Update from the Heartland
23.11.09 – 29.11.09
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
23.11.09 – 29.11.09
Blog version: http://heartlandupdate.blogspot.com/
To all,
The follow-up news items:
-- Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina [393] is under investigation for 37 ethics charges stemming from his disappearance for an extramarital affair with an Argentine woman. The charges, if substantiated, may well lead to impeachment proceedings.
An express train enroute late Friday from Moscow to St. Petersburg derailed, killing at least 26 people and injuring scores of others, with 18 still unaccounted. Early reports suggest sabotage of at least one of the rails by an explosive device and suspicions that it may have been the work of Chechen terrorists and/or al-Qaeda operatives.
The Associated Press reported public announcements and statements by the Islamic Republic of Iran to build ten (10), industrial-scale, uranium enrichment facilities – a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of U.N. demands it halt enrichment efforts and a direct slap in the face of the United States and its Allies. My suspicion that there will be blood remains.
News from the economic front:
-- The National Association of Realtors reported existing-home sales rose 10.1% in October to a 6.10 million annual rate – more than expected from September as a tax credit offset fears about joblessness. The median price for an existing home last month was $173,100, down 7.1% from $186,400 in October 2008.
-- The U.S. Department of Commerce reported consumer spending rose in October by 0.7% as incomes rose and inflation remained low – another positive sign of economic growth. Personal income rose by 0.2% for the second straight month. However, a contrary sign came with manufacturers' orders for durable goods declining 0.6% to a seasonally adjusted US$166B in October, brought down by the defense sector.
-- The U.S. Department of Labor reported initial jobless benefits claims declined by 35,000 to 466,000 in the most recent week.
-- Unexpectedly, new-home sales rose 6.2% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 430,000 in October, while the median price for a new home slipped 0.5% to $212,200.
-- The dollar traded at ¥87 – its weakest level in 14 years – as central banks across Asia looked for ways to deal with the weakened U.S. dollar and uncertainty in the currency markets.
-- Dubai World reported trouble meeting its US$60B debt obligation, which in turn sent shockwaves across world financial markets. The fallout from this latest trauma will have to be watched closely for the next few months.
Comments and contributions from Update no.414:
“It was very interesting to read of your ‘close call,’ but also sad to read of the end result. Regarding the Ft. Hood incident, I was forwarded the following recently [Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West, USA (Ret.) opinion]. Please note, I have not verified.”
My reply:
I did not have the time to verify Colonel West’s opinion, but it seems generally correct, even if a little farther down the road than me. I am not there yet, but I certainly hold similar suspicions.
Another contribution:
“I’m with you on the Jefferson thing. No wonder so many in Congress feel they can break the law. Even when they get convicted, someone comes up with some ruling to make sure their punishment isn't too harsh. Talk about a double-standard.
“Good point on the PC crap. Even with everything coming out about this guy, people are still afraid to say radical Islam was a big part of the reason he went on this shooting spree. We are at war with terrorists, yet it's like if we point out who the enemy is, we're somehow racists. Crazy, man. Sometimes I feel like this country is an extended version of high school, where if you don’t believe what the so-called ‘popular people’ believe (i.e. the lamestream media, elitist pundits, left-wing academics, etc) then you're treated like a pariah. God forbid we disagree with someone yet still respect them as a person.”
My response:
Some convicts are allowed to remain free on appeal, but usually it is the judge who does not perceive the convict as a flight risk and there are grounds for appeal. Perhaps the judge sees something the rest of us peons do not. Based on what I know, “Dollar Bill” certainly did not deserve to remain free on appeal. But, it is what it is; so we move on.
Indeed! Some folks are cowed by their PC ethos. I am not one of those. Like the Tim McVeigh terrorist event, I suspect a larger connection but I have not seen any evidence to substantiate or validate my suspicions. Spot on, again; there are far too many people who judge the worthiness of others by their perceived coherence with their political positions – opponents are considered unworthy Neanderthals.
A different contribution:
“What I don't understand about the Northwest pilots' overflying their destination is that they missed the radio messages from the controllers. As I understand it, when the controllers received no response to their queries, that is when the ANG F-16's started to warm up and when everyone went into high warble over a possible terrorist incident. As you noted, there has to be something other than computer use that was going on.”
