30 April 2018

Update no.852

Update from the Sunland
23.4.18 – 29.4.18
Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


            The follow-up news items:
-- We may be witnesses to history.  On Friday, RoK President Moon Jae-in and DPRK dictator Kim Jong Un [836, 844/9] met at the “Peace House” at Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone to issue their joint peace declaration as well as carry out several well choreographed photo-ops to mark the occasion.
            I read the translation of the declaration, and to me, the most significant element was §3.3, which states:
During the year that marks the 65th anniversary of the Armistice, South and North Korea agreed to actively pursue trilateral meetings involving the two Koreas and the United States, or quadrilateral meetings involving the two Koreas and the United States and China with a view to declaring an end to the War and establishing a permanent and solid peace regime.”
The armistice suspending combat actions on the Korean peninsula was signed on 27.July.1953, ending three bloody, brutal years of war.  The war was unprovoked and initiated by North Korea on 25.June.1950, by the current dictator’s grandfather Kim Il Sung.  Close behind §3.3 is §3.4, which states:
South and North Korea confirmed the common goal of realizing, through complete denuclearization, a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, South and North Korea shared the view that the measures being initiated by North Korea are very meaningful and crucial for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and agreed to carry out their respective roles and responsibilities in this regard.  South and North Korea agreed to actively seek the support and cooperation of the international community for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”
If this process, which may take years to realize, comes to fruition, the world will have taken a healthy step back from the brink of the abyss.  These are extraordinary words between the two halves of the Korean peninsula that to my knowledge we have never seen before.
            With all the encouraging news coming from the region, my observations of history caution me to not get carried away in the euphoria of the moment.  These things have invariably gone south after similar spurts of optimism in the past.  The proof will come with verified actions, rather than just words on paper.  However, this occasion is beginning to feel different . . . much different.
            Whether the BIC facilitated this dramatic reversal in the DPRK with his juvenile, bellicose ranting is truly irrelevant. If peace is finally achieved and denuclearization on the Korean peninsula is attained, the credit will and must go to the BIC.  His public bravado with other people’s lives and treasure will have accomplished something good.  Yes, he will get the credit, since his behavior and undiplomatic conduct altered the paradigm . . . just not quite yet.
-- The Republican-controlled House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) [840] released its long-awaited report on Russian interference in the 2016 election—“Report of Russian Active Measures” date 22.March.2018.
            I have not been able to read the whole 253-page report, as yet.  In the limited capacity I had available this week, I sought to extract some key relevant paragraphs, which is a tenuous task at best.  Please allow me the following selections.
            The opening paragraph of the Preface states:
(U} In 2015, Russiabegaengagingin a covert influence campaign aimed at thU.Spresidential election.  The Russiangovernment, at the direction of President Vladimir Putin, sought to sow discord in American society and undermine our faithIn thdemocratic process.  Now, more than year after theelection, the American people rightfully want to know what the Russians did; how they did it; with whose support, if anyone's; and what can be done to counter any election tampering by foreign adversaries in the future.”
The HPSCI concluded that Russia waged a campaign aimed at undermining democratic legitimacy in the U.S., but found no evidence that Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.
            From the Conclusions and Recommendations section:
“Russian Influence Campaigns in Europe 
“(U) For at least the last decade, Russihas aggressively engaged in an information war against the West.  The Kremlin takes advantage of the opennessfreedom of expression,and respect folegal norms enjoyed in Western democracies by conducting targeted, multi-facetedinfluence operations against itsadversaries Each influence campaign is unique to the populace, media environment, and internadynamic of thecountry being targeted.”
The pervasiveness of the Russian meddling campaign was clearly demonstrated despite the serious redacting of the report.
            As I continue to consume and process the information provided in the HPSCI report, I am struck by a few impressions.
1.) If the Russia meddling was as wide spread as the HPSCI report alleges and implies, why is the BIC so bloody resistant to taking aggressive action to stop the Russian efforts?
2.) As I read the evidence of Russian meddling, I am struck by an enormous dichotomy.  To me, the Russians were (are) no different from other hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qa’ida, Arian Nation, ISIL, et al.  They use our freedom of speech to spew their hatred.  And, the reality is, it is up to us—We, the People—to sort, filter and categorize erroneous or malignant information.  We do that by educating ourselves and engaging a vigorous free Press with a wide range of perspective.
3.) We must not succumb to the seduction of the path of least resistance.  Reactions to the Russian meddling could jeopardize our most basic freedoms.  If that happens in an effort to protect ourselves, we may well hand the Russian oligarchy the practical victory they seek.
4.) Lastly, just a concluding reminder, our issue of foreign meddling in our elections is not with the Russian people; it is entirely with the Russian political leadership and oligarchy.  We must avoid punishing the Russian people for the conduct of a dictator and his cronies. Likewise, we must not and cannot sacrifice our freedom to speak freely, even when our enemies use those very freedoms to divide us.

