segment, the senators will have two days of questions to both teams, and then a vote on whether to call witnesses, seek documents, or vote to decide the case on Friday. The Senate Republicans will soon define the future of this Grand Republic . . . or whether it will be transformed into a de facto monarchy (or dictatorship).
The BIC’s defense team initial presentation wants us to believe the BIC did nothing wrong. He acted in accordance with his authority under Article II of the Constitution. Of course, they are technically correct; he has the authority to fire ambassadors and withhold foreign aid. The issue has never been whether he had the authority to do what he did; the issue is and has always been, did he abuse his authority for corrupt purposes. The accumulated evidence is quite convincing, quite like the DNA evidence in the O.J. trial. Yet, as we learned in the O.J. trial, the evidence does not matter—only the tribe or catchy phrases like “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”
Executive Privilege cannot and must never shield the occupant of the Oval Office from congressional scrutiny and prosecution. When the BIC unilaterally and publicly declared the Executive Branch would NOT comply with subpoenas and would block witnesses and document transfer of his choosing, he publicly proclaimed he is above the law and has absolute power over all branches of government. That declaration and action is the VERY definition of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Then, adding insult to injury, the BIC further publicly proclaimed, “We have all the material. They don’t have the material” [World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland (22.January.2020)]. Interesting argument. While his impeachment trial is ongoing, the BIC decided to publicly thumb his nose at Congress and, in his own words, confirm article two of his impeachment—he is obstructing Congress in their constitutional duty. Nanny, nanny, pooh, pooh.
I can understand the BIC’s conduct because it is absolutely consistent with his myriad personality flaws, abnormalities, and deficiencies. After all, the BIC is just acting like he has always acted. What is truly reprehensible here, at this moment, is the Senate Republicans (Majority) also thumbing their noses at the entire process and condoning the BIC’s conduct. As the House was in the first day of evidence presentation, the Press reported (it cannot be validated by video record) that 21 Republican senators at one time left their seats and walked out of the Senate Chamber—21 of 53 (40%). These are judges and jurors walking out as the trial is in progress. This is perhaps the greatest single demonstration of the degeneration of this Grand Republic. Is there even a sliver of doubt that when the shoe is on the other foot, the Republicans will again be screaming bloody murder? Such is our life in these times of tribal politics. We may know the outcome next week.
From the House presentation, I learn that the BIC violated yet one more law during his administration. On 19.June.2019, the BIC raised concerns about Ukraine with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). On 3.July.2019, OMB notified the State and Defense Departments that Ukraine aid funds, the BIC signed into law on 28.September.2018 {Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2019 and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 [PL 115–245; 132 Stat. 2981; 28.9.2018], specifically, Title IX, § 9013 [132 Stat. 3044]}, were on hold without notifying Congress. At that moment, the BIC violated federal law, namely the Impoundment Control Act of 1974, Title X [88 Stat. 332] of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 [PL 93-344; 88 Stat. 297; 12.7.1974]. Yet, like the other laws he has violated, the BIC is (not yet) charged with violations of that law and the others he has violated. Then, on 25.July.2019, during his telephone call with the new president of Ukraine, the BIC requested a personal political favor in reciprocity for the withheld aid. On 12.August.2019, an Intelligence Community whistleblower filed a complaint based on the BIC’s 25.July telephone call. On 11.September.2019, after the whistleblower’s complaint became public, the OMB released the approved and allocated funding. Unfortunately, it was too late to obligate all of the funds before their expiration on 30.September.2020 in accordance with the law, so the USG requested that Congress extend the funds to allow expenditure. Congress dutifully covered for the Executive Branch mistake and passed the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2020, and Health Extenders Act of 2019 [PL 116-059; 133 Stat. 1093; 27.9.2019], specifically, Title I, Division A, §124(b) [133 Stat. 1098] to extend the Ukraine funds to 30.September.2020. The point is, after the BIC was caught in his abuse of power, he released the funds, but even then, he needed Congress to bail him out from this transgression. And yet, the BIC claims he released the funds—what’s the problem? Well, Mister President, you violated the law for corrupt purposes, which is the definition of abuse of power. Then, as noted above, you obstructed Congress in their constitutional oversight responsibility. There is no doubt whatsoever in my little pea-brain that he is guilty of both counts of the articles of impeachment (H.Res.755) and fully deserves to become the first president in history to be removed from office. Nonetheless, it is not up to me. I am not a juror/judge. I am only a citizen, trusting the Senate to do the right thing for this Grand Republic.