My reply:
They missed a lot more than just radio calls. Modern avionics systems present a variety of alerts and prompts to the crew, with the intent of helping the pilots maintain situation awareness. Plus, most big iron aircraft have company text messaging systems. Those two Northwest pilots missed a lot of things; not least of which, is a burning 6th sense that all pilots feel when they don’t hear anything on the radio for an extended time and especially approaching the boundary of controller regions. There is far too much we do not know, yet. On the ground side, aircraft do occasionally go NORDO (= NO RaDiO), which in itself is unusual since most modern aircraft have at least two radios; airliners like the A-320 have 3, 4, sometime 5 radios. There are NORDO procedures that have existed for decades. The controllers would have assumed NORDO since the aircraft was cruising at altitude and did not descent at its TOD (= Top Of Descent) point, which is what they would have expected for a NORDO aircraft, and is thus when they notified NorCom. I suspect the procedures may change that will scramble the fighters after so many minutes of no radio, transponder, or message contact. I get distracted when I’m focused on a research or writing task, but never distracted for over an hour. Yes, there is much more to this story than we know, and given the pilots’ sense of self-preservation, I suspect we may never know what happened in that cockpit on that day.
Another contribution:
“Regarding the notes of the Saturday night ‘procedural’ vote, I ask only this: I understand that for any domestic financial obligations be created the Internal Revenue code is a logical place for the law(s) to be established and documented, however, what does the ‘first-time’ home buyers credit have to do with health care? I'm amazed we can find anything in our financial accounting systems....or can we? This might also be a clue as to why we cannot find graft, mis-use, etc. with the current entitlement programs.”
My response:
The procedural vote was to end debate on the financial bill in order to open the floor debate on the health care bill. The two bills are not related, except by closing debate on one opened the debate for the other.
Our last contribution this week:
“Right on with the PC diversity discussion on the good raghead major. I'm surprised that no one has the nerve in the media to mention that he stayed in the service only because everyone who knew better was afraid to confront him because of the issue of diversity. It's was the same issue some years ago when ADM Stan Arthur was ‘Bork-ed’ by the PC police (Sen. Pat Schroeder) from his assignment as CINCPAC because, after no one in the chain of command had the nerve, he told some young female pilot that she didn't cut it. Same story with the female commander of the Abu Greb (sp?) prison who was obviously promoted far beyond her capability. I'm sure you've also noticed the USNA drill team where two members were replaced to show diversity. The message to our military members is obvious, do the PC thing, not the right thing.”
My reply:
I did not know the Stan Arthur story directly – only indirectly via the Pat Schroeder episode. I’m not so sure about the USNA Color Guard event; that was not a life-or-death situation like flying, and as I understand it, all 26 or 29 Mids were equally qualified to perform those duties. If so, then other selection factors may well have been appropriate.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)
The follow-up news items:
-- Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina [393] is under investigation for 37 ethics charges stemming from his disappearance for an extramarital affair with an Argentine woman. The charges, if substantiated, may well lead to impeachment proceedings.
An express train enroute late Friday from Moscow to St. Petersburg derailed, killing at least 26 people and injuring scores of others, with 18 still unaccounted. Early reports suggest sabotage of at least one of the rails by an explosive device and suspicions that it may have been the work of Chechen terrorists and/or al-Qaeda operatives.
The Associated Press reported public announcements and statements by the Islamic Republic of Iran to build ten (10), industrial-scale, uranium enrichment facilities – a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of U.N. demands it halt enrichment efforts and a direct slap in the face of the United States and its Allies. My suspicion that there will be blood remains.
News from the economic front:
-- The National Association of Realtors reported existing-home sales rose 10.1% in October to a 6.10 million annual rate – more than expected from September as a tax credit offset fears about joblessness. The median price for an existing home last month was $173,100, down 7.1% from $186,400 in October 2008.
-- The U.S. Department of Commerce reported consumer spending rose in October by 0.7% as incomes rose and inflation remained low – another positive sign of economic growth. Personal income rose by 0.2% for the second straight month. However, a contrary sign came with manufacturers' orders for durable goods declining 0.6% to a seasonally adjusted US$166B in October, brought down by the defense sector.
-- The U.S. Department of Labor reported initial jobless benefits claims declined by 35,000 to 466,000 in the most recent week.
-- Unexpectedly, new-home sales rose 6.2% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 430,000 in October, while the median price for a new home slipped 0.5% to $212,200.
-- The dollar traded at ¥87 – its weakest level in 14 years – as central banks across Asia looked for ways to deal with the weakened U.S. dollar and uncertainty in the currency markets.
-- Dubai World reported trouble meeting its US$60B debt obligation, which in turn sent shockwaves across world financial markets. The fallout from this latest trauma will have to be watched closely for the next few months.
Comments and contributions from Update no.414:
“It was very interesting to read of your ‘close call,’ but also sad to read of the end result. Regarding the Ft. Hood incident, I was forwarded the following recently [Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West, USA (Ret.) opinion]. Please note, I have not verified.”