            The Senate confirmed, by a vote of 57-42, the nomination of Michael Richard ‘Mike’ Pompeo [USMA 1986] to be the next secretary of state, ending one of the most divisive confirmation battles for the nation’s top diplomatic job in recent memory.  The vote to confirm Pompeo would have had broader support in the Senate, if he was not seen as too close to the BIC, verging upon being yet another lackey for the BIC.  We can hope he grows into the job in a more dampening and balancing role, as Jim Mattis has done at Defense.  Also, hopefully, his relationship with the BIC will enable him to revitalize the State Department, as Tillerson was resoundingly unable to do.

            Wfinally have a conviction for a high-profile perpetrator of sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual misconduct. The comedian, actor, musician and author William Henry ‘Bill’ Cosby Jr., 80 years old, was convicted in his second trial on three charges of sexual assault.  He faces up to 10 years in prison for each of the three counts of aggravated indecent assault.  Cosby will undoubtedly and rightfully become the face of their oppressors for the Me Too Movement.
            Sadly, I must confess my past admiration for Cosby from his vanguard role as Alexander ‘Scotty’ Scott in the 1960s television series “I Spy” to his remarkable comedy routines.  He was a highly creative, accomplished and cerebral person.  The image that he was treating women (many women) as he did while I was admiring his genius makes his fall from grace all the more nauseating and disgusting.  He chose to exercise his perceived power over other people (predominately, if not totally, women) in a rather peculiar (although not unique) manner; however, the consequences of his actions were definitely not unique and are all too common among men of wealth, influence, power or authority.
            We need more convictions in courts of law to convince powerful men like Cosby that such abhorrent conduct is morally wrong and absolutely unacceptable in a free society that respects (or should respect) the equality and dignity of ALL citizens regardless of the social factors.  Men like Cosby, Weinstein, et al, had no right to do the things they did.  Power and authority do not make anyone better or more entitled than the rest of us common citizens.