I have written many times about the “Ugly American Syndrome” as reflected and portrayed in the 1958 political novel “The Ugly American” by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer. I have witnessed first-hand the manifestation of the Ugly American Syndrome during my service and travels throughout the world. I have also thought and written about cause & effect of such thinking. What leads so many good American citizens to believe in and espouse nationalism, isolationism, and wanton disregard for the interests of other people outside this Grand Republic? Further, given the rampant tribalism we currently suffer, what makes one tribe believe steadfastly, absolutely and resolutely that their tribe is correct, and all others are wrong and should be ignored? As I continue my cogitation on such fundamental matters, it seems to me so much of this boils down to one fundamental element—American exceptionalism.
I am a proud American citizen. I see and speak to the flaws in the fabric of this Grand Republic and its history to improve our culture. The United States became the first democracy in history, since the fall of the Roman Republic to a dictatorship. For a few years, it was the only democracy on the planet. Our history, and the words written by our Founders and Framers, lead us to that sense of American exceptionalism—“We hold these truths to be self-evident . . .” and “We, the People, of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union . . . .” We internalize those words, and I will add, in part, rightly so.
However, when we translate those words into a sense of superiority, we fail the very premise of this Grand Republic. The words that sustain us do not in any form ever imply exceptionalism. We are NOT better than citizens of other countries. We have absolutely no right to treat other people as inferiors. I will argue it is precisely this sense of American exceptionalism that has led to many tragic mistakes in international relations at the diplomatic level and alienated other people at the personal level.
American exceptionalism is quite akin to the royal birthright our forefathers rejected on our behalf 245 years ago. I am extraordinarily grateful to have been born within this Grand Republic. My great fortune is the history I inherited by birth. Yet, my birthplace does not inherently make me better or superior to any other human being. Americans are NOT the royalty of humanity. We are human beings, like all other human beings “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” Jefferson’s noble thought applies to all. Certainly, we have the right to exercise our freedom of choice and discriminate as we choose in the selection of our friends and associates in private. We do NOT have the right to discriminate against anyone in the public domain with respect to anyone or combination of the social factors (age, gender, race, skin pigmentation, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, education, political affiliation, marital status, or disability). The bottom line: treat everyone with respect.
Overlooked and little-publicized under the cloud of the president’s impeachment trial, Congress passed and presented to the president for approval the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act (AKA USMCA) [H.R. 5430; Senate: 89-10-0-1(0); House: 385-41-0-5(4)]. This legislation replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement signed by President G.H.W. Bush (41) in December 1992, and approved by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton {North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (AKA NAFTA) [PL 103-182; H.R.3450; Senate: 68-31-0-1(0); House: 234-200-0-0(1); 107 Stat. 2057; 8.12.1993]}. Please note the congressional votes for USMCA were more bipartisan than for NAFTA. I have not read the whole of the USMCA; however, it has generally been well received and can be chalked up as a serious accomplishment for the BIC’s administration. As of this writing, the president has not signed the USMCA, but he is expected to do so, perhaps next week.
Comments and contributions from Update no.940:
Comment to the Blog:
“Senator Warren (or someone) concocted that incident with Senator Sanders for the sole purpose of her delivering that line about elect-ability. I’m glad you enjoyed it. The timing, phrasing, and delivery were too utterly fitted to the occasion to be unplanned. Also, Warren has made a point of working with the DNC where Sanders has no interest in those corporate tools. The beneficiaries will be Biden and the DNC. From here, the next election looks like a repeat of the last one. There is, however, some small chance that the Chump will be impeached. I don’t think Pence can hold the base. That appearance of moral sincerity that served him well in Indiana is lost on the militia types. They’re not interested in morality.
“Prosecutors don’t convict gangsters of any kind without testimony from other gangsters. Lev Parnas fits the ‘smoking gun’ role perfectly. I hope he has bodyguards.
“I’m finding references to Scapa Flow as military history and as an oil terminal, but not as a current military base. However, I did find a .pdf document from the Orkney Islands Council regarding Brexit. It has no military information at all. The most interesting parts of that for me was that the Orkney Islands are more clearly connected to the international community than any part of the United States except perhaps Hawaii. Also, they seem to see their national government as Scotland. That’s not clarified in this particular report, but their expectations and reliance on the UK are a minor factor in their planning for Brexit. Scotland matters more. (Link available on request.) Apparently, the ‘United Kingdom’ is somewhat less united than the United States.”