My reply:
I did not have the time to verify Colonel West’s opinion, but it seems generally correct, even if a little farther down the road than me. I am not there yet, but I certainly hold similar suspicions.
Another contribution:
“I’m with you on the Jefferson thing. No wonder so many in Congress feel they can break the law. Even when they get convicted, someone comes up with some ruling to make sure their punishment isn't too harsh. Talk about a double-standard.
“Good point on the PC crap. Even with everything coming out about this guy, people are still afraid to say radical Islam was a big part of the reason he went on this shooting spree. We are at war with terrorists, yet it's like if we point out who the enemy is, we're somehow racists. Crazy, man. Sometimes I feel like this country is an extended version of high school, where if you don’t believe what the so-called ‘popular people’ believe (i.e. the lamestream media, elitist pundits, left-wing academics, etc) then you're treated like a pariah. God forbid we disagree with someone yet still respect them as a person.”
My response:
Some convicts are allowed to remain free on appeal, but usually it is the judge who does not perceive the convict as a flight risk and there are grounds for appeal. Perhaps the judge sees something the rest of us peons do not. Based on what I know, “Dollar Bill” certainly did not deserve to remain free on appeal. But, it is what it is; so we move on.
Indeed! Some folks are cowed by their PC ethos. I am not one of those. Like the Tim McVeigh terrorist event, I suspect a larger connection but I have not seen any evidence to substantiate or validate my suspicions. Spot on, again; there are far too many people who judge the worthiness of others by their perceived coherence with their political positions – opponents are considered unworthy Neanderthals.
A different contribution:
“What I don't understand about the Northwest pilots' overflying their destination is that they missed the radio messages from the controllers. As I understand it, when the controllers received no response to their queries, that is when the ANG F-16's started to warm up and when everyone went into high warble over a possible terrorist incident. As you noted, there has to be something other than computer use that was going on.”
My reply:
They missed a lot more than just radio calls. Modern avionics systems present a variety of alerts and prompts to the crew, with the intent of helping the pilots maintain situation awareness. Plus, most big iron aircraft have company text messaging systems. Those two Northwest pilots missed a lot of things; not least of which, is a burning 6th sense that all pilots feel when they don’t hear anything on the radio for an extended time and especially approaching the boundary of controller regions. There is far too much we do not know, yet. On the ground side, aircraft do occasionally go NORDO (= NO RaDiO), which in itself is unusual since most modern aircraft have at least two radios; airliners like the A-320 have 3, 4, sometime 5 radios. There are NORDO procedures that have existed for decades. The controllers would have assumed NORDO since the aircraft was cruising at altitude and did not descent at its TOD (= Top Of Descent) point, which is what they would have expected for a NORDO aircraft, and is thus when they notified NorCom. I suspect the procedures may change that will scramble the fighters after so many minutes of no radio, transponder, or message contact. I get distracted when I’m focused on a research or writing task, but never distracted for over an hour. Yes, there is much more to this story than we know, and given the pilots’ sense of self-preservation, I suspect we may never know what happened in that cockpit on that day.
Another contribution:
“Regarding the notes of the Saturday night ‘procedural’ vote, I ask only this: I understand that for any domestic financial obligations be created the Internal Revenue code is a logical place for the law(s) to be established and documented, however, what does the ‘first-time’ home buyers credit have to do with health care? I'm amazed we can find anything in our financial accounting systems....or can we? This might also be a clue as to why we cannot find graft, mis-use, etc. with the current entitlement programs.”
My response:
The procedural vote was to end debate on the financial bill in order to open the floor debate on the health care bill. The two bills are not related, except by closing debate on one opened the debate for the other.
Our last contribution this week:
“Right on with the PC diversity discussion on the good raghead major. I'm surprised that no one has the nerve in the media to mention that he stayed in the service only because everyone who knew better was afraid to confront him because of the issue of diversity. It's was the same issue some years ago when ADM Stan Arthur was ‘Bork-ed’ by the PC police (Sen. Pat Schroeder) from his assignment as CINCPAC because, after no one in the chain of command had the nerve, he told some young female pilot that she didn't cut it. Same story with the female commander of the Abu Greb (sp?) prison who was obviously promoted far beyond her capability. I'm sure you've also noticed the USNA drill team where two members were replaced to show diversity. The message to our military members is obvious, do the PC thing, not the right thing.”
My reply:
I did not know the Stan Arthur story directly – only indirectly via the Pat Schroeder episode. I’m not so sure about the USNA Color Guard event; that was not a life-or-death situation like flying, and as I understand it, all 26 or 29 Mids were equally qualified to perform those duties. If so, then other selection factors may well have been appropriate.
My very best wishes to all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Cap :-)