            Comments and contributions from Update no.850:
“Russian meddling investigation .. how long has this been going on .. who has been paying for it ? Why has nothing been found ?  What's tragic is the stalling that has taken place to hide the real truth .. "Bob" Mueller .. Bobby?? How can the Russian meddling situation be a fact if it is not proven ? Cap it is so obvious you hate our President ... I find it entertaining that you talk of Trumps ego when isn't it YOUR ego driving the obvious frantic need you have to be right about him? You obsess over a Comey interview, watching it over and over to hopefully get the statements you need to prove to yourself that our President is unfit?  Words out of Comey' s mouth are not taken seriously by most of America .. so you say Comey stated that Trump is highly intelligent and knows what's going on but goes on to say Trump is "morally" unfit to be President ?  What a joke .. coming from the corrupt, lying, immoral, pedophilia-ridden left.  Then you throw in your little self congratulatory, almost hidden notation "Can you hear me now?" .. NOW do my blog readers believe I'm right in my belief that the President is unfit?  Because Comey said so ???? Haaaa!!!!
“Witch hunt it is, with the main purpose being to stall and distract our President from continuing to do great for our country.  If you are refusing to not see that, I am sorry for you ...”
My reply:
            Re: “Russian meddling investigation .. how long has this been going on?  Well, the answer depends upon definition(s).  My guess is, the intelligence community has been investigating since well before the 7.October.2016 letter . . . perhaps a year or more.  In this instance, I assume you mean specifically the Special Counsel’s investigation, so I would say nearly a year (17.May.2017)—not particularly long as complex investigations go.
            Re: “who has been paying for it? We, the People, have been paying the bills, as we have in every other special counsel investigation chartered in the history of this Grand Republic.
            Re: “Why has nothing been found? Respectfully, we do not know what the investigators have found other than the indictments against Papadopoulos, Manafort, Gates, Flynn, van der Zwaan, and I suspect soon to be Cohen. I also suspect there will be many others to join that group.  Mueller is an experienced and traditional investigator and prosecutor; he is unlikely to overplay his hand.  We will likely not know the outcome of his Russian meddling investigation until his final report is issued publicly.
            Re: “How can the Russian meddling situation be a fact if it is not proven?  If there was no Russian meddling in the 2016 election, I believe Mueller will state precisely that in his conclusions.  If he has evidence of collaboration between the Trump campaign or the Clinton campaign, and the Russians below probable cause, or between probable cause and beyond a reasonable doubt, I believe he will tell us what he uncovered.  If he finds evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, there will be indictments.  Until Russian meddling is proven, it is not a fact.
            Re: “it is so obvious you hate our President  Perhaps it is obvious to you; it is not obvious to me.  I have seen the BIC’s personality traits in other men, and none of them turned out well; innocent people were hurt in every single case.  I acknowledge that you (and many others) choose to ignore those traits for reasons that are known and important only to you; I respect that reality.  I have direct witness to what those personality traits invariably produce; I do not like those outcomes.  I do not hate the BIC; I just foresee as yet unknown bad consequences.
            Re: “when isn't it YOUR ego driving the obvious frantic need you have to be right about him?  Wow!  That is quite a leap!  To be precise, I truly hope and pray I am wrong; I do NOT want to be correct. It is just my experience being around men of his ilk that talks.  Honestly, I would love for him to be the first exception to my experience. Unfortunately, his performance to date has done nothing but validate my observations.  Let me say it again; I want to be wrong!
            For the record, I repeatedly listen to or read the words of critical moments.  I have listen to the BIC’s words more times than I can count, because I want and need to absorb the inflection, the nuance, the context.  My comment about listening to Comey’s words multiple times was intended only to say I was trying to be very careful with his words, as I have done with the BIC, Obama, Bush, Clinton, et al, as well as Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, et al.
            Re: “coming from the corrupt, lying, immoral, pedophilia-ridden left.  I hesitated to even repeat that.  It is highly unworthy and totally unsubstantiated hate rhetoric. There are bad men of all political persuasions.  Apparently, you choose to see what you wish to see.
            Re: “Can you hear me now?  That was a play on the telephone commercial. I’m sorry you missed that.
            Re: “Witch hunt it is, with the main purpose being to stall and distract our President from continuing to do great for our country.  Wow!  I considered ignoring that statement as well, but I cannot.  There was not one word in there about finding out what the Russians did in the last election and discovering what we can do to stop it.  Apparently, you have bought the BIC’s snake-oil . . . hook, line and sinker.  One more time, the Mueller investigation is NOT about the BIC; it is about Russian meddling in our elections.  No matter how many bloody, freakin’ times he says, “no collusion,” it does NOT make it so.  You believe him without question; I do not; in fact, the more times he says it the less I believe him.  As I said, I’ve seen his kind far too many times.

            Comments and contributions from Update no.851:
“Who should be the next POTUS, to whom you ‘look forward’?”
My reply:
            Good Q: “Who should be the next POTUS, to whom you ‘look forward?’  I would say a person (female or male) with moral character, humility, passing knowledge of history, curiosity, eloquence, appetite to learn, and respect for the Office of the President and all other human beings as equals.
            The only candidate in the last election who came the closest to those requirements was Jill Ellen Stein.  There are many others qualified to be president; however, there are very few of that number who would be willing or have the drive to take on the headaches of the job.