My response to the Blog:
Perhaps so. If so, Warren would not be the first and certainly will not be the last. Further, if true, it speaks to her preparation. Regardless, yes, I did like the line because it was fact well delivered.
I’m not seeing the connection to the 2016 election. Yes, I do think it is a virtual certainty (unless he is convicted in the Senate and thus permanently disqualified) that the BIC will be the Republican candidate. However, in 2016, Hillary was virtually the anointed Democratic candidate, who had to go through a difficult, pro forma, primary challenge. I do not see any anointed Democratic candidate in 2020. On the flip side, the BIC has been far more anointed by Republicans than Hillary ever was; many state Republican parties have eliminated primaries altogether even though there are Republican challengers, virtually declaring the BIC the chosen one. As the primary season plays out, we shall see more of the process that will help fill in some details.
Republicans, more so than Democrats, tend to use morality as a weapon to assault opponents, except when the immorality comes from their boy—their tribe. Odd that the BIC was far more Democrat than he has ever been Republican, but hey that is just a minor detail. Nonetheless, each tribe suspends their values, their beliefs, when it comes to members of their tribe. We saw it in the Clinton era, and now we see the inverse during the BIC era. Morality only applies to other tribes, not theirs.
Parnas is an interesting character, but I do not believe he has the “smoking gun.” From everything I have seen so far, I think the man who holds the “smoking gun” is Bolton; and the Republican tribe is doing everything humanly possible short of assassination to prevent Bolton from speaking publicly. I suspect we will not hear testimony under oath from either Parnas or Bolton.
Yes, Scapa Flow closed as a Royal Navy base and anchorage in 1956—a lot of history. Now, it seems to be a tourist attraction, and an oil terminal as you say. However, there are people there who know the history. Regardless, all of this is just conjecture at this point. Sure, send the link; I’m always striving to learn more.
. . . Round two:
“Warren is not the DNC's anointed candidate. Her stratagem weakens both Sanders and herself, but I don't know if she realizes that. The DNC's favored tool is Biden. Others who would follow the sponsors'/party's line would be harder to elect. Biden can cite the popular Obama without the partisan base recalling their failures to overcome the GOP on economic, racial, and climate change issues or their lack of enthusiasm for the fight. However, that's exactly the approach that lost the general election for Clinton. History repeats itself.
“The Republicans' use of personal morality has always been a strategy, not a deep commitment. However, that strategy has worked for Pence in the past. The Chump has broadened the base by appealing more directly to the racism and xenophobia of others that also count as conservative but don't want any attention to their personal morality. That will leave Pence, with his laser-like focus in others' personal behaviors, as an uncomfortable figure for those more like the Chump in their attitudes.
“I'd like to see both Parnas and Bolton as witnesses. They were in different positions and have different experiences. Also, we don't know what specific events each of them participated in, or how they would hold up under questioning.
“What really interested me about the Orkneys report was the lack of reliance on the UK (versus Scotland) for resources and leadership in Brexit. https://www.orkney.gov.uk/Files/News/Brexit_Preparations.pdf “
. . . my response to round two:
I did not claim Warren was a DNC anointed candidate. Further, I do not believe Biden is anointed, either. The Democrats appear to have done much better than 2016 to give everyone a chance, execute a reasonable process to winnow down the candidates to a realistic number, and carry out an open primary process in the states to select their candidate. The DNC is trying to execute a far more equitable process than the Republicans.
Interesting observations about Pence; I cannot find a point to argue.
I’m with you. I’d like to hear what Parnas and Bolton have to say. Today should give us an indication as the Senate debates and votes on the rules resolution. Bolton is far more seasoned regarding DC politics. Also, I must say I have been impressed by the interviews Parnas has done so far; he comes across as a measured, calm individual despite the BIC’s insults.
Interesting article on the Orkney Islands perspective regarding Brexit. I will note that it was current only to March 2019, and thus does not reflect major events since, not least of which was Johnson’s premiership. There are numerous intriguing questions not answered inside their position paper. I think it fairly obvious there will be knock-on effects no matter what HMG does. HMG has false-started so many times, it is very hard to predict how this next deadline will be met.
. . . Round three:
“I disagree about the DNC's choice of Biden, and I dislike the spin-laden term ‘anointed.’ ‘Tool of choice’ is more accurate and reflects the calculation behind the DNC's support of one candidate or another. As usual, I put no faith in anyone's marketing, in this case about the party's openness or choice of candidates. Follow the money coming into and going from the DNC.”