Comment to the Blog:
“While I will probably not see the movie about the Pentagon Papers, I remember the event.  It marks the beginning of my questioning authority figures' statements about political and social issues.  Until the Pentagon Papers, I never dreamed that a President could also be a petty crook, much less the mobster now in the White House.
“I'm having a difficult time recalling the meaning of your acronym BIC.  My brain returns the word ‘bitch’ instead of ‘bully in chief.’  Given his Twitter habits and general whiny babyhood that fits him.
“Based on history I would not have foreseen the fixer as the gang member to break.  They typically have a great deal to lose.  However, I am familiar with the law enforcement practice of putting pressure on all malefactors until at least one key witness breaks.  So far, so good.  It seems that procedure has netted a previously unknown target, Sean Hannity.  That’s nice.
“I find myself a little less skeptical than you about Kim Jong Un of North Korea's intentions.  His situation has worsened in important ways, South Korea appears ready to negotiate, and I'm discounting his personality as a factor. Also, he may be able to use these talks for a little leverage with China.  (China's not a nation to trifle with, but Kim may not realize that.)  That doesn’t give me great confidence but does make me content to watch and wait.
“I don't doubt that some Republican, probably Nunes, leaked Comey's late-in-the-campaign letter about the Clinton matter.  Comey's admission of his miscalculation doesn't surprise either.  What does surprise me is that you seem surprised.  Given that Comey sent that letter, what did you expect?  Comey expected it to be released, or he wouldn’t discuss his mistake the way he does.
“The Democratic National Committee lost my allegiance long ago due to their centrist and weak policy positions and their corruption.  I don't expect them to do things that win elections or protect democracy.”
My response to the Blog:
            I would likewise offer the publication of the Pentagon Papers as an appropriate demarcation point for the serious distrust of government, at least public awareness of the betrayal of our political leaders.
            I provided the definition of BIC at the beginning of Update no.851.
            “putting pressure on all malefactors” indeed! Mueller appears to be a master working from the periphery to the center.
            Well, I hope you are closer to correct than me regarding the DPRK.  It would be nice to not have that threat hanging over humanity.
            What surprises me is people blaming Comey, when he was simply doing his job.
            I understand your feelings regarding the DNC.
            Some will likely argue that the public response to the publication of the Pentagon Papers is precisely why such material should have remained classified and protected for 20-50 years.  I was serving as a Lieutenant of Marines during the whole Daniel Ellsberg / Pentagon Papers episode.  At the time, I thought Ellsberg’s unilateral action to violate federal law was treasonous, since we were at war and his actions definitely aided the enemy.  However, in the sobering light of history’s retrospective, it was the actions of political leaders whose myopic decisions were captured and illuminated in the Pentagon Papers that were truly wrong.  Ellsberg, among the dozens who knew the reality, felt a moral obligation to expose the profound deceit perpetrated on We, the People—the house of cards built upon prodigious falsehood.  Today, I know history far better than I did in those days, and I have Daniel Ellsberg to thank for that knowledge.
            Whether we like it or not, Comey had a legal obligation to inform Congress of the FBI investigation into the potentially felonious conduct of a leading political figure.  It was Congress that failed in its responsibility to protect such sensitive information, especially during the heat and intensity of a presidential election campaign.  It was Congress that sought to affect the outcome of the election—not James Comey.  Once the fact was exposed to public scrutiny, Comey had no choice but to assume a position of transparency.  I defend Comey’s actions, although I resent the implications; however, I clearly and demonstrably blame Hillary Clinton for the terribly misguided, selfish, arrogant decisions she alone made in 2008 that set the stage.  She could have weathered the storm for that bad decision, if she had simply turned over ALL of her eMail messages (professional, public and private) to the public archive and submitted to the consequent public reaction to what had to be some not so complimentary “private” messages. She chose to violate federal law; she alone bears responsibility for those decisions—not James Comey, or even Congress.

            Mvery best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap                        :-)

23 April 2018

Update no.851

Update from the Sunland
16.4.18 – 22.4.18
Blog version:  http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/


            Jeanne and I watched the Spielberg movie “The Post” about the publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971—a helluva cinema event.  For those born short of my generation, you may not appreciate the significance of the events and the time portrayed in the movie, but everyone should know what happened during that time and why those events occurred.  Spielberg did a credible job at capturing those days and events. Unfortunately, the subject of the movie has direct applicability to the anti-Press campaign the BIC has persisted in waging today.

            Just a courtesy reminder: BIC = Bully In Chief . . . AKA the fellow in the Oval Office (a play on the constitutional commander-in-chief).  I simply find it difficult to repeat his name.  I look forward to the 46th President whomever that might be.

            The follow-up news items:
-- The BIC’s fixer Michael Cohen [837, 850], under orders from the judge in his case, had to disclose his client list.  He complied.  He had three clients in toto: the BIC, GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy (under a criminal cloud himself and his own payoff for silence case), and an unnamed third person.  According to Cohen’s attorneys, the third client had “directed Mr. Cohen to not reveal the identity publicly.”  The judge did not find that response acceptable and insisted upon disclosure to the bench.  Cohen chose to blurt out the third client was Fox News commentator Sean Hannity, who in turned denied engaging or retaining Cohen.  The disclosure does not bode well for Cohen or the BIC.  I expect the judge to reject the restraining order petition and allow the normal evidence assessment process to proceed. Hopefully, we do not have to wait too long.  As so many things associated with the BIC, I wonder why he so afraid of what Cohen might have to divulge?  The BIC has the authority to pardon Cohen, even before he his charged with any specific crimes; he cannot pardon or exclude the material seized by the FBI in the warranted searches.
-- This whole U.S.-DPRK summit affair remains one of those specific, singular actions/events that might well gain the BIC some degree of recovery in the dustbin of history. I am watching the evolution of this meeting with keen attention (as best I can as an observant private citizen). The disclosure this week that CIA Director Mike Pompeo met with DPRK dictator Kim Jong Un [836, 844/9] in Pyongyang in preparation for the summit offered encouragement. The disclosure was probably intended to bolster Pompeo’s lagging confirmation as the new secretary of state rather than illuminate the summit preparations.  Nonetheless, the administration’s outreach via the Pompeo visit was a positive move.  I am guardedly optimistic that positive change might be achieved for the Korean peninsula, for the region and perhaps even the world; however, the history of the DPRK’s conduct weighs down my optimism . . . or perhaps I must acknowledge my wishful thinking.  
-- Former FBI Director James Comey has been on a media blitz [850] upon publication of his book.  The two memoranda that he released to Columbia University Law Professor Daniel C. Richman and precipitated the Special Counsel investigation [804] were disclosed (redacted) this week.  Those memoranda were also marked and classified, which presents an enormous ethical dilemma and certainly reflects the reality that Comey was seriously between a rock and hard spot since he first acknowledged the FBI Clinton eMail server investigation [737, 760].  Comey himself redacted elements of one that he knew to be classified to protect secrets before he handed the documents over to his friend.  He determined at the time that another memo contained no classified information, but after he left the FBI, bureau officials upgraded it to “confidential,” the lowest level of classification.  One of many sad realities with all this, Comey was virtually forced to make his public statement on Clinton after the content of his procedural disclosure to Congress was leaked to the Press (I believe to this day that a Republican Member of Congress leaked that notification letter to create doubt about Hillary Clinton during the campaign; and the primary candidate for the source of that leak to the Press is Representative Devin Gerald Nunes of California, Chairman, HPSCI [840], probably on stimulation from his political benefactor).  Regardless of whether we agree with or support Comey, we must give him credit for standing to the mark and enduring brutal questioning on a public stage.  He is calm, balanced, articulate and very careful with his choice of words—quite the contrast with his tormentor.  
-- The Democratic National Committee has filed a civil suit, citing the Russian government, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks as defendants and accusing them of conspiring to interfere in the 2016 presidential election [782].  I understand the sentiment alleged in the suit.  However, I think the suit is ill advised, likely to be counter-productive and an extraordinary waste of resources on a low-yield endeavor. A far higher-yield path would be protecting the Special Counsel investigation [804], since Congress has proven itself wholly unable to properly investigate Russian election meddling.  So far, it appears the Russians may well have accomplished their objectives—cast doubt upon and weaken American democracy; it sure looks that way based on our present body of facts.