. . . my response to round three:
Call it what you will . . . I do not see any indication the DNC has chosen any candidate including Joe Biden.
Another contribution:
“Your Democrat candidates can speak clearly and muster the political correctness all day and night but it’s all just talk and we know they would get NOTHING constructive done .. watching them was boring .. Nothing that can beat Trump .. impeachment is ridiculous .. Democrats are a joke .. you saw the true Warren when she confronted Sanders .. but as long as they stand at a podium and say all the right things in just the right way, that’s all that matters .. how they act and talk away from the microphone doesn’t matter eh ? That’s who they really are .. nothing but slimy politicians.. and worse yet, they are DemoRAT politicians.. the worse kind ..Pete B can dream on ... Love that Martha McSally has grown balls ..the left wing media hacks need to be called out for who they are .. liars. The dishonest Arizona election where she lost to Sinema .. and just what has Sinema accomplished? CNN is paying dearly aren’t they for the bogus display where they made the MAGA hat wearing student look just how they wanted to .. this is how CNN does business and they have suckers just like you who fall for it ...truth prevails.”
My response:
First, before we jump into this week’s contribution, we have some unfinished business from last week. What did you mean by “SOL” from your contribution last week?
In this week’s contribution, you said “Your Democrat candidates.” First, I have never registered or proclaimed myself to be a member or even supporter of any political party—Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, or any other. Second, they are not my candidates. I was only commenting on my observations of the last debate (or any other). Third, I am working a topic for this week’s Update that may interest you (or maybe not)—American exceptionalism.
Re: “NOTHING constructive done.” This is categorically a false statement quite consistent with the BIC’s false statements. The statement implies the speaker does not know or understand history, period, full stop. Such statements do not aid your arguments.
“Democrats are a joke” . . . to you, not to me. I am not particularly enamored by any politician—Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, or troll under the bridge. Just as I listen to what the BIC says, I listen to all other relevant players.
You may well be correct regarding Warren. Her conduct in that moment was despicable. I have no idea where some of your opinions come from, but they are certainly not reflective of the truth.
“nothing but slimy politicians” oh that’s rich. I presume you do not include the vaunted BIC in that accusation. Further, I suspect you do not apply that observation on any member of your tribe—only the other guys. Such absolutism does not complement your arguments.
By your comments in support of McSally’s conduct, you approve of such behavior by any public figure, or perhaps your observation only applies to your tribe. Please explain how Manu Raju was lying; he asked a very simple, straight-forward, relevant question; why did he deserve to be treated like that?
None of this discussion is even remotely concerned with the truth—only tribal loyalty. So be it. We recognize it for what it is. This is not about viable debate on issues, or about finding solutions to the problem faced by this Grand Republic and We, the People.
. . . Round two:
“SOL ..abbreviation for Solemeni .. my disregard for him is to not bother to learn how his name is correctly spelled thus an abbreviation
“I am not contributing to the blog when I respond although I could care less if you print it .. I am responding out of emotion towards your attitude that what YOU believe is the truth and it must be so, because you saw it on TV.
“American exceptionalism.. should be interesting.. let’s hope it is not of the type of Obama think.. where America should be more humble and not seek high economy . Let America pay higher tariffs.. take from the rich and middle class and give to those who never paid into our tax system (non citizens)
“Democrats have done nothing in three years but work to remove our President.. again name 5 things they have done for our country and it’s people .. they are a waste of taxpayer money .. Behind their false fronts they are no different from what you accuse Trump of. No, Trump is far from a slimy politician, he gets things done , without kickbacks.
“Nobody, regardless if they are a public figure or not, should be required to speak to anyone just because they stick a microphone to that persons face and that person is on camera .. especially if the news source is a leftist outlet that will undoubtedly spin the interview (edit highly) just as CNN did with the MAGA hat wearing student ( only one example of many times this has happened, thus giving CNN the title of FAKE NEWS) I wish it was me that happened to .. I too would have filed suit and would now be a multi-millionaire.
“Nothing I have said above is untruth.”
. . . my reply to round two:
Ahso. Thx. No worries. We never know unless we ask.
I am sorry you have such a small view of the effort I expend to collect the facts as best I can. I will not argue with your shallow view. Let it suffice to say my sources include much more than TV or “leftist outlet(s),” as you indicated.
You will render judgment of my words, as always. I eagerly await your assessment.