            Comments and contributions from Update no.850:
Comment to the Blog:
“Trump's campaign had significant contact with Russians and sought to conceal that fact. (I can state that much as simple fact at this point.)  Of course, they fear the investigation into Russian election activities.  Beyond that, the Mueller investigation has already uncovered criminal activity by Trump associates that is not the focus of their investigation and has referred that information to the appropriate authorities. Regardless of legal hair-splitting, if Trump attempts to remove Mueller he will be met with street protests and a great deal of other resistance.  The other investigations will also continue.
“Cap, your view of Tesla's choice not to cooperate with the NTSB investigation into the autonomous-vehicle accident comes only from your work history.  Tesla very likely seeks to influence the outcome of the investigation by bringing public pressure on the investigators.  While that is ethically questionable, it very much reflects the times in which we live.  Casting government as the villain has been the modus operandi of the various powerful people in the USA back to Reagan.
“I don't understand your unstated emotion about ABC's interview with James Comey.  I see zero new information there except that the prosecutor in Comey seeks to downplay the chance of an insanity plea by declaring that Trump is ‘morally’ unfit rather than mentally ill.  Comey has a best seller to market.  Pardoning Scooter Libby annoys me, but I'm accustomed to Trump admiring those I see as criminals.
“You continue to rail against Trump's outrageous rantings. Why?  Whatever the explanation, that's a familiar phenomenon by now.  Unlike Mr. Comey, I think Trump might appropriately plead insanity.
“Americans still need a longer perspective on how our government has come to this sad state.  It's not merely Trump or the current Congress that brought us down.  The genesis of our condition goes back to at least the Reagan campaign (including Oliver North et al.) on the Republican side and the advent of the Clinton Democrats on their side.  I'm remembering Johnny Carson's advice.  ‘If they buy the premise, they'll buy the bit.’  Reagan sold the ‘trickle down/greed is good/everybody else hates us white U.S. men’ premise thoroughly.  Enough voters to elect Trump still buy the bit.  The current Congress came about largely because of the gullibility of those Reagan voters.  (If you’re one of Reagan’s voters, I’d rather not offend you, but I stand by the statement.)  Unwilling to do the intellectual and emotional work of understanding their surroundings, they voted for emotionally soothing notions presented by a well-chosen grandfatherly actor.  It has taken hard work and big money for the oligarchs to keep that process going, but here we are.
“In this connection, I see Mueller as part of our deliverance, but the millennials as the larger piece.  They are the future in a literal sense, and they know what they are going through and understand the process I discussed.”
My response to the Blog:
            Hiding and lying about pre-election meetings with the Russians is not collusion.  The BIC may well be correct, i.e., there was no collusion.  Lying to federal investigators is a crime. Negotiating with a foreign government before the BIC became POTUS is unethical and also a crime (although it has never been prosecuted).  I have felt for some time now that the BIC’s mortal fear is not collusion, or the Russian interference in our election(s), but the potential exposure of shady business dealings, his real net worth, and his potential criminal activities in international business, e.g., bribery, money laundering, et cetera.  There are already signs Mueller may well be following the money and where the breadcrumbs lead his investigative team, e.g., their referral of the Cohen investigation to the U.S. Attorney in NY.
            Yes; precisely; and, my working experience, both military & civilian, covers more than a few aircraft accident investigations, i.e., time tested.  The structure of NTSB investigations has evolved over time.  While I broadly agree with and support the NTSB investigative process, I have one notable exception—the TWA 800 investigation; however, I chalk up that particular exception to political interference, which is not supposed to happen.
            Well, that is a slightly different perspective. I do not and never have believed or even suspected that he was / is clinically diagnosable as insane. I do absolutely agree with Comey’s assessment that the BIC’s sense of morality, however much might exist, is so far below any acceptable or even tolerable level, but that does not alter the reality that the BIC is the duly elected POTUS, and a paucity of morality is not an impeachable offense . . . until his absence of morality causes him to actually commit a crime.  I will also note that the BIC’s “shoot someone” public pronouncement is absolutely consistent with Comey’s “morally unfit” assertion.
            Your critique of my continued railings against the BIC’s incoherent rantings is quite appropriate; it serves no purpose beyond giving me some momentary, fleeting, sense of satisfaction . . . like recognizing a tornado.
            I do not have much to argue with in your genesis assessment.  I would add that the Tea Party Republicans have gained inordinate influence—they vote in the primaries.  Once the candidate is determined, the loyaltists fall in line regardless of the immorality of the candidate.  A commentator observed there is 35% of the electorate that will vote Republican no matter what; conversely, there are 35% who will vote Democrat no matter what.  That leaves 30% of moderates and independents who must decide between the lesser of two evils. Unless we start altering vote counts like Stalin consistently did, the oligarchs only have as much power as we give them.  For example, it is up to We, the People, to filter out the effects of yellow journalism or the weighted advertisements of the oligarchs.
            I’m afraid we shall have to hope and pray the millennials do sort it out.  Our generation has failed.  The cleaning of the house will take time.  There is always hope.
 . . . follow-up comments:
“Your analysis of Trump's legal situation is completely correct as far as I know but does not address the larger picture.  The important part, to me, is that Trump is clearly hiding some important facts and believes Mueller has begun to uncover them.  Trump has a personality that focuses on personal conflict rather than more moral or practical issues.  Thus, he sees Mueller as a personal enemy rather than understand that doing business and politics in certain ways will have consequences.  Trump's grasp of the legal details is probably beyond fuzzy.  Thus, Trump continues to attack Mueller. Mueller, not burdened by the personality focus, has wisely referred some of the legal issues to another authority.
“My point about your view of the Uber accident investigation is that you fail to see others' ‘reality.’  Uber's objective has little to do with helping outside investigators understand the nature of the accident. Corporations, by design, are self-serving.  Objectively helping the investigation (and submitting to its authority) would probably cost Uber money one way or another. That's an ethical issue, but it's not news.
“If there is a line between morality and sanity, it's exceedingly hard to find in cases like Trump's.
“Your description of voters (35% each Democrat and Republican, 30% independents) leaves out non-voters.  They are an increasing and important part of those who are eligible to vote.  In 2016, they (and I) voted for ‘neither of these,’ meaning neither Trump nor Clinton.  Speaking for myself, I refuse to vote for candidates I believe would further damage this country.  A plurality of registered voters either did not vote or, as I did, voted for a candidate with little chance of winning. Think about that.  If we counted all registered voters as expressing their opinion, neither Trump nor Clinton would be President.  ‘None of the above’ would have won by a large margin.  The candidate who can change that can defeat all others but will have to outsmart the oligarchs to wage a campaign.”
 . . . my follow-up response:
            I’m not sure I understand why you think I missed the larger picture.  Nonetheless, I do agree with your assessment.  The BIC has failed continuously to recognize the essence of the Russia investigation (begun by the FBI) was the offensive activities of Russia to muddy up our election (and others).  It was the firing of FBI Director Comey that precipitated the appointment of Special Prosecutor Mueller, as the specter of obstruction of justice exceeded tolerable levels.  He did this to himself, period, full stop!  Once his actions created the Special Counsel, the door was open to expose leads and follow the leads of any potential criminal activity . . . far beyond the instigating Russia investigation.  If he had just encouraged the FBI Russia investigation and supported that investigation, he would most likely not be in the pickle he is today.  It is my considered opinion that he had far more to hide in his business dealings than he ever had from collusion with respect to the election.  He simply could never get passed his personal perception of individual focus, i.e., in his mind, the investigation had to be about him personally, because everything (including the Sun) revolves around him—the ultimate consequence of extreme narcissistic egocentricity.
            To my knowledge, Uber is cooperating, as is Volvo who owns the technology.  It is Tesla who is resisting.  I would agree, the profit motive is probably driving Tesla’s uncooperative position.  Tesla owned the technology involved in their accident.  What I refuse to accept, the aircraft manufacturers have the same, if not far greater, investment in the engineering and technology of their products. Again, to my knowledge, none of the aircraft manufacturers have ever resisted NTSB investigations, and by their participation, they have very rarely dissented from any investigation, including TWA 800.
            The BIC’s paucity of morality presents extraordinary threats and challenges given the constitutional powers we have given him.
            Well, now, I must confess my mistake and relevant error.  I have always assumed (until now) that electorate meant those who voted.  The dictionary definition is far broader . . . those eligible or allowed to vote.  Thus, you are precisely correct.  I failed to acknowledge abstentions by intention, neglect or ignorance.  The comment and my reflection were focused on the narrow portion of those citizens who actually voted.  Likewise, I acknowledge that the lesser of two evils in the last election may well have turned off a significant number of voters, and by their abstention, we have what we have today.  Of all the available candidates, I voted for what I believed was the best of the lot.  That said, I cannot disagree with your assessment, except “none of the above” results in no viable commander-in-chief.

            Mvery best wishes to all.  Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap                        :-)