When you state “Democrats have done nothing in three years,” it is patently false. This URL may help you take a more informed position: https://www.congress.gov/public-laws/116th-congress. Far beyond the public laws, the House passed and sent to the Senate 400+ bills that McConnell has steadfastly stonewalled—no debate, no vote. So, please do not make such false statements.
There would be no reason for impeachment if the BIC had behaved better in his employment for We, the People. The BIC brought this on himself, period, full stop. He has gotten away with outrageous conduct; the House finally said, enough is enough. And, so far, the Senate majority tribe continues to strive mightily to protect their boy’s outrageous conduct. “They sow the wind; they shall reap the whirlwind.”
I have wasted too much time “listing” things and doing your research for you without response. I do not need to waste more time. Please, you list five (5) things the BIC has done for this Grand Republic—facts, not emotion.
You missed the point entirely re: the McSally response. She could have just ignored the question. She had no obligation to answer. But no, she chose to be insulting to a journalist doing his job, just like the BIC, her hero. “leftist outlet that will undoubtedly spin the interview” is rich; so the “rightist outlets” do not spin their reporting. I appreciate the “leftist outlets” do not report the things you apparently want to hear, but that is not their job. I watched the unedited full video of the “MAGA hat student,” so I have a clear view of his conduct.
“Nothing I have said above is untruth.” Well, actually, that is false as noted above.
. . . Round three:
“They didn’t say ‘enough is enough’ .. they’ve wanted to impeach him from day one .. he could have spoken royally and have been totally politically correct in all his actions and deeds and they would have STILL called some inane reason for impeachment..
“You STILL believe the MAGA hat student was at fault ???? Wow !!!! People don’t win multi million lawsuits when they are at fault !!! Have you not heard he won the case ? If you haven’t it proves you only watch left media . CNN actually STAGED that whole event .. one of many fake events.
“Thanks for the Congress bill link .. will look over that .. glanced and saw some good bills. Not all Democrat members of Congress are unproductive perhaps. But Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff .. look at their state .. your old state .. shameful and why isn’t something being done to crack down on drugs coming into the country ? I alone know two in the Phoenix area that have died in the last month .. these drugs coming in are lethal ..“
. . . my reply to round two:
“they’ve wanted to impeach him from day one” is a right-wing talking point, but it is prima facie false. Yes, some Democrats have espoused such foolishness, but Speaker Pelosi, the House Majority leadership and the majority of the Democrat representatives argued against impeachment until the Whistleblower Complaint brought the BIC’s 25.July.2019 telephone call to light. Even after the damning evidence of the Special Counsel’s report became public, the House Majority chose NOT to open an impeachment hearing, as I thought they should have done after reading the whole document. So, I categorically disagree with your supposition. As always, you are entitled to believe whomever you wish, but the right-wing, pseudo-fact generation is WRONG, period, full stop. I urge you to abandon the falsehood.
Re: “the MAGA hat student.” Apparently, you did not watch the whole collection of video clips from various perspectives. If my children had acted like that, they would have received a serious talking-to on proper public conduct. Oh well, so be it. Once again, I believe you are seriously mistaken. Please see: URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2019_Lincoln_Memorial_confrontation
It offers a good summary of the various legal actions in that case(s). Reality is not as you suggest. Perhaps you are listening to the wrong sources that do not serve you well.
You are welcome. First off, congressional representatives do not make law, or enforce law, or establish policy within any state; they are federal employees and have no state authority. Your reference to Pelosi and Schiff in that context is wrong and quite BIC-like distractions. I appreciate your reference to the consequences of illegal drugs, but your implication that Pelosi & Schiff are culpable is also false and fundamentally wrong.
Facts are facts. Let us try to stay with the facts rather than political talking points from either extreme.
. . . Round three:
“Omg I absolutely am astounded how much you sound like the talking points of the day on every left run news program on CNN and MSNBC etc and utter shock you haven’t seen impeachment on the brain starting with Stormy Daniels (orchestrated pseudo fact) and Russian collusion.. as easy as you barf out that the right is wrong I can say the exact same thing of the left and believe I am right and you are wrong. Again Cap show proof before you accuse anyone of being wrong and patting yourself on the back for “being better informed “ from whatever sources you say you have .. they all do sound like CNN .. name your sources I dare you.
“Every paragraph I read below takes my breath and makes me laugh .. yes I too saw total footage of the day of the MAGA Hat dude (MHD) event where it was purposefully orchestrated for the old Indian fellow to stop in front of MHD and continuously drum and give firm eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time even you or I would have snickered in its weirdness and level of uncomfort. Don’t know if you heard about the Indian dude but he has past history of other incidents of confrontation and agitation. And also in the full footage of that event there were other perfectly orchestrated Antifa like noisemakers in another area of the crowd. You haven’t seen this because CNN doesn’t show it .. CNN won’t admit on screen they were wrong and certainly won’t tell their wayward watchers the truth that they paid multimillions to the MHD because this was one of MANY events CNN created as FAKE to be construed as fact by their ever devoted audience . Wikipedia? Snopes? Never trusted for truth .. I read the Wikipedia link and it is VERY vague and does not conclude with any truth .. there was no standoff and probably not even any death threats .. all fake orchestration to create havoc and division.
“As for Pelosi I just try to say she is good for nothing .. the opioid crises is just one of MANY issues her constituents need assistance with .. California is a disaster.
“Sorry I did not notice at first ... the Wikipedia page was not vague and it did seem to provide quite a lot of data on the aftermath of the event .. It won’t come out and say however how utterly orchestrated the whole fiasco was. I never once believed that student was meaning any disrespect.”
. . . my reply to round three:
Thank you for taking the time to respond. It is clear that facts and truth do not matter—only how we interpret them. You see things in an entirely different way than I do, which is your right to do. I disagree with your interpretation of facts; I guess that will have to be the end of it. There is nothing I can present that will alter your interpretation. So be it. From my perspective, you have swallowed the BIC’s snake-oil and you truly believe you have been cured. Any attempt to show you that you are not cured is worthless and a waste of time. I have plenty of other writing projects to expend my capacity on productively. Therefore, let’s leave this with my statement—you win; I give up; I concede to your superior persistence and intransigence; and, I fully accept that you will say the very same things about me. C’est la guerre!
[NOTE: This contributor responded to my earlier challenge to provide a list of five accomplishments by the BIC. The contributor sent two lengthy lists, far too long for reproduction in this humble forum. I provided the following reply to both lists.]
Thank you for sending along both exhaustive lists. These are far too long to be reproduced in this humble forum for others to review. We shall have to let it suffice to say, these lists are searchable on the Internet.
I will note that I doubt you compiled either list. You do not cite your source(s). I suspect both lists came from source(s) you believe in and do not question. You could have just as easily cited the public laws the BIC signed into law during his tenure; a few of those laws appear in your lists. I started to select a few items to extend the debate, but I think it would be a waste of time. Beyond that we could debate many of the items on your lists, but I cannot see a way to have a productive debate; you believe and that is that. Once again, I concede; I give up; you are perfect in the BIC’s image, and of course spot on correct without question, just like the BIC—he is omniscient and omnipotent. You win! All hail the King.
. . . Round four:
“Ok agreed .. we just don’t see things the same .. time will tell. Although I doubt you will ever concede that Trump is good for our country even as they say ‘he makes public the ability to receive a cure for cancer.’ If that happened you and many others would still find reasons to criticize him.”
. . . my reply to round four:
Nice that we can agree on something.
I will further agree with you that I will likely never concede the BIC is good for the country. There is too much hard evidence to the contrary; I do not need more. To me, and perhaps me alone, the ends do NOT justify the means. We are above that destructive path. It is exactly that mentality that generated and sustains the Ugly American Syndrome, and alienated so many people. Curing cancer does not absolve anyone from bad conduct, period, full stop.
Allow me to close this thread; I laud and truly appreciate your willingness and effort to express your political opinions. It is vitally important to whatever survives of this Grand Republic for all voices to be heard, listened to, and responded to respectfully.
A different contribution:
An interesting point was raised in your correspondence re Scottish independence and the Shetlands including Scapa Flow. This is not a subject that has surfaced over here, well not in my reading. Certainly I shall trawl for it now as you’ve mentioned it. Damned good point mind, very valid. In fact of late the SNP (Scottish National Party) have been relatively noiseless, at least to their normal screaming and whining re Scottish independence. This has been noticeable since our PM Boris told them to stop this endless campaign and concentrate on getting the Scottish finances, education and healthcare up to the level of the rest of Britain. We shall see. No we are not of Scottish blood but have served there and have friends and contacts-it is without any doubt a most beautiful part of our ‘joint islands’ and I hope it will stay that way.
“I see today is a very big day Stateside-we await the outcome of the vote today and the subsequent vote in the other house-I look forward to your comments Cap with a certain amount of trepidation.”
My response:
Thanks for your insight and contribution.
We will keep an eye on things.